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Siguientes registros:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 

TituloFechaProveedorAccesoCambio de titulo
Catholic Education A Journal of Inquiry & Practice1997-Loyola Marymount University, Center for Catholic Education..
Catholic Health World1996-Catholic Health Association of the United States..
Catholic Historical Researches1885-1886JSTOR.Cambio de: Historical Researches in Western Pennsylvania, Principally CatholicCambio a: American Catholic Historical Researches
Catholic insight1996-Catholic Insight..
Catholic Layman1852-1858JSTOR..
Catholic Mirror Newspaper of the Diocese of Des Moines2001-Diocese of Des Moines..
Catholic New York1998-Ecclesiastical Communications Corporation..
Catholic Social Science Review1996-Philosophy Documentation Center..
Catholic University Law Review1950-Catholic University of America..
Catholic World1865-1901Making of America..
Catholic world report2008-Ignatius Press..
Cato Institute Briefing Papers1990-Cato Institute..
CATO Journal1981-Cato Institute, Washington, DC..
Cato Policy Report1994-Cato Institute..
Catoblepas Revista Crítica del Presento2002-Nodulo Materialista..
Católica Law Review2017-Universidade Católica Portuguesa..
Catrina the international journal of environmental sciences2006-Egyptian Journals..
Cattle1995-U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics..
Cattle and Sheep Outlook1995-1996U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service..
Cattle on Feed Canada1995-U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics..
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin2015-Russian Academy of Science. Southern Scientific Centre. Federal Research Centre..
Caucasian Regional Studies1996-2000International Association For Caucasian Regional Studies..
Caucasian Review of International Affairs2006-Caucasian Review of International Affairs..
Caucasiana2022-Pensoft Publishers..
Caucasus analytical digest CAD2008-CAD..
Caucasus context2007-World Security Institute..
Cauce Revista de filología y su didactica1994-2004Dialnet..
Cauce Revista de filología y su didactica2013-2014Centro Virtual Cervantes..
Cauces2007-Consejo Económico y Social..
Cauces Cuadernos del Consejo Económico y Social2007-Dialnet..
CAUCHY2009-UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang..
Cauliflower and broccoli trials1987-1988BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Cauriensia revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas2006-Dialnet..
Cauriensia revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas2006-Universidad de Extremadura..
Causa La periódico semanal órgano de la Federación Agrícola de Pontevedra1913Galiciana..
Causeries scientifiques découvertes et inventions progrès de la science et de l'industrie1862-1890Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris..
Cavanillesia altera2000-2002Biblioteca digital CSIC..
Cavanillesia Rerum Botanicarum Acta1928-1938Biblioteca digital CSIC..
Cave and karst science1994-2012British Cave Research Association.Cambio de: Cave science
Cave science the transactions of the British Cave Research Association1982-1993British Cave Research Association.Cambio de: Transactions of the British Cave Research AssociationCambio a: Cave and karst science
Cayapa2001-2019Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)..
Cayapa2001-Red ALyC..
Cazadores-Recolectores del Cono Sur2007-Editorial universitaria de Mar del Plata..
CBC newsletter1982-2018BioDiversity Heritage Library..
CBE Life Sciences Education2006-PubMed Central..
CBNU Journal of Education Research2016-2017Korea Science..
CBU Journal of Science2005-Dergipark..
CBW Conventions Bulletin Chemical and Biological Weapons1993-Harvard Sussex Program on CBW Armament and Arms Limitation..
CCAMLR Science Journal of the Scientific Committee and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources1994-Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources..
CCRYN Indian Journal of Yoga & Naturopathy2024-MedKnow..
CCS Chemistry2019-Chinese Chemical Society..
CD Summary Communicable Diseases1996-Oregon Health Division, Center for Disease Prevention and Epidemiology..
CDC Cuadernos de Comunicación2007-Dialnet..
CDE review1995-2017Korea Science..
CDE Working Paper Center for Demography and Ecology1992-University of Wisconsin-Madison..
CDELT Occasional Papers in the Development of English Education2015-Egyptian Journals..
CDIAC Communications Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center1994-U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Carbon..
CDR Weekly Communicable Disease Report1991-Health Protection Agency..
CDS Review2006-Chicago Dental Society..
Ce qu'il faut savoir sur la production fruitière1350-1350BioDiversity Heritage Library..
CEA forum2011-College English Association..
CEA Journal of Economics2006-Centar za Ekonomski Analizi..
CEBRI revista2022-CEBRI..
CECCAR Business Review2020-The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania..
Cedille Revista de Estudios Franceses2005-Red ALyC..
Cedille Revista de Estudios Franceses2005-Asociación de Profesores de Francés de la Universidad Española..
Cedille Revista de Estudios Franceses2005-Dialnet..
CEE News1997-Primedia Business Magazines and Media..
Cefiro Enlace hispano cultural y literario2000-Dialnet..
Ceiba1950-Zamorano Academic Press..
Ceiba1972-Universidad de Puerto Rico..
CELE Exchange Centre for Effective Learning Environments1992-Directorate for Education..
CELEHIS Revista del Centro de Letras Hispanoamericanas1991-Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata..
CELEHIS Revista del Centro de Letras Hispanoamericanas2014-SciELO (Argentina)..
Celerinet2013-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León..
Celeuma2013-USP Portal del Revistas..
Cell1995- excepto últimos 12 mesesElsevier Science..
Cell & Bioscience2011-BioMed Central..
Cell & Bioscience2011-PubMed Central..
Cell & Chromosome2002-2008BioMed Central..
Cell & Chromosome2002-2008PubMed Central..
Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy2008-2016CLOCKSS..
Cell Adhesion & Migration2007- excepto últimos 12 mesesTaylor & Francis..
Cell Adhesion & Migration2007-PubMed Central..
Cell adhesion and communication1997-2000Taylor & Francis.Cambio a: Cell Communication & Adhesion
Cell Biology and Toxicology2024-Springer..
Cell Biology Education2002-2005PubMed Central.Cambio a: CBEâ€â€Life Sciences Education
Cell Biology Education2002-2005American Society for Cell Biology.Cambio a: CBEâ€â€Life Sciences Education
Cell Biology Insights2008CLOCKSS..
Cell Biology International Reports2010-2012PubMed Central..
Cell Biology International Reports2010-Wiley Online Library..
Cell Chemical Biology2016- excepto últimos 12 mesesElsevier Science.Cambio de: Chemistry & Biology
Cell Communication & Adhesion2007-2018Taylor & Francis.Cambio de: Cell Adhesion and Communication
Cell Communication and Signaling CCS2003-PubMed Central..
Cell Communication and Signaling CCS2003-BioMed Central..
Cell Communication Insights2008-2017CLOCKSS..
Cell Cycle2002- excepto últimos 12 mesesTaylor & Francis..
Cell Cycle2009- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central..
Cell Death & Disease2010-PubMed Central..
Cell Death & Disease2010-Nature Publishing Group..
Cell Death and Differentiation1997- excepto últimos 12 mesesNature Publishing Group..
Cell Death and Differentiation2011- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central..
Cell Death Discovery2015-Nature Publishing Group..
Cell Death Discovery2015-PubMed Central..
Cell death in therapy2014-2016Portico..
Cell Discovery2015-PubMed Central..
Cell Discovery2015-Nature Publishing Group..
Cell Division2006-PubMed Central..
Cell Division2006-BioMed Central..
Cell Genomics2021-Elsevier Science..
Cell Genomics2021-PubMed Central..
Cell Growth and Differentiation1990-2001HighWire Press.Cambio a: Molecular Cancer Research
Cell Health and Cytoskeleton2009-2016Dove Medical Press..
Cell Host & Microbe2007- excepto últimos 12 mesesCell Press..
Cell Host & Microbe2007- excepto últimos 12 mesesElsevier Science..
Cell Insight2022-PubMed Central..
Cell Investigation2025-Elsevier Science..
Cell Journal Yakhteh2010-Royan Institute (ACECR), Tehran.Cambio de: Yakhteh Medical Journal
Cell Journal Yakhteh2011-PubMed Central.Cambio de: Yakhteh Medical Journal
Cell Medicine2010-2020Sage Journals..
Cell Medicine2010-2020PubMed Central..
Cell Membranes & Free Radical Research2008-Dergipark..
Cell Membranes & Free Radical Research2008-Dergipark..
Cell Metabolism2005- excepto últimos 12 mesesElsevier Science..
Cell Pathology2014-2021de Gruyter.Cambio de: Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Diseases
Cell Proliferation2019-Wiley Online Library..
Cell Proliferation1997-PubMed Central..
Cell Regeneration2012-SpringerOpen..
Cell Regeneration2012-PubMed Central..
Cell Regeneration2012-2019Elsevier Science..
Cell Regulation1989-1991American Society for Cell Biology.Cambio a: Molecular biology of the cell
Cell Regulation1989-1991PubMed Central.Cambio a: Molecular biology of the cell
Cell Reports2012-Cell Press..
Cell Reports2012-Elsevier Science..
Cell Reports Medicine2020-Elsevier Science..
Cell Reports Medicine2020-PubMed Central..
Cell Reports Methods2021-Elsevier Science..
Cell Reports Methods2021-PubMed Central..
Cell Reports Physical Science2020-Elsevier Science..
Cell Reports Sustainability2023-Cell Press..
Cell Reports Sustainability2024-Elsevier Science..
Cell Research1990- excepto últimos 12 mesesNature Publishing Group..
Cell Research2011- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central..
Cell Stem Cell2007- excepto últimos 12 mesesCell Press..
Cell Stress2017-PubMed Central..
Cell Stress & Chaperones1996-PubMed Central..
Cell Stress & Chaperones1998-Elsevier Science..
Cell Structure and Function1975-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Cell Structure and Function2020-PubMed Central..
Cell Surface The2018-Elsevier Science..
Cell Surface The2018-PubMed Central..
Cell Systems2015- excepto últimos 12 mesesElsevier Science..
Cell Transplantation2017-PubMed Central..
CellBio2012-Scientific Research Publishing..
CellR42013-Verduci Editore..
Cells2011-MDPI AG..
Cells2012-PubMed Central..
Cells Tissues Organs2008-2012PubMed CentralArtículos selectosCambio de: Acta anatomica
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters2000-2005Polish Society for Cell BiologyClick on 'abstract'.
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters2006-BioMed Central..
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters2006-PubMed Central..
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters2006-2014de Gruyter..
Cellular & Molecular Immunology2004-2007CMI Editorial Board..
Cellular & Molecular Immunology2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesNature Publishing Group..
Cellular & Molecular Immunology2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central..
Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering2014- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central..
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences2024-Springer.Cambio de: Experientia
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences1997-PubMed Central.Cambio de: Experientia
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology2024-Springer..
Cellular Logistics2011- excepto últimos 12 mesesTaylor & Francis..
Cellular Logistics2011-2017PubMed Central..
Cellular Logistics2011-2017Taylor & Francis..
Cellular Microbiology1999- excepto últimos 24 mesesWiley Online Library..
Cellular Microbiology2022-Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Cellular Oncology2004-2010PubMed Central..
Cellular Oncology 2211 34282025-Springer..
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry1999-2018Karger Publishers..
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry2008-2015PubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry2019-Cell Physiol Biochem Press GmbH & Co KG..
Cellular Reprogramming2010- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectosCambio de: Cloning and Stem Cells
Cellular Therapy and Transplantation2008-Hamburg University Medical Center, St.Petersburg State Medical I.Pavlov University..
Cellulose Chemistry and Technology2009-Cellulose Chemistry and Technology..
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature2004-Soegijapranata Catholic University..
Celtic2014-University of Muhammadiyah Malang..
Celtic cultural studies An interdisciplinary online journal1999-Cyberstudia..
CEM cultura espaço & memória Revista do CITCEM2010-Universidad do Porto..
Cement2020-Elsevier Science..
Cement Americas1998-Primedia Business Magazines and Media..
Cement Science and Concrete Technology2009-2022J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Cement Wapno Beton2020-Fundacja Cement Wapno Beton..
Cement Wapno Beton2019-2022Fundacja Cement Wapno Beton..
CEN Case Reports2012-PubMed Central..
Cena2006-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS..
Cena em movimento2009-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul..
Cenários Revista de estudos da linguagem2009-UniRitter..
Cenas Educacionais2018-Universidade do Estado da Bahia..
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan2011-STAIN Ponorogo..
Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran2014-Center of Language and Culture Studies..
CENICAFE...Cambio de: Boletín Informativo Centro Nacional de Investigaciones del Café
CENiM Les cahiers Egypte Nilotique et Mediterraneenne2008-Institut d'Egyptologie François Daumas..
Censorship news1995-National Coalition Against Censorship..
Centauro El2013-Universidad Libre de Colombia..
Center for Migration Studies Special Issues1975-Wiley Online Library..
Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture Regional Notes2000-Oceanic Institute and the University of Hawaii, Center for Tropical..
Center of Studies on Politics and Society Working paper series2011-Università del Salento..
Centinela de Galicia periódico político literario é industrial1843-1844Galiciana..
Central African Journal of Medicine1955-1993Sabinet..
Central and Eastern European Review2012-Centre of Migration Research..
Central Asia2014-University of Peshawar..
Central Asian Journal of Global Health2012-University of Pittsburgh..
Central Asian Journal of Global Health2012-2021PubMed Central..
Central Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics2020-South Kazakhstan Medical Academy..
Central Asian Journal of Medical Science2015-Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences..
Central Asian Journal of Water Research2015-Kazakh German University..
Central Bank of Iceland Working Papers1998-Central Bank of Iceland..
Central Bank of Ireland Bulletin1997-Central Bank of Ireland = Banc Ceannais Na H'Eireann..
Central Bank of Malta Annual Report1998-Central Bank of Malta..
Central Bank of Malta Quarterly Review1998-Central Bank of Malta..
Central Bank Review2016-Elsevier Science..
Central Bank Review2001-Central Bank of Turkey..
Central Eastern European Migration Review2012-Polska Akademia Nauk..
Central Eurasia Studies2008-University of Tehran..
Central Eurasian Studies Review2002-2009Central Eurasian Studies Society..
Central European Astrophysical Bulletin2006-University of Zagreb..
Central European Business Review2012-University of Economics, Oeconomica Publishing House..
Central European Cultures2021-ELTE Faculty of Humanities..
Central European Economic Journal2017-Sciendo..
Central European Forestry Journal2009-Sciendo..
Central European Geology2015-Akadémiai Kiadó.Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hungarica
Central European Journal of Biology2006-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: Open Life Sciences
Central European Journal of Chemistry2003-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: Open Chemistry
Central European Journal of Clinical Research2018-Sciendo..
Central European Journal of Communication2008-CEEOL..
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics2009-Polish Academy of Sciences..
Central European Journal of Educational Research2019-Debrecen University Press..
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials2004-Instytut Przemyslu Organicznego..
Central European Journal of Engineering2011-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: Open Engineering
Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development2019-Romanian Geographical Society - Prahova Branch..
Central European Journal of Geosciences2009-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: OPen Geosciences
Central European Journal of Immunology2002-Termedia..
Central European Journal of Immunology2014-PubMed Central..
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies2007-Metropolitan University Prague..
Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Management2018-Labour Law Association..
Central European Journal of Mathematics2003-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: Open Mathematics
Central European Journal of Medicine2006-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: Open Medicine
Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery2010-University of Ostrava..
Central European Journal of Physics2003-2014de Gruyter.Cambio a: Open Physics
Central European Journal of Politics2015-Jan Evangelista Purkyn University in st nad Labem, Faculty of Arts, Department of Political Science..
Central European Journal of Public Health2004- excepto últimos 6 mesesNational Institute of Public Health, Prague..
Central European Journal of Public Policy2007-Charles University in Prague..
Central European Journal of Public Policy2007-Sciendo..
Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine2013-wnus.edu.pl..
Central European Journal of Urology2009-Polish Urological Association..
Central European Journal of Urology2011-PubMed Central..
Central European Management Journal2023-Emerald..
Central European Management Journal2012-Sciendo..
Central European Political Studies Review2005-International Institute of Political Science..
Central European Researchers Journal2015-CERes journal..
Central Index of Dose Information Summary of Statistics1997-2004Great Britain. Health and Safety Executive, National Radiological..
Central New-York farmer1842-1844Cornell University Library..
Centralblatt fr Physiologie1887-1908BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten1901-1901BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Centralblatt für Bakteriologie und Parasitenkunde1887-1895BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Centralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten1898-1928BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie1900-1922BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Centrale Bank van Aruba Quarterly Bulletin1998-Centrale Bank van Aruba..
Centre for the Study of Co operatives Occasional Paper Series1995-University of Saskatchewan Centre for the Study of Co-operatives..
Centrepoint journal Humanities edition2011-University of Ilorin..
Centro Azúcar2006-Universidad Central 'Marta Abreu' de Las Villas..
Centro Azúcar2015-SciELO (Cuba)..
Centro galaico periódico semanal republicano1892Galiciana..
Centro h2008-2009Red ALyC..
Centro Journal2000-Red ALyC..
Centro Regional de Investigación en Psicología2006-ImbiomedRegistro individual requerido.
CentroPagine2007-Università degli studi Trieste..
Centros Revista Científica Universitaria2012-Universidad de Panama..
Centurias Revista Electronica de Historia2023-Universidade Estadual do Ceará..
Century Magazine1911Modernist Journals Project..
CEP Centre d'Estudis Planers1998-2002RACO..
CEPAL Review1948-CEPAL..
CEPAL Review2012-CEPAL..
Cepalo2017-Universitas Lampung..
Cephalalgia Reports2018-Sage Journals..
CEPII Newsletter Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations1995-Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales..
CEPR Bulletin Centre for Economic Policy Research1984-2008Centre for Economic Policy Research (UK)..
Cepra-Striben2008-University College of Northern Denmark..
CEPS Journal Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal2011-University of Ljubljana..
Cerae: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies2014-University of Western Australia..
Ceramic Forum International.Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaftdisponible el volumen mas reciente.
Ceramic Forum International2020-Göller..
Ceramic Industry2000-Business News Publishing Company..
Ceramica1997-SciELO (Brasil)..
Ceramics2018-MDPI AG..
Ceramics Art & Perception1996-Ceramics Art and Perception Pty Ltd..
Ceramics Silikaty2000-Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic..
Ceramist1998-Korea Science..
Cercetări filosofico-psihologice2009-Institutul de Filosofie şi Psihologie 'Constantin Rădulescu-Motru'..
Cercetari Agronomice in Moldova2002-University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iasi..
Cercetari practice si teoretice in Managementul Urban2006-2008JSTOR.Cambio a: Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management
Cercetri Arheologice2021-MEGA Publishing House..
Cercle de l'Union Liste alphabétique de MM les membres1833-1898Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris..
Cercle des chemins de fer Liste alphabétique de MM les membres du Cercle et réglement [ puis Annuaire ]1862-1866Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris..
Cercles Revue plurdisciplinaire du monde anglophone2001-Universite de Rouen..
Cercles: revista d'història cultural1997-RACO..
Cerdas sifa pendidikan2012-Universitas Jambi..
Cereal Chemistry1960-1996AACC International..
Cereal Research Communications2015-2017Akadémiai Kiadó..
Cerebellum & Ataxias2014-2021BioMed Central..
Cerebellum & Ataxias2014-2021PubMed Central..
Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Japanese journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism2014-2018J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior2020-Elsevier Science..
Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior2020-PubMed Central..
Cerebral Cortex2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Cerebral Cortex1996- excepto últimos 12 mesesOxford Academic..
CEREBRAL Cortex communications2020-2023Oxford Academic..
CEREBRAL Cortex communications2020-2023PubMed Central..
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research2004-2010PubMed Central.Cambio a: Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
Cerebrospinal Fluid Research2004-2010BioMed Central.Cambio a: Fluids and Barriers of the CNS
Cerebrovascular Diseases Basel Switzerland2007-2015PubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra2011-PubMed Central..
Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra2011-Karger Publishers..
Cerebrum the Dana Forum on Brain Science1998-Dana Press..
Cerebrum the Dana Forum on Brain Science2010-2022PubMed Central..
CERES - Health & Education Medical Journal2023-FACERES..
CERES Nutrição & Saúde2006-2011Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro..
Cerevisia Belgian Journal of Brewing and Biotechnology2010-CerevisiaRegistro individual requerido.
Ceriscope2011-Centre d'études et de Recherches Internationales, Atelier de Cartographie de Sciences Po..
Cerise press A journal of literature arts & culture2009-Cerise Press..
CERN Courier1998-Conseil Europaeen pour la Recherche Nuclaeaire =..
CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation2017-CERN..
Cerne2010-SciELO (Brasil)..
Cerne1998-Universidade Federal de Lavras..
Cerne2000-Red ALyC..
CeROArt2007-Open Edition..
Cerrahi Sanatlar Dergisi2008-Cerrahi Sanatlar Dergisi..
Cerrahpasa Journal of Medicine = Cerrahpa?a Tip Dergisi1998-Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty (Turkey)..
Certified Public Psychologists Practice and Research2022-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
CertiUni Journal Revista CertiUni2015-United Academic Journals..
Cervantes1981-Cervantes Society of America..
Cervantes Madrid 1916 1916-1920Biblioteca Nacional de España..
CES Medicina2004-ImbiomedRegistro individual requerido.
CES Medicina2009-SciELO (Colombia)..
CES Medicina2005-Red ALyC..
CES Medicina1987-Universidad CES..
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia2011-SciELO (Colombia)..
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia2006-ImbiomedRegistro individual requerido.
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia2006-Universidad CES..
CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia2006-Red ALyC..
CES Odontología1996-Universidad CES..
CES Odontología2003-ImbiomedRegistro individual requerido.
CES Odontología2011-SciELO (Colombia)..
CES Revista2012-Centro de Ensino Superior de Juiz de Fora..
CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems2017-IEEEXplore..
CES Working Papers2009-University of Iasi..
Cesa News2008-Centre for Entomological Studies Ankara..
CESifo DICE Report2003-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung..
CESifo Forum2000-Ifo Institute for Economic Research..
Ceska a Slovenska Psychiatrie2005-Galen..
Ceska gynekologie2005-Česká gynekologická a porodnická společnost..
Ceska gynekologie1994-2012Česká gynekologická a porodnická společnost..
Ceska Literatura1953-1998Ustav pro Ceskou Literaturu AV CR..
Ceska Radiologie2007- excepto últimos 6 meses...
Ceskoslovenska Fyziologie2004-Tigis..
Ceskoslovenskà parasitologie1954-1965Czech Academy of Sciences.Cambio a: Folia parasitologica
Ceskoslovenska Psychologie2020-Czech Academy of Sciences..
Cesky Lid etnologicky casopis2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesAkad.Etnologick Ústav AV CR..
CESS (Journal of Computer Engineering, System and Science)2016-Universitas Negeri Medan..
Cesvimap Publicación técnica del Centro de Experimentación y Seguridad Vial Mapfre2008-Dialnet..
CET Revista de ciencias exactas e ingeniería En línea1997-Universidad Nacional de Tucuman..
Cetacean Population Studies2018-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Ceteris Paribus Revista de Investigación Socio-económica1991, 2001-Universidad de Puerto Rico..
Cetrepoint Journal Science Edition 2008-University of Ilorin..
CEU Political Science Journal2006-Central European University, Budapest..
Ceuta en la mano1934Biblioteca Nacional de España..
Ceylon Journal of Medical Science2005-SLJOL..
Ceylon Journal of Otolaryngology2013-SLJOL..
Ceylon journal of science2016-SLJOL..
Ceylon Journal of Science Biological Sciences2007-SLJOL..
Ceylon Medical Journal2000-SLJOL..
Ceza Hukuku ve Kriminoloji Dergisi2017-Istanbul University Press..
CFD Letters2009-ISSR..
CFO1997-CFO Publishing..
CGIAR News Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research1994-Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research..
CH Working Papers Computing in the Humanities1996-University of Toronto..
Cha An Asian literary journal2007-Cha..
Chagyo Kenkyu Hokoku Tea Research Journal1953-2021J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chain Links Newsletter of the Cycling Advocates Network2002-Cycling Advocates Network (New Zealand)..
Chalcogenide Letters2004-National Institute of Materials Physics, National Institute of Optoelectronics..
Challenge A Magazine Covering the Israeli Palestinian Conflict1997-2021Organization for Democratic Action..
Challenges2010-MDPI AG..
Challenges in Nano and Micro Scale Science and Technology2013-University of Sistan and Baluchestan.Cambio de: Transport Phenomena in Nano and Micro Scales
Challenges in Sustainability2013-Librelloph..
Challenges Newsletter on the progress towards the millenium development goals from child rights perspective2005-ECLAC..
Challenges of Modern Technology2011-Foundation for Young Scientists..
Challenges of the knowledge society2011-Universitatea 'Nicolae Titulescu' din Bucure?ti..
Challenging Glass Conference Proceedings2016-Challenging Glass Conference..
Chamberí Madrid 1913 1913-1914Biblioteca Nacional de España..
Chambre de commerce du Havre Compte-rendu des travaux de la Chambre1862-1888Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris..
Champ pénal2004-Open Edition..
Champ psy2010-2015CAIRN.Cambio de: Champ psychosomatiqueCambio a: Corps & psychisme
Champ psychosomatique2001-2009CAIRN.Cambio a: Champ psy
Chang Gung Medical Journal2002-2012Chang Gung University..
Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems2014-2020de Gruyter..
Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems2014-2020Portico..
Changing Societies & Personalities2017-Ural Federal University..
Channels2007- excepto últimos 12 mesesTaylor & Francis..
Channels2007-PubMed Central..
Chantecler Littéraire satirique humoristique1932-1939Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris..
Chantiers de la Création Les2008-Open Edition..
Chaos2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Chaos Solitons & Fractals X2019-Elsevier Science..
Chaos Theory and Applications2019-Dergipark..
Chaotic Modeling and Simulation2011-Chaotic Modeling and Simulation..
Chapter & Verse2004-Simon Warner, School of Music, University of Leeds, UK..
Characteristica Universalis Journal2020-Centro de Filosofa Clsica Alemana..
Characteristics of Doctoral Scientists and Engineers in the United States1997-National Science Foundation..
Charis rhein Morgenzeitung für gebildete Leser1821Universitat Heidelberg (Germany)..
Charles Babbage Institute newsletter1979-Charles Babbage Institute for the History of Information Processing..
Charleston advisor Critical reviews of web products for information professionals1999-Charleston advisorselecciones disponibles.
Charlotte Austin Review2000-2001National Library of Canada Electronic Collection..
Charrette2015-Ingenta plc..
Chasqui 139010791972-CIESPAL..
Chat The1937-2018BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Chat The1971- excepto últimos 24 mesesCarolina Bird Club..
Chatelaine1994-Rogers Media Inc...
Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College Journal2013-BanglaJOL..
Check List2005-2017Biotaxa..
Check List2005-Pensoft Publishers..
Check list of new plant introductions ready to be tested by cooperators ..1914-1920BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Check lists, plants ready for experimenters1921-1941BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Checklist of Official Publications of the State of New York1989-New York State Library..
CHEESA2018-Universitas PGRI Madiun..
Chem & Bio Engineering2024-American Chemical Society..
Chem Bio Informatics Journal2001-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chem Catalysis2021- excepto últimos 12 mesesElsevier Science..
ChemElectroChem2023-Wiley Online Library..
ChemEngineering2017-MDPI AG..
ChemFoodChem2025-Wiley Online Library..
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Quarterly2005-Hrcak..
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Quarterly2000-Croatian Association of Chemical Engineers..
Chemical & Biomedical Imaging2023-American Chemical Society..
Chemical and Biological Technologies for Agriculture2014-SpringerOpen..
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin1958-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chemical and Process Engineering2011-Polska Akademia Nauk..
Chemical and Process Engineering2011-Polska Akademia Nauk..
Chemical and Process Engineering Research2011-International Institute for Science, Technology and Education..
Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University2012-al-Farabi Kazakh National University..
Chemical Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara2005-Editura Politehnica Timisoara..
Chemical Communications1997- excepto últimos 36 mesesRoyal Society of Chemistry..
CHEMICAL EDUCATION1962-1986J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic.Cambio a: Chemistry & Education
CHEMICAL EDUCATION SYMPOSIUM1953-1961J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chemical engineering1953-1974J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chemical Engineering Education1962- excepto últimos 12 mesesFlorida Online Journals..
Chemical Engineering Education1962-2015University of Florida..
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances2020-Elsevier Science..
Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin2008-BanglaJOL..
Chemical Engineering Science X2019-2022Elsevier Science..
Chemical Engineering Transactions2007-Italian Association of Chemical Engineering..
Chemical Engineering, Ecology and Resource Saving2013-Open Journal Systems
Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly2000-Association of the Chemical Engineers..
Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly2005-doiSerbia..
Chemical Informatics Letters2000-2008Cambridge University..
Chemical Innovation2000-2001American Chemical Society.Cambio de: CHEMTECH
Chemical Journal on Internet1999-2009MDPI AG..
chemical machinerey1937-1952J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chemical Methodologies2017-Sami Publishing Company..
Chemical Papers1947-2005Slovak Academy of Sciences..
Chemical Physics Impact2020-Elsevier Science..
Chemical Physics Letters X2019-2020Elsevier Science..
Chemical Processing1997-Putnam Media..
Chemical Regulation of Plants1966-2000J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Chemical Research in Chinese Universities1989- excepto últimos 12 mesesCHANGCHUN JILIN UNIVERSITIES..
Chemical Review and Letters2018-Iranian Chemical Science and Technologies Association..
Chemical Science2014-PubMed Central..
Chemical Science2015-Royal Society of Chemistry..
Chemical science Review and Letters2012-Chemical Science Review and Letters..
Chemical Science Transactions2012-www publications (P) India..
Chemical Sciences Journal2010-AstonJournals..
Chemical Senses1996- excepto últimos 12 mesesOxford Academic.Cambio de: Chemical senses and flavor
Chemical Senses2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectosCambio de: Chemical senses and flavor
Chemical Sensors2015-2015Portico..
Chemical Society Reviews1997- excepto últimos 36 mesesRoyal Society of Chemistry..
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability1989-2018Taylor & Francis.Cambio a: Environmental Pollution and Bioavailability
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability1998-2014Ingenta plc.Cambio a: Environmental Pollution and Bioavailability
Chemical Synthesis2021-OAE Publishers..
Chemical Technology2010-Kaunas University of Technology..
Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis2021-Elsevier Science..
Chemicals in Progress Bulletin1994-1997U.S. Environmental Protection Agency..
Chemické listy [vyd eskoslovenskA spole nost chemickA]1997-Association of Czech Chemical Societies..
Chemie Anlagen Verfahren CAV1998-Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer..
Chemie Technik2000-Huthig GmbH & Co. KG..
Chemija2001-Academia Scientiarum Lithuaniae..
Chemik2010-Chemik International..

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