Titulo | Fecha | Proveedor | Acceso | Cambio de titulo |
Perspectives on Terrorism | 2007- | JSTOR | Gratis | . |
Perspectives on Urban Education | 2002- | University of Pennsylvania | Gratis | . |
Perspectives on Work | 1997- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Perspectives Psychiatriques | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspectives Spiritual Care in Nursing & Faith Community Nursing Practice | 2020- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspectives Studies in Translatology | 2003- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspectives Studies in Translatology | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Perspectives territorials | 2002-2004 | RACO | Gratis | . |
Perspectives The Journal of the Gerontological Nursing Association | 2013-2019 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspectives The Journal of the Gerontological Nursing Association | 2006-2011 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Perspektif | 1999- | Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya | Gratis | . |
Perspektif Hukum Journal | 2012- | Hang Tuah University | Gratis | . |
Perspektif: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Sosial | 2012- | Universitas Medan Area | Gratis | . |
Perspektiv Bibliotekarforbundets fagmagasin | 2000- | Bibliotekarforbundet | Gratis | . |
Perspektive Bibliothek | 2012- | University Library Heidelberg | Gratis | . |
Perspektiven der Philosophie Neues Jahrbuch | 2009-2017 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | 2000-2013 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | 2000- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | 2014-2019 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik | 2000- | de Gruyter | . | . |
Perspektiven zur pädagogischen Professionalisierung | 2010- | Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg | Gratis | . |
Perspektywy Kultury | 2024- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perspektywy Kultury | 2019- | Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow | Gratis | . |
Persuasions the Jane Austen Journal On Line | 1999- | Jane Austen Society of North America | Gratis | . |
Persuasions the Jane Austen Journal On Line | 1999-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Persuasive Proposals and Presentations : 24 Lessons for Writing Winners | 2005-2005 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology | 1993- | Universiti Putra Malaysia | Gratis | . |
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities | 2007- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities | 1993- | Universiti Putra Malysia | Gratis | . |
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science | 2007- | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: Pertanika |
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science | 2008- | CABI Journals | Gratis | Cambio de: Pertanika |
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science | 1993- | Universiti Putra Malaysia | Gratis | Cambio de: Pertanika |
Perth EMC | 2009-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pertsonak eta Antolakunde Publikoak Kudeatzeko Euskal Aldizkaria | 2011- | Dialnet | Gratis | . |
Pertsonak eta Antolakunde Publikoak Kudeatzeko Euskal Aldizkaria | 2011- | Instituto Vasco de Administración Pública | Gratis | . |
Peru Agribusiness Report | 2010-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Autos Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Commercial Banking Report | 2010-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Country Review | 2000- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Perú Económico | 2011-2014 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Food & Drink Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Freight Transport Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Information Technology | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Infrastructure Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Mining Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Oil & Gas Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Petrochemicals Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Power Report | 2010-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peru Telecommunications Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peruvian Journal of Agronomy | 2017- | Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina | Gratis | . |
Peruvian Journal of Neurosurgery | 2019- | Peruvian Association of Neuroendoscopy | Gratis | Cambio de: Revista Peruana de Neurocirug?a |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing | 2005- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
PES Business Review | 2016-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peshawar Islamicus | 2010- | University of Peshawar | Gratis | . |
Peshawar Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences | 2015-2019 | Islamia College Peshawar | Gratis | . |
Peshawar Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences | 2015-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pesquimat | 1998- | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | Gratis | . |
Pesquimat | 1998- | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 1999- | SciELO (Brasil) | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 1966- | Embrapa | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha | 1995- | Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Fepagro) | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | 1971- | Universidade Federal de Goiás | Gratis | Cambio de: Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterin?ria |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | 2003- | Red ALyC | Gratis | Cambio de: Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterin?ria |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | 2009- | CABI Journals | . | Cambio de: Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterin?ria |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | 2010- | SciELO (Brasil) | Gratis | Cambio de: Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterin?ria |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | 1971-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | Cambio de: Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterin?ria |
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterin?ria |
Pesquisa Aplicada & Agrotecnologia | 2008- | Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa brasileira em Ciência da Informação e biblioteconomia | 2006- | Universidade Federal da Paraíba | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa brasileira em Ciência da Informação e biblioteconomia | 2015- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada | 2004- | Red ALyC | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada | 2020- | Associacao de apoio a pesquisa em saude bucal (APESB) | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada | 2008- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada | 2019- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Pesquisa e Debate em Educao | 2011- | Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa e Ensino | 2020- | Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências Exatas e da Natureza | 2017- | Universidade Federal de Campina Grande | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental | 2006- | USP Portal del Revistas | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | 2005- | Embrapa Florestas | Gratis | Cambio de: Boletim de Pesquisa Florestal |
Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | 2011- | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: Boletim de Pesquisa Florestal |
Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira | 2000-2003 | SciELO (Brasil) | Gratis | Cambio de: Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo | Cambio a: Brazilian Oral Research |
Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira | 2000-2003 | USP Portal del Revistas | Gratis | Cambio de: Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo | Cambio a: Brazilian Oral Research |
Pesquisa Operacional | 2000- | SciELO (Brasil) | Gratis | Cambio de: Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional |
Pesquisa Operacional para o Desenvolvimento | 2009- | Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 1997- | SciELO (Brasil) | Gratis | . |
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 1997- | BVS-Vet | Gratis | . |
Pesquisas Antropologia | 1957- | Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas | Gratis | . |
Pesquisas Botânica | 1957- | Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas | Gratis | . |
Pesquisas em Discurso Pedagógico | 2006- | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro | Gratis | . |
Pesquisas em Turismo e Paisagens Cársticas | 2008- | Brazilian Speleological Society | Gratis | . |
PesquisAtor | 2012- | USP Portal del Revistas | Gratis | . |
Pesquiseduca | 2009- | UNISANTOS | Gratis | . |
Pessoa Como Centro Revista de Estudos Rogerianos | 2003-2003 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pessoa Plural | 2012- | Brown University | Gratis | . |
Pest & crop | 2000- | Purdue University | Gratis | . |
Pest Advisory Leaflet | 1983- | Plant Protective Service, South Pacific Commission (New Caledonia) | Gratis | . |
Pest Control Research | 1990-2004 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis | . |
Pest Control Research | 1988-1989 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis | . |
Pest Management In Horticultural Ecosystems | 2014- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pest Management Science | 2000- | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio de: Pesticide Science |
Pest suppression, eradication and related forest health protection activities | 1994-1996 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Pest Technology | 2007-2012 | Global Science Books | Gratis | . |
Peste La | 2011- | La peste | Gratis | . |
Pesticidas Revista de Ecotoxicologia e Meio Ambiente | 2001- | Universidade Federal do Paraná | Gratis | . |
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology | 1971- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pesticide Outlook | 2000-2003 | Royal Society of Chemistry | Gratis | . |
Pesticide Outlook | 1989-2003 | Royal Society of Chemistry | . | . |
Pesticide Science | 1970-1999 | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio a: Pest Management Science |
Pesticides monitoring journal | 1967-1981 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Pesticides News | 1997- | Pesticide Action Network UK | Gratis | . |
Pesticidi | 2002-2003 | doiSerbia | Gratis | Cambio a: Pesticidi i fitomedicina |
Pesticidi i Fitomedicina | 2006- | Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection | Gratis | Cambio de: Pesticidi |
Pesticidi i Fitomedicina | 2008- | doiSerbia | Gratis | Cambio de: Pesticidi |
Pesticidi i Fitomedicina | 2008- | CABI Journals | . | Cambio de: Pesticidi |
Pesticidi i Fitomedicina | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: Pesticidi |
pestology Pest Control Research | 2005-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis | . |
pestology Pest Control Research | 2021- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pet Behaviour Science | 2016- | Universidad de Cordoba | Gratis | . |
PET Clinics | 2006- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
PET Clinics | 2007- | Clinical Key | . | . |
Petaluma Argus-Courier | 2008-2009 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peter Gordon's Blog | 2018-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peter Yodzis Fundamental Ecology Series | 2007 | Springer Series | . | . |
Peterborough Examiner | 2000- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peterborough Telegraph | 2019- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peterborough This Week | 2003- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peterlee Mail | 2011-2024 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peterloo Massacre | 1819- | Gale MOMW | . | . |
Petersen's Photographic | 1994-1995 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petersfield Post | 2011- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petfood Industry | 2016-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petit Journal des Refusées Le | 1896 | Modernist Journals Project | Gratis | . |
Petites nouvelles entomologiques | 1869-1879 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Petits cahiers d'Anatole | 2001- | Université de Tours | Gratis | . |
Petits Propos Culinaires | 2024- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petra Jordan News Agency | 2009- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petrarchesca | 2013- excepto últimos 60 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Petrart | 2015- | Universidade Federal do Paiu | Gratis | . |
Petro Industry News | 2011-2017 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroglifos | 2018- | GIFET | Gratis | . |
Petroglifos | 2022- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petróleo & energía | 2018- | Ferráez Comunicación, | Gratis | . |
Petroleum | 2015- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | . |
Petroleum & Coal | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum & Coal | 2001- | Slovnaft VÚRUP | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal | 1997-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petroleum Business Review PBR | 2021- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Chemistry | 2006- | Springer | . | . |
Petroleum Chemistry | 2010- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Chemistry U S S R | 1962-1990 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Petroleum Drilling Techniques | 2017- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Economist | 2009-2016 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Economist | 1998-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petroleum Engineer International | 1996-1999 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petroleum Exploration and Development | 2008- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Economic Sciences Series | 2006- | Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Economic Sciences Series | 2008-2011 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Educational Sciences Series | 2009-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Law & Social Sciences Series | 2009-2013 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Mathematics Informatics Physics Series | 2008-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Mathematics Informatics Physics Series | 2006- | Petroleum-Gas University of Ploie_ti | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Mathematics Informatics Physics Series | 2009-2010 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Philology Series | 2009-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin Technical Series | 2008-2019 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Geology & Experiment | 1963- | sysydz | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Geology & Experiment | 2015-2015 | Springer | . | . |
Petroleum Geology & Recovery Efficiency | 2015- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Geology Conference series | 1993- | HighWire Press | . | . |
Petroleum Geoscience | 1995- | GeoScienceWorld | . | . |
Petroleum Geoscience | 1995- | HighWire Press | . | . |
Petroleum Intelligence Weekly | 2002-2010 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petroleum Marketing Monthly | 1998- | U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Report | 2009-2012 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Research | 2016- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Science | 2008-2021 | Springer | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Science | 2007- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petroleum Science | 2021- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | . |
Petroleum Science | 2016-2021 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petroleum Science & Technology | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Petroleum Supply Monthly | 1998- | U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration | Gratis | . |
Petrolia Topic | 2015-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petrolia Topic (Online) | 2015-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petrology | 2006- | Springer | . | . |
Petrology | 2006-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petrology | 2011- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petrology 2228 5210 | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Petrophysics | 1960- | OnePetro | . | . |
Petrosil Titanium Dioxide Report | 2010-2012 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Petrosilicon | 2010-2012 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Peuce Journal | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Peuce Journal | 1971- | Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Gavrila Simion | Gratis | . |
Pferdeheilkunde | 2017- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
PFI Report | 2001-2002 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pflanzenphysiologische Mitteilungen | 1891-1892 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Pflanzenphänologische Beobachtungen in Finnland | 1895-1909 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Pflegezeitschrift | 2017- | Springer | . | . |
Pflüger's Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere | 1910-1968 | Springer | . | Cambio de: Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere | Cambio a: Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology |
Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology Berlin | 1969- | Springer | . | Cambio de: Pfl?ger's Archiv f?r die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere |
Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology Berlin | 1997- excepto últimos 12 meses | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | Cambio de: Pfl?ger's Archiv f?r die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere |
Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere | 1910-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
PFTJ: Pasundan Food Technology Journal | 2016- | Universitas Pasundan | Gratis | . |
PGRSA Quarterly | 1998- | CABI Journals | . | . |
PhaenEx Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture | 2006- | University of Windsor | Gratis | . |
Phaenomenologica | 2005- | Springer Series | . | . |
PHAGE Therapy Applications and Research | 2020- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Phainomena | 2016- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Phainomena | 1992- | Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities | Gratis | . |
Phainomenon Revista de Fenomenologia | 2022- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phakamani | 1987-1989 | Digital Innovation South Africa | Gratis | . |
Phalansterian Tracts | 1844 | Gale MOMW | . | . |
Phalanx | 1966- | JSTOR | . | . |
Phalanx A quarterly review for continuing debate | 2007- | Phalanx | Gratis | . |
Phambili | 1988-1989 | Digital Innovation South Africa | Gratis | . |
Phantasia | 2015- | Université de Liège | Gratis | . |
Phares Revue Philosophique Étudiante de l'Université Laval | 2001- | Université Laval | Gratis | . |
Pharma | 2008-2012 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharma Innovation | 2012- | AkiNik Publications | Gratis | . |
Pharma Innovation | 2012-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharma Kritik | 1995- excepto últimos 24 meses | Infomed-Verlags AG (Switzerland) | Gratis | . |
Pharma Patents Law [BLOG] | 2018- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharma Science Monitor An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2010- | Pharma Science Monitor | Gratis | . |
Pharma Science Monitor An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2011- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharma Selecta | 1994- | Stichting Pharma Selecta (Holland) | Gratis | . |
Pharma Times | 2013-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharma Times | 2006- | Pharma Times | Gratis | . |
Pharma Utility | 2012- | Pharma Utility | Gratis | . |
Pharma+Food | 2000- | Huthig GmbH & Co. KG | Gratis | . |
Pharma+Food | 2019- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
PharmaBiz | 2013- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutial Care & Research | 2015- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae | 1993-2000 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmaceutical & Diagnostic Innovation | 2006-2006 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research | 2010- | Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research | 2015- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Biology | 2007- | Taylor & Francis | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Biology | 1998- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Biology | 2016- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Biology | 2017- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing | 2013- | Future Science | Gratis cambio editorial Open Access/Omics 2016 | . |
Pharmaceutical Bulletin | 1953-1957 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis | Cambio a: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin |
Pharmaceutical Care España | 2011- | Fundación Pharmaceutical Care | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal | 1967- | Springer | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal | 2003- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Development & Technology | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Development & Technology | 1999- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Executive | 2001- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Executive | 1994- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Executive Europe | 2006-2007 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Executive Global Digest | 2008-2014 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Fronts | 2019- | Thieme | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Historian | 2017- | Ingenta plc | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical journal | 2013- | The State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical journal and transactions | 1866-1867 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical journal and transactions | 1841-1878 | Hathitrust | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Journal of Sri Lanka | 2015- | SLJOL | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Letter | 2017- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Library Bulletin | 1956- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis selecciones disponibles | . |
Pharmaceutical Medicine New Zealand | 2008-2015 | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: International journal of pharmaceutical medicine |
Pharmaceutical Medicine New Zealand | 2000- | Springer | . | Cambio de: International journal of pharmaceutical medicine |
Pharmaceutical Medicine New Zealand | 2008- excepto últimos 12 meses | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | Cambio de: International journal of pharmaceutical medicine |
Pharmaceutical Methods | 2010- | Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Methods | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Methods | 2010-2012 | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst | 2016- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis Artículos selectos | . |
Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst | 2018-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Processing | 1999-2019 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Processing | 2014-2018 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Production Techsource | 1998-1999 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Programming | 2008-2012 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Representative | 1995- | Medical Economics, Inc. | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Representative | 1998-2011 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Research | 1984- | Springer | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Research | 1997- excepto últimos 12 meses | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Review | 2007- | Ukrmedknyha Publishing House | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today | 1998-2000 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Science Advances | 2023- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2012- | Tabriz University of Medical Sciences | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2013- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | 2014- | Universitas Indonesia | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia PSA | 2017- | Mahidol University | Gratis | Cambio de: Mahidol University journal of pharmaceutical sciences |
Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia PSA | 2018- | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: Mahidol University journal of pharmaceutical sciences |
Pharmaceutical Statistics The Journal Of Applied Statistics In The Pharmaceutical Industry | 2002- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Technology | 2003- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Technology | 1998- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe | 2001- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe | 2000- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy | 2016- | De Gruyter | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy | 2024- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceuticals | 2009- | MDPI AG | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceuticals | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceuticals | 2004- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceuticals | 2004- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceuticals Policy & Law | 1999-2018 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutics | 2010- | MDPI AG | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutics | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmaceutics | 2009- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmaceutics | 2009- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaceutisch weekblad Scientific edition | 1979-1992 | Springer | . | Cambio a: Pharmacy world & science |
Pharmaceutische Rundschau | 1889-1895 | Pubpharm | Gratis | . |
Pharmacia | 2010- | College of Pharmacy, Gwalior | Gratis | . |
Pharmacia | 2019- | Pensoft Publishers | Gratis | . |
Pharmaciana | 2011- | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan | Gratis | . |
Pharmacie Globale International Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy | 2010- | Pharmacie Globale | Gratis | . |
Pharmacie Globale International Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy | 2012-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmaciencia | 2013- | Universidad Nacional de Trujillo | Gratis | . |
PharmacoEconomics | 1997- | Springer | . | . |
PharmacoEconomics | 2008- excepto últimos 12 meses | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News | 2004-2015 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News | 2008-2021 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
PharmacoEconomics - Open | 2017- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
PharmacoEconomics - Open | 2017- | Springer | Gratis | . |
PharmacoEconomics - Open | 2017- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
PharmacoEconomics - Open | 2023- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
PharmacoEconomics Spanish Research Articles | 2005-2018 | Springer | . | . |
Pharmacoepidemiology | 2022- | MDPI AG | Gratis | . |
Pharmacoepidemiology | 2022- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety | 1996- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics | 2011- | Ovid Technologies, Inc. | . | Cambio de: Pharmacogenetics |
Pharmacogenomics | 2000-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacogenomics | 2015- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis Artículos selectos | . |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine | 2008- | Dove Medical Press | Gratis | . |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine | 2008- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine | 2008- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine | 2008- | Taylor & Francis | Gratis | . |
Pharmacogenomics Journal | 2001- | Nature Publishing Group | . | . |
Pharmacogenomics Journal | 2001- excepto últimos 60 meses | Nature Publishing Group | Gratis | . |
Pharmacogenomics Journal | 2001-2015 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacogenomics Journal | 2001- excepto últimos 12 meses | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacogenomics Journal | 2001- | Springer | . | . |
Pharmacogenomics Research and Personalized Medicine | 2024- | AME Publishing Company | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Communications | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Communications | 2013- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Journal | 2009- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Journal | 2010- | CABI Journals | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Journal | 2009- | Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Magazine | 2009- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Magazine | 2010-2018 | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Magazine | 2009- | Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Magazine | 2008-2022 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Research | 2009- | Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Research | 2010-2018 | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Research | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Research | 2010- | CABI Journals | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Research | 2011-2021 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Reviews | 2007- | Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Reviews | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacognosy Reviews | 2010-2017 | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacognosy Reviews | 2008-2019 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacologia clinica | 1968-1969 | Springer | . | Cambio a: European journal of clinical pharmacology |
Pharmacological Reports | 2005- | Inst. of Pharmacology, Polish Acad. of Sciences | Gratis | Cambio de: Polish journal of pharmacology |
Pharmacological Reports | 2009-2019 | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio de: Polish journal of pharmacology |
Pharmacological Reports | 2009- | Springer | . | Cambio de: Polish journal of pharmacology |
Pharmacological Research | 1989- | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio de: Pharmacological Research Communications |
Pharmacological Research | 2023- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | Cambio de: Pharmacological Research Communications |
Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine | 2021- | Elsevier Science | Gratis | . |
Pharmacological Research - Natural Products | 2023- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacological Research - Reports | 2023- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacological Research Communications | 1969-1988 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacological Reviews | 1949- | HighWire Press | . | . |
Pharmacological Reviews | 1997- excepto últimos 12 meses | HighWire Press | Gratis | . |
Pharmacological Reviews | 2009- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis Artículos selectos | . |
Pharmacology | 2008-2012 | PubMed Central | Gratis Artículos selectos | . |
Pharmacology | 1998- | Karger Publishers | . | . |
Pharmacology | 1998-2015 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacology & Pharmacy | 2010- | Scientific Research Publishing | Gratis | . |
Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 1979- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part A: Chemotherapy, Toxicology and Metabolic Inhibitors | 1976-1978 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part B: General and Systematic Pharmacology | 1975-1978 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Part C: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | 1976-1978 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacology & Toxicology | 1987-2003 | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio de: Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica | Cambio a: Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology |
Pharmacology & Toxicology | 2002-2003 | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: Acta pharmacologica et toxicologica | Cambio a: Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology |
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research | 2016- | Universitas Padjadjaran | Gratis | . |
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior | 1973- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | Gratis | . |
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives | 2013- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives | 2014- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacology Research & Perspectives | 2013- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacologyonline | 2005- | University of Salerno | Gratis | . |
Pharmacologyonline | 2005- | Società Italo-Latinoamericana di Etnomedicina (SILAE) | Gratis | . |
Pharmacophore | 2010- | PharmacophoreJournal.com | Gratis | . |
Pharmacophore | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacotherapy The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy | 1981- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Pharmactuel | 2000- | Association des Pharmaciens en Etablissements de Sante du Quebec | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy | 2013- | MDPI AG | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy | 2015- | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy | 2013- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications | 1996-2000 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Pharmacy and Therapeutics | 2008-2019 | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy Education | 2000-2007 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacy Education | 2000- | International Pharmaceutical Federation | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy in History | 1959- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: A.I.H.P. Notes |
Pharmacy information | 2011- | Hans Publishers | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy News | 2005-2009 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy On Line | 1994- | Priory Lodge Education Ltd | Gratis | . |
Pharmacy Post | 2002-2006 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Practice | 2002-2013 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Practice | 2006- | SciELO (España) | Gratis | Cambio de: Seguimiento farmacoterap?utico |
Pharmacy Practice | 2003- | Red ALyC | Gratis | Cambio de: Seguimiento farmacoterap?utico |
Pharmacy Practice | 2006- | Centro de Investigaciones y Publicaciones Farmaceuticas | Gratis | Cambio de: Seguimiento farmacoterap?utico |
Pharmacy Practice | 2006-2019 | PubMed Central | Gratis | Cambio de: Seguimiento farmacoterap?utico |
Pharmacy Practice + Business | 2019- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Times | 2007-2008 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Pharmacy Times | 2020- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Times Generics Issue | 2003-2021 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Times Health Systems | 2020- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Times OTC Issue | 2020- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy Today | 1998-2007 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmacy World & Science | 1993-2010 | Springer | . | Cambio de: Pharmaceutisch weekblad (Scientific edition) | Cambio a: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy |
PharmaDeals Review | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
PHARMANEST An International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2010- | Pharmaceutical Education and Research Society | Gratis | . |
PharmaNutrition | 2013- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
PharmaTimes | 2021- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharmazeutische Zeitung | 2002- | GOVI-Verlag (Germany) | Gratis | . |
Pharmazie In Unserer Zeit Pharmuz | 2001-2012 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Pharos Arte ciencia y tecnología | 1994-2006 | Red ALyC | Gratis | . |
Pharos International | 2014-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Pharos International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality | 2022- | Egyptian Journals | Gratis | . |
Pharos Journal of Theology | 2015- | Institute of Afro-Hellenic Studies | Gratis | Cambio de: Ekklesiastikos Pharos |
Phase Transitions | 2003- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phase Transitions | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Phaselis: Disiplinlerarası Akdeniz Araştırmaları Dergisi | 2015- | Akdeniz University | Gratis | . |
Phasis | 1973 | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | Gratis | . |
Phasmid studies | 1992- | Plasmid Studies Group | Gratis | . |
Phasmid studies | 1992-2009 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
PHC Profit Report | 1995-1997 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phegea | 1973-2014 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Phegea | 2022- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phelsuma | 1992-2022 | Nature Protection Trust of Seychelles | Gratis | . |
Phenomena in Nursing | 2017-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis | . |
Phenomena Journal | 2019- | Marp Edizioni | Gratis | . |
Phenomenological Studies Phaenomenologische Forschungen | 2017- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phenomenological Studies Phaenomenologische Forschungen | 1975- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Phenomenology & Practice | 2007- | University of Alberta | Gratis | . |
Phenomenology & Practice | 2011- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phenomenology and Mind | 2015-2019 | Firenze University Press | Gratis | . |
Phenomenology and Mind | 2020- | Open Edition | Gratis | . |
Phenomenology and Mind | 2019- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phenomenology and Social Sciences | 2018- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | Gratis | . |
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences | 2002- | Springer | . | . |
Phenomenon | 2011- | Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang | Gratis | . |
Phenomics | 2021- | Springer | Gratis | . |
Phenomics | 2021- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis | . |
Phi Beta Kappa Key The | 1910-1927 | JSTOR | Gratis | Cambio a: American Scholar, The |
Phi Delta Kappa Fastbacks | 2004-2005 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Phi Delta Kappan | 1916- excepto últimos 12 meses | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: National News Letter of Phi Delta Kappa |
Phi Delta Kappan | 1994- | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio de: National News Letter of Phi Delta Kappa |
Phi Delta Kappan | 2000- | Sage Journals | . | Cambio de: National News Letter of Phi Delta Kappa |
Phi Delta Kappan | 1992-2010 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | Cambio de: National News Letter of Phi Delta Kappa |
Phi Kappa Phi Forum | 2002- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Phi Kappa Phi Forum | 1994- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Phil's Stock World [Phil's Stock World - BLOG] | 2009- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philadelphia Business Journal | 1996- | American City Business Journals Inc. | Gratis | . |
Philadelphia Business Journal | 1999-2004 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philadelphia Daily News | 1983- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philadelphia Daily News Blogs (Philadelphia, PA) | 2014-2015 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philadelphia flower & garden show | 1971-1982 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | Cambio a: Philadelphia flower show |
Philadelphia flower show | 1966-1997 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | Cambio de: Philadelphia flower & garden show |
Philadelphia Inquirer | 2003- | Philadelphia Inquirer | Gratis | . |
Philadelphia Inquirer | 1983- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philadelphia Inquirer Blogs (Philadelphia, PA) | 2014-2015 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philadelphia Museum Bulletin | 1938-1956 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum | Cambio a: Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin |
Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin | 1956- excepto últimos 60 meses | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: The Philadelphia Museum Bulletin |
Philadelphia Tribune | 1991- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philament An Online Journal of the Arts and Culture | 2003- | University of Sydney | Gratis | . |
Philanthropist A place for nonprofit sector discussion | 1972- | Simon Fraser University | Gratis | . |
Philanthropy & Education | 2017- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philia International Journal of Ancient Mediterranean Studies | 2015- | Dergipark | Gratis | . |
Philia&Filia | 2010- | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | Gratis | . |
Philing Philosophical Inquiries | 2017- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philip Roth Society Newsletter | 2003-2013 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philip Roth Studies | 2010- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philip Roth Studies | 2005- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philippine Agricultural Scientist | 2022- | University of the Philippines | Gratis | . |
Philippine Canonical Forum | 2007-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Engineering Journal | 2002- | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine Entomologist | 2017- | University of the Philippines Los Baños | Gratis | . |
Philippine human development report | 1994- | Human Development Network | Gratis | . |
Philippine humanities review PHR | 2007- | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine Information Technology Journal | 2020- | Computing Society of the Philippines | Gratis | . |
Philippine Institute for Development Studies Research Papers | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine journal of counseling psychology | 2010- | Philippine e-journals | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Crop Science | 1976- | CABI Journals | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Development | 2002- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Development | 1981- | Philippine Institute of Development Studies | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Development | 2008-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Fisheries | 1951- | National Fisheries Research and Development Institute | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine | 1963- | Philippine College of Physicians | Gratis | . |
Philippine journal of labor and industrial relations | 2007- | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Librarianship & Information Studies PhJLIS | 2019- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | 1980- | Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Neurology | 2018- | Philippine Neurological Association | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 2021- | MedKnow | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery | 1981- | Philippine Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Public Administration | 2005- | University of the Philippines | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Science | 1906-1922 | Botanicus | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Science | 1906-1949 | University of Michigan | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Science | 1906- | Science and Technology Information Institute | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Science | 1906-1923 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Science | 2018- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Social Development | 2007- | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology | 2009- | Association of Systematic Biologists of the Philippines | Gratis | . |
Philippine Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 2016- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Law Journal | 2007-2010 | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine Management Review | 2018- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Management Review | 2005-2020 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippine Management Review | 1990- | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine political science journal PPSJ | 1998- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society | 1973- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philippine Review of Economics | 2016- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Science Letters | 2008-2015 | Philippine Science Letters | Gratis | Cambio a: International Journal of Philippine Science and Technology |
Philippine Scientific Journal | 2010-2011 | Philippine e-journals | Gratis | . |
Philippine Scientist | 2011- | University of San Carlos Cebu | Gratis | . |
Philippine Scientist | 2010-2015 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Social Science Journal | 2018- | University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos Graduate School | Gratis | . |
Philippine social sciences review PSSR | 1984- | University of the Philippines Diliman | Gratis | . |
Philippine social sciences review PSSR | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippine Sociological Review | 1953- | JSTOR | . | . |
Philippine Studies | 2009-2011 | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio a: Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints |
Philippine Studies | 1959-2011 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Philippine Studies: Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints |
Philippine Studies Historical & Ethnographic Viewpoints | 2012- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philippine Studies |
Philippines Agribusiness Report. | 2010-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Autos Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Commercial Banking Report | 2008-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Country Review | 2000- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippines Defence & Security Report | 2021- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippines Food & Drink Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Freight Transport Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Information Technology Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Infrastructure Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Insurance Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Mining Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Oil & Gas Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Petrochemicals Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Power Report | 2009-2016 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippines Telecommunications Report | 2009-2017 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philippiniana Sacra | 2007-2011 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philippiniana Sacra | 1966- | University of Santo Tomás | Gratis | . |
Philips Research Book Series | 2005-2011 | Springer Series | . | . |
Phillips Business Information's Communications Standards News | 1995-2000 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Phillips Business Information's Interactive Video News | 1995-1997 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Phillips Business Information's PCS Week | 1995-1999 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philo | 2011-2014 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philobiblion | 2015- | Universidad Autonoma de Madrid | Gratis | . |
Philobiblon Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities | 1996- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philobiblon Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities | 2012- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philologia | 2003- | Philologia Association | Gratis | . |
Philologia | 2021- | CEEOL | Gratis | . |
Philologia | 2010- | Institutul de Filologie al ASM | Gratis | Cambio de: Revistă de lingvistică și știință literară |
Philologia Classica | 1977- | Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta | Gratis | . |
Philologia Hispalensis | 1986- | Editorial Universidad de Sevilla | Gratis | . |
Philologica Canariensia | 2014- | Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canararia | Gratis | . |
Philologica Canariensia | 1994- | Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canararia | Gratis | . |
Philologica Jassyensia | 2005- | Editura Alfa | Gratis | . |
Philologica Jassyensia | 2008- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philologica Jassyensia | 2012- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philological Class | 2015- | Ural State Pedagogical University | Gratis | . |
Philological Quarterly | 1922-1938 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | Gratis | . |
Philological Quarterly | 1995- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philological Quarterly | 1997- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philological Review | 2005- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philologus | 1920-1939 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | Gratis | . |
Philologus | 1995- | de Gruyter | . | . |
Philology an international journal on the evolution of languages cultures and texts | 2015-2019 | Ingenta plc | Gratis | . |
Philomusica | 2001- | Università di Pavia | Gratis | . |
Philonsorbonne | 2007- | Open Edition | Gratis | . |
Philosopher's annual | 2000- | Center for the Study of Language and Information | Gratis | . |
Philosophers Magazine | 1997- | Philosophy Documentation Center | Gratis | . |
Philosophers' Imprint | 2022- | University of Michigan Libraries | Gratis | . |
Philosophers' Imprint | 2001- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philosophers' Imprint | 2001-2021 | University of Michigan Libraries | Gratis | . |
Philosophia | 2006-2013 | Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski | Gratis | . |
Philosophia Africana | 2001-2015 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophia Anuario de filosofía | 2008- | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Gratis | . |
Philosophia E Journal of Philosophy & Culture | 2014- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophia International Journal of Philosophy | 2007- | Philippine National Philosophical Research Society | Gratis | . |
Philosophia Mathematica | 1964- | Oxford Academic | . | . |
Philosophia Mathematica | 1996- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophia Mathematica | 1996- | IEEExplore | . | . |
Philosophia Philosophical Quarterly of Israel | 1971- | Springer | . | . |
Philosophia Philosophical Quarterly of Israel | 2006- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophia Reformata | 2010- excepto últimos 36 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophia Reformata | 1936- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philosophia Scientiae | 1996-2007 | Numdam | Gratis | . |
Philosophia Scientiae | 2007- | Open Edition | Gratis | . |
Philosophia Scientiae | 2004- excepto últimos 48 meses | CAIRN | Gratis | . |
Philosophic Exchange | 2009- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophica | 1963- | Ghent University | Gratis | . |
Philosophica 1857 9272 | 2021- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Books | 1997-2010 | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio a: Analytic Philosophy |
Philosophical Books | 1997-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio a: Analytic Philosophy |
Philosophical Explorations | 1998- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Philosophical Explorations | 2004- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Forum | 1999- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Philosophical Forum | 1980- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Foundations of Law and Justice | 2008 | Springer Series | . | . |
Philosophical Frontiers A Journal of Emerging Thought | 2008-2009 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Horizons | 2020- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Investigations | 1997- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Philosophical Investigations | 1998- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Investigations | 2007- | University of Tabriz | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Investigations | 2023- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Issues | 2000- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Philosophical Issues | 1991- excepto últimos 60 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philosophical Issues | 2004- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Magazine | 2003- | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Magazine A +B |
Philosophical magazine : comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, geology, agriculture, manufactures and commerce | 1798-1813 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Philosophical magazine : comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, geology, agriculture, manufactures and commerce | 1798-1826 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Philosophical magazine : or Annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history and general science | 1827-1832 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Magazine A | 1997-2002 | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio a: Philosophical Magazine |
Philosophical Magazine A | 1998-2002 | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio a: Philosophical Magazine |
Philosophical magazine and journal : comprehending various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce | 1814-1826 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Magazine B | 1997-2002 | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio a: Philosophical Magazine |
Philosophical Magazine B | 1998-2002 | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio a: Philosophical Magazine |
Philosophical Magazine Letters | 1996- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Philosophical Magazine Letters | 1998- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Magazine Letters | 2023- | Taylor & Francis | Gratis | . |
Philosophical news | 2010- | Mimesis Edizioni | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Notes | 1985- | Libertarian Alliance (UK) | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Papers | 2008- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Papers | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Philosophical Papers and Reviews | 2009- | Academic Journals | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Perspectives | 2003- | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio a: Nous |
Philosophical Perspectives | 1987-1995 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Nous |
Philosophical Perspectives | 1998- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | Cambio a: Nous |
Philosophical Practice Journal of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association | 2011- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Problems Today | 2005-2005 | Springer Series | . | . |
Philosophical Psychology | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Philosophical Psychology | 1988- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Psychology | 1997-2000 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philosophical Quarterly | 1997-2013 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Philosophical Quarterly | 1950- excepto últimos 60 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philosophical Quarterly | 1974- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Quarterly | 1950- | Oxford Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Readings | 2009- | Philosophical Readings | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Review | 1892- excepto últimos 60 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philosophical Review | 2000- | Duke University Press | . | . |
Philosophical Review | 2006-2010 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Review 10158995 | 2012- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Studies | 1950- | Springer | . | . |
Philosophical Studies | 1997- excepto últimos 12 meses | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Studies | 1950- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | . |
Philosophical Studies | 1996-2014 | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philosophical Studies in Contemporary Culture | 2006- | Springer Series | . | . |
Philosophical Studies in Education | 2002- | Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society | Gratis | . |
Philosophical studies journal | 2024- | Brill | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Studies Series | 2006-2008 | Springer Series | . | . |
Philosophical Topics | 2013- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophical Topics | 1981- | JSTOR | . | . |
Philosophical Transactions | 1665-1677 | JSTOR | Gratis | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) |
Philosophical Transactions | 1662-1886 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) |
Philosophical Transactions | 1683-1775 | JSTOR | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678) | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society | 1757-1777 | Bodleian Library Oxford | Gratis | . |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences | 2004- excepto últimos 12 meses | HighWire Press | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences | 1990- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences | 1997- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | 1776-1886 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | 1665-1887 | Royal Society | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775) | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A | 1887-1895 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B | 1887-1895 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character | 1896-1934 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character | 1887-1932 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Mathematical and Physical Sciences | 1934-1990 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Mathematical and Physical Sciences | 1888-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical or Physical Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences | 1665-1939 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences | 1934-1990 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences | 1665-1887 | HighWire Press | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences | 1887-1945 | HighWire Press | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences | 1887- | Royal Society | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Containing Papers of a Biological Character | 1896-1934 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B Containing Papers of a Biological Character | 1888-1932 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences |
Philosophical Transactions Physical Sciences and Engineering | 1990-1995 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences | Cambio a: Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences |
Philosophical transactions Series A Mathematical physical and engineering sciences | 2001- excepto últimos 24 meses | HighWire Press | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical transactions Series A Mathematical physical and engineering sciences | 1996- excepto últimos 36 meses | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical transactions Series A Mathematical physical and engineering sciences | 2006- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Gratis Artículos selectos | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical transactions Series A Mathematical physical and engineering sciences | 1665- | Royal Society | . | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical transactions Series A Mathematical physical and engineering sciences | 1665-1945 | HighWire Press | Gratis | Cambio de: Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering |
Philosophical Writings | 2014-2015 | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophie antique | 2011- | Open Edition | Gratis | . |
Philosophie de la connaissance au Collège de France | 2011- | Collège de France | Gratis | . |
Philosophies | 2016- | MDPI AG | Gratis | . |
Philosophies | 2021- | ProQuest Information and Learning | . | . |
Philosophies | 2022- | Ebsco Academic | . | . |
Philosophique | 1998-2012 | Open Edition | Gratis | . |