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# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 

Siguientes registros:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 | 131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 

TituloFechaProveedorAccesoCambio de titulo
Genetics Research2014-PubMed Central.Cambio de: Genetical research
Genetics Research2021-Hindawi Publishing Corporation.Cambio de: Genetical research
Genetics Research International2010-2019Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Genetics Research International2011-2019PubMed Central..
Genetics Selection Evolution GSE1989-BioMed Central.Cambio de: Génétique, sélection, évolution
Genetics Selection Evolution GSE1989-Ebsco EJS.Cambio de: Génétique, sélection, évolution
Genetics Selection Evolution GSE1989-PubMed Central.Cambio de: Génétique, sélection, évolution
Genetics Selection Evolution GSE1989-2008EDP Sciences.Cambio de: Génétique, sélection, évolution
Genetics Society News2008-Genetics Society..
Génétique Sélection Evolution1983-1988PubMed Central.Cambio de: Annales de Génétique et de Sélection AnimaleCambio a: Genetics, selection, evolution : GSE
Génétique Sélection Evolution1969-1988BioMed Central.Cambio de: Annales de Génétique et de Sélection AnimaleCambio a: Genetics, selection, evolution : GSE
Génétique Sélection Evolution1969-1988EDP Sciences.Cambio de: Annales de Génétique et de Sélection AnimaleCambio a: Genetics, selection, evolution : GSE
Geneva Reports The2014-CEPR..
GENGO KENKYU Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan1939-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Genitourinary Medicine1985-1997PubMed Central.Cambio de: Sexually Transmitted InfectionsCambio a: Sexually Transmitted Infections
Genocidas ir rezistencija1997-Lietuvos Gyventoju genocido ir rezistencijas tyrimo centras..
Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal2013-Scholar Commons..
Genome Announcements2013-2018HighWire Press.Cambio a: Microbiology resource announcements
Genome Announcements2013-2018PubMed Central.Cambio a: Microbiology resource announcements
Genome Biology2000-PubMed Central..
Genome Biology2000-BioMed Central..
Genome Biology and Evolution2009-PubMed Central..
Genome Biology and Evolution2009-Oxford Academic..
Genome Informatics1990-2011J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Genome Integrity2010-PubMed Central..
Genome Integrity2010-2014BioMed Central..
Genome Integrity2015-Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow..
Genome Medicine2009-PubMed Central..
Genome Medicine2009-BioMed Central..
Genome Research1997- excepto últimos 6 mesesPubMed Central..
Genome Research1991- excepto últimos 6 mesesHighWire Press..
Genomic Medicine2007- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central.Cambio a: HUGO Journal
Genomic Medicine Biomarkers and Health Sciences2011-2012Elsevier Science.Cambio de: Fooyin Journal of Health SciencesCambio a: Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine
Genomics2022-Elsevier Science..
Genomics & Informatics2003-Korea Science..
Genomics & Informatics2003-Korea Genome Organization..
Genomics & Informatics2003-KoreaMed..
Genomics & Informatics2012-PubMed Central..
Genomics and Genetics2015-Thai Journals Online.Cambio de: Thai Journal of Genetics
Genomics Data2013-2017Elsevier Sciencedejó de publicarse.
Genomics Data2013-2017PubMed Central..
Genomics Insights2008-2019Sage Journals..
Genomics Insights2009-2019PubMed Central..
Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics2003-2023Elsevier Science..
Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics2003-PubMed Central..
Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics2003-Oxford Academic..
Genomics Society & Policy2005-2005ESRC Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics (CESAGen)..
Genomics Society & Policy2005-2012PubMed Central..
GenomXPress2001-2012Deutsches Humangenomprojekt (DGHP) / German Human Genome Project..
Genre & histoire La revue de lAssociation Mnémosyne2007-Open Edition..
Genre en séries cinéma télévision médias2015-Open Edition..
Genre sexualité & société2009-Open Edition..
GENRYU1999-2001J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Gentleman 's Magazine1731-1830Hathitrust..
Genus Journal of Population Sciences2016-SpringerOpen..
Geo Alp2004-Zobodat.Cambio de: Geologisch-Paläontologisch Mitteilungen Innsbruck
Geo Crítica cuadernos críticos de geografía humana1976-1994RACO..
Geo Data2019-GeoAI Data Society..
Geo Eco Marina2003-GeoEcoMar..
GEO EDUCATIONAL MAGAZINE2020-2022J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geo exPro2004-GeoPublishing Ltd...
Geo Geography and Environment2014-Wiley Online Library..
Geo Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin1995-Geo-Heat Center..
GEO The Newsletter for Democratic Workplaces and Globalization from2001-Ecological Democracy Institute of North America..
Geo UERJ1997-Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro..
Geo-Bio Interfaces2024-Cambridge University Press..
Geo-Image Journal2012-Universitas Negeri Semarang..
Geo-Spatial Information Science1998-Taylor & Francis..
Geo-Spatial Information Science2011-Ingenta plc..
Geoacta2008-2017SciELO (Argentina)..
Geoacta1993-Universidad Nacional de la Plata..
Geoambiente On line2003-Universidade Federal de Goiás..
Geocalli2000-Universidad de Guadalajara..
Geocarrefour Revue de Geographie de Lyon2000-2002Persee.Cambio de: Revue de géographie de Lyon
Geocarrefour Revue de Geographie de Lyon2003- excepto últimos 36 mesesOpen Edition.Cambio de: Revue de géographie de Lyon
Geocarto International2023-Taylor & Francis..
Geochemical Journal1966-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronicselecciones disponibles.
Geochemical News1956-Geochemical Society..
Geochemical Perspectives2012-European Association for Geochemistry..
Geochemical Perspectives Letters2015-European Association of Geochemistry..
Geochemical Transactions2001-PubMed Central..
Geochemical Transactions2000-BioMed Central..
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems G32022-Wiley Online Library..
Geochimica Brasiliensis1987-PPEGEO..
Geochimica Brasiliensis2003-Sociedade Brasileira de Geoqumica..
Geochronology2019-Copernicus Publications..
Geochronometria Journal on Methods & Applications of Absolute Chronology2000-2010Silesian University of Technology..
Geochronometria Journal on Methods & Applications of Absolute Chronology2000-Sciendo..
Geociências (São Paulo)1982-Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho..
Geociências (São Paulo)2004-PPEGEO..
Geoconservation Research2018-Islamic Azad University-Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch..
Geoderma2023-Elsevier Science..
Geodesy & Cartography2011-Polska Akademia Nauk..
Geodesy and Cartography2011-Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.Cambio de: Geodezija ir Kartografija
Geodesy and Geodynamics2010-Elsevier Science..
Geodetski Glasnik2011-EBSCO..
Geodetski list1919-Hrcak..
Geodezija ir Kartografija2004-2010Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.Cambio de: Geodezijos DarbaiCambio a: Geodesy and Cartography
Geodiálogos2016-Portal Geoblog..
Geodinamica Acta1987-2020Taylor & Francis.Cambio a: All Earth
Geodinamika i Tektonofizika2010-Institute of the Earth's crust, Siberian Branch of RAS..
Geodiversitas2004-Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris..
Geodiversitas1997-BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geodynamics1998-Lviv Polytechnic National University..
Geoenseñanza2000-2009Red ALyC..
Geoenseñanza1996-Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)..
Geoenvironmental Disasters2014-SpringerOpen..
Geofísica Internacional1997-Red ALyC..
Geofísica Internacional1961-UNAM..
Geofísica Internacional2005-SciELO (Mexico)..
Geofísica Internacional2004-Dialnet..
Geofísica Internacional2013-2015Elsevier Sciencetransferred back to the society 2016.
Geofizika1986-University of Zagreb..
Geofluids2017-Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
GeoFocus2001-Grupo de Métodos Cuantitativos, SIG y Teledetección, A.G.E..
Geoforum Perspektiv2002-Aarhus University..
Geogaceta1986-Sociedad Geológica de España..
GeoGebra The New Language for the Third Millennium2011-Zigotto Printing & Publishing House, Galati..
Geografares2000-Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo..
Geografares2018-Open Edition..
Geografia1976-Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho..
Geografia em Atos2006-Universidade Estadual Paulista..
Geografia em Questão2009-Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros..
Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa1987-Universidade Federal de Santa Maria..
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria1978-Comitato Glaciologico Italiano..
Geografia Londrina 1983-Universidade Estadual de Londrina..
Geografia Malaysian Journal of Society and Space2005-Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia..
Geografia Publicações Avulsas2019-Universidade Federal do Paiu..
Geografias2005-Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais..
Geografica digital2004-Universidad Nacional del Nordeste..
Geograficando2005-Universidad Nacional de la Plata..
Geograficidade2011-Universidade Federal Fluminense..
Geografická revue2016-Matej Bel University, Department of Geography and Geology..
Geograficky casopis1952-Slovak Academy of Sciences..
Geografie Sborník Ceske Geograficke Spolecnosti2010-Ceska Geograficka Spolecnost..
Geografija2011-Academia Scientiarum Lithuaniae..
Geografija ir Edukacija2013-Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences..
Geografisk tidsskrift1877-2001Royal Danish Geographical Society..
Geographia Cassoviensis2007-UPJS Kosice..
Geographia Napocensis2007-Romanian Academy, Cluj Subsidiary Geography Section..
Geographia Polonica1964-Polish Academy of Sciences..
Geographia Polonica1964-Polish Academy of Sciences..
GEOgraphia Revista do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal Fluminense1999-Universidade Federal Fluminense..
Geographia Technica2006-Cluj University Press..
Geographic Base2019-Nepal Journals Online..
Geographic Information Sciences A Journal of the Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Systems1997-2008Taylor & Francis.Cambio a: Annals of GIS
Geographica Helvetica1946-Copernicus Publications.Cambio de: Mitteilungen der Geographisch-Ethnographischen Gesellschaft Zürich
Geographica Helvetica1946-ETH-Bibliothek.Cambio de: Mitteilungen der Geographisch-Ethnographischen Gesellschaft Zürich
Geographica Pannonica1997-University of Novi Sad..
Geographica Slovenica1971-2002Slovak Academy of Sciences..
Geographical Analysis1969-2004Wiley Online Library..
Geographical Campion Interactive Publishing2000-Royal Geographical Society..
Geographical Journal of Nepal2009-Nepal Journals Online..
Geographical paper2002-University of Reading..
Geographical Research Quarterly1969-University of Tehran..
Geographical Review of Japan1925-1983J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographical Review of Japan2002-2008J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographical review of Japan series A2009-2021J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographical review of Japan series B2009-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographical review of Japan Series B1984-2001J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES1961-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographical Space2008-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographical Studies2007-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geographicalia2006-Universidad de Zaragoza..
Géographie économie société2004- excepto últimos 48 mesesCAIRN..
Géographie et cultures2007- excepto últimos 6 mesesOpen Edition..
Geographie Physique et Quaternaire1977-2007Erudit..
Geographies2021-MDPI AG..
Geographische Revue Zeitschrift für Literatur und Diskussion1999-Verein Geographische Revue e.V...
GeoGraphos Revista Digital para Estudiantes de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales2010-Universidad de Alicante..
GEOGRAPHY1938-1942J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geography and environmental planning2009-University of Isafahan..
Geography and Sustainability2020-Elsevier Science..
Geography Journal2013-2016Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Geography Notebooks2018-LED Edizioni Universitarie..
Geography, Environment, Sustainability2010-elpub.ru..
GeoHazards2020-MDPI AG..
GeoHealth2016-Wiley Online Library..
GeoHealth2017-PubMed Central..
Geoid2012-IPTEK Journals..
Geoinformatica Polonica1999-2016Portico..
Geoinformatica Polonica1999-2016Polska Akademia Umiejętności..
Geoinformatics1990-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geoinformatics FCE CTU2006-Praha..
Geoinga Revista do Programa de Pos Graduaçao em Geografia2009-Universidade Estadual de Maringá..
Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria2016-Politecnico di Torino..
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites2008-Oradea University Press..
Geolines1994-Institute of Geology..
Geolinguistique2013-Open Edition..
Geolog2002-Geological Association of Canada..
Geologi Nyt fra GEUS1996-Geological Survey of Denmanrk and Greenland..
Geologia Ciência - Técnica1971-PPEGEO..
Geología Colombiana1962-Universidad Nacional de Colombia..
Geologia Croatica1999-Institute of Geology Zagreb..
Geologia Croatica1992-Hrcak..
Geologia kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej Im Stanislawa Staszica 2005-2011AGH University of Science and Technology Press,.Cambio a: Geology, Geophysics & Environment
Geologia Sudetica1964-2014Polska Akademia Nauk..
Geologia Sudetica1964-Polska Akademia Nauk..
Geologia USP Publicação Especial2002-USP Portal del Revistas..
Geologia USP Publicação Especial2002-PPEGEO..
Geologia USP Série Científica2001-USP Portal del Revistas.Cambio de: Boletim IG-USP: Série Científica
Geologia USP Série Científica2001-PPEGEO.Cambio de: Boletim IG-USP: Série Científica
Geologia USP Série Didática2002-2005USP Portal del Revistas..
Geologia USP Série Didática2002-PPEGEO.Cambio de: Boletim IG-USP. Série didática
Geologica Acta2003-University of Barcelona, Spanish Research Council (CSIC).Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica
Geologica Acta2003-Dialnet.Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica
Geologica Acta2003-Red ALyC.Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica
Geologica Acta2003-RACO.Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica
Geologica Balcanica2004-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences..
Geologica Belgica1998-Popups..
Geologica Carpathica1950-Slovak Academic Press..
Geologica Macedonica2008-University 'Goce Delčev'-Štip..
Geologica Saxonica Journal of Central European Geology2007-Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden..
Geological Behavior2017-Zibeline International..
Geological curator1974- excepto últimos 24 mesesGeological Curators' Group, Geological Society of London..
Geological data processing1975-1989J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic.Cambio a: Geoinformatics
Geological fieldwork A summary of field activities and current research1974-British Columbia..
Geological literature, list of authors and titles, added to the Geological Society's Library1920-1922BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geological Magazine1864-1922BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geological Materials Research1998-2002Mineralogical Society of America..
Geological Quarterly2000-Pañstwowy Instytut Geologiczny.Cambio de: Kwartalnik geologiczny
Geological record ... A list of publications on geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology1874-1876BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geological Survey of Denmark & Greenland Bulletin2003-Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland..
Geological Survey Professional Paper1997-U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey..
Geological Survey Water Supply Paper1987-U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey..
Geologick prce. Sprvy2018-State Geological Institute of Dionz tr..
Géologie Alpine GA1890-2001Numdam..
Géologie de la France1992-Editions BRGM..
Géologie Méditerranéenne1974-2001Persee..
Geologija2001-Academia Scientiarum Lithuaniae..
Geologija1998-Geoloski Zavod LR Slovenije..
Geologische Rundschau : Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Geologie.1910-1917BioDiversity Heritage Library.Cambio a: International Journal of Earth Sciences
Geologische und palæontologische Abhandlungen1882-1915BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geologisk tidsskrift1995-Dansk Geologisk Forening..
GeologiskNyt2004-Aarhus University..
Geologist, The: a popular monthly magazine of geology1858-1864BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geology Ecology and Landscapes2017-Taylor & Francis..
Geology geophysics et environment2012-Wydawnictwa AGH.Cambio de: Geologia, kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanislawa Staszica w Krakowie
Geology, Geophysics & Environment2012-AGH University of Science and Technology Press..
Geoloski Anali Balkanskog Poluostrva2002-doiSerbia..
Geomaterials2011-Scientific Research Publishing..
Geomatica2010NRC Research Press..
Geomatics2021-MDPI AG..
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering2017-AGH University of Science and Technology Press..
Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk2010-Taylor & Francis..
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape2013-University of Agriculture in Krakow..
Geomatika2009-Badan Informasi Geospasial..
Geomechanics and Engineering2009-Korea Science..
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources2023-Springer..
GEOmedia2011-mediaGEO soc. coop...
Geometric And Functional Analysis1991-1996DIGI Zeitschriften..
Geometric And Functional Analysis1991-1996Gottinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum..
Geometric Flows2015-2020de Gruyter..
Geometry2013-2015Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Geometry & Topology2023-Mathematical Sciences Publishers..
Geometry & topology monographs1998-University of Warwick..
Geometry and Topology Monographs1998-2006EMIS..
Geomimet2017-Asociación de Ingenieros de Minas, Metalurgistas y Geologos de México..
Géomorphologie Relief Processus Environnement1995-2004Persee..
Géomorphologie Relief Processus Environnement2005- excepto últimos 24 mesesOpen Edition..
Geopauta2017-Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia..
Geopauta2022-SciELO (Brasil)..
Geopersia2011-University of Tehran..
Geophysica1935-Geophysical Society of Finland..
Geophysical Journal1999-National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine..
Geophysical Journal International1958- excepto últimos 36 mesesOxford Academic..
Geophysical Research Letters1997-Wiley Online Library..
Geophysical Supplements to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society1922-1957Oxford Academic..
Geophysics and geophysical exploration1998-Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists..
Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning2014-Diponegoro University..
Geopolítica s Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder2010-Universidad Complutense de Madrid..
Geopolitical Social Security and Freedom Journal2018-Sciendo..
Geopolitics under Globalization2017-LLC 'CPC 'Business Perspectives'..
Geoprofil2005-Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie..
GeoPuc2009-Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro..
Géorama2003-Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières..
Georesursy2000-Georesursy Ltd...
GEOREVIEW Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava Geography Series2010-„Ștefan cel Mare” University Press..
George Ernest Morrison lecture in ethnology2010-Australian National University..
George Wright Forum2020-eScholarship Publishing, University of California..
Georgia Educational Researcher2003-bepress Digital Commons..
Georgia Historical Quarterly1917-1922JSTOR..
Georgia history today2007-Georgia Historical Society..
Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs2013-Georgia Southern University..
Georgian Mathematical Journal1994-2006EMIS..
Georgick papers for... consisting of letters and extracts, communicated to the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture1809-1809BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Geos2002-Universidad Central de Venezuela..
Geos Boletín informativo de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana2000-Unión Geofísica Mexicana..
Geosaberes2010-Universidade Federal do Ceara..
Geosaberes2010-Red ALyC..
GeoScape alternative approaches to Middle-European geography.2006-Sciendo..
Geoscience Canada1974-2008Geological Association of Canada..
Geoscience Canada1974-University of New Brunswick..
Geoscience Communication2018-Copernicus Publications..
Geoscience Data Journal2014-Wiley Online Library..
GeoScience Engineering2013-VSB-Technical University of Ostrava..
Geoscience Frontiers2010-Elsevier Science..
Geoscience in South West England1958-Ussher Society..
Geoscience Letters2014-SpringerOpen..
Geoscience Records an Interdisciplinary Journal of Earth Sciences2015-Sciendo..
Geoscience reports of Shizuoka University2008-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geoscience Society of New Zealand Newsletter2004-Geoscience Society of New Zealand..
Geoscience Wisconsin1997-Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Review..
Geosciences2011-MDPI AG..
Geosciences2011-Scientific and Academic Publishing..
Geoscientific instrumentation methods and data systems2012-Copernicus Publications..
Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems Discussions2011-Copernicus Publications..
Geoscientific Model Development2008-Copernicus Publications..
Geoscientific Model Development2008-Copernicus Publications..
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions2008-Copernicus Publications..
Geoscientist2007-Geological Society of London..
Geosfera Indonesia2018-Department of Geography Education, University of Jember..
Geospatial Health2006-PAGEPress..
Geospatial Solutions2000-Advanstar Communications Ltd...
Geospatial world The geospatial industry magazine1997-Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt Ltd...
Geosphere2005-Geological Society of America..
GeoSport for Society2014-Editura Universităţii din Oradea..
Geosul1986-Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina..
Geosul2008-Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina..
Geosynthetic Technical Information1995-2008J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geosynthetics2004-Industrial Fabrics Association International..
Geosynthetics Engineering Journal1998-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronicselecciones disponibles.
Geosystems and Geoenvironment2022-Elsevier Science..
Geotechnical engineering journal of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society & Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia SEAGS-AGSSEA1970-2013Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia..
Geotechnical Research2014-ICE Virtual Library..
Geotechnics2021-MDPI AG..
Geotecnia1971-Universidade de Coimbra..
Geotecnia Ciudad de México 2014-Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica A.C...
Geotermia2004-Comision federal de electricidad, Asociacion geotermica Mexicana..
Geotextile Technical Information1992-1995J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geotextos Revista da Pós Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal da Bahia2005-Universidade Federal da Bahia..
Geothermal Energy2013-SpringerOpen..
Geothermal Energy Science2013-Copernicus Publications..
Geotimes1996-American Geological Institute..
GeoTropico2003-GeoLat Group...
GEOUSP espaco e tempo2004-USP Portal del Revistas..
GEOUSP espaco e tempo2021-SciELO (Brasil)..
GEPROS Gestão da Produção e Sistemas2005Universidade Estadual Paulista.Cambio a: GEPROS. Gestão da produção, operações e sistemas
GEPROS Gestão da produção operações e sistemas2006-Universidade Estadual Paulista.Cambio de: GEPROS. Gestão da Produção e Sistemas
Gerais Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia2008-Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora..
Gerais Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia2008-PePSIC..
Gerbertus International academic publication on history of medieval science2010-Gerbertus..
Gerencia Libre2015-2017Universidad Libre de Colombia..
Gerencia Tecnológica Informática2002-Universidad Industrial de Santander..
Geriatric Care2015-PAGEPress..
Geriatric Neurosurgery2009-2022J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation2010-PubMed Central..
Geriatric Pharmacology2024-Taylor & Francis..
Geriatrics2000-Advanstar Communications Ltd...
Geriatrics2016-MDPI AG..
Geriatrics2016-PubMed Central..
Geriatrics, Gerontology and Aging2007-Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology..
Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement2011- excepto últimos 12 mesesJohn Libbey Eurotext..
Gerión Revista de historia antiqua1983-Universidad Complutense de Madrid..
Gerión Revista de historia antiqua1983-Dialnet..
Germ1997-PRB Organization..
German as a foreign language2000-GFL..
German Journal for Young Researchers Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschafter2009-Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschaftler..
German Journal of Agricultural Economics2001-University of Minnesota Libraries..
German Journal of Microbiology2021-German Multidisciplinary Publishing Center..
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