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# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 

Siguientes registros:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 

TituloFechaProveedorAccesoCambio de titulo
Journal of Economic & Social Development2009-Institute for Economic & Social Development..
Journal of Economic & Social Policy2000-Southern Cross University..
Journal of Economic & Social Studies JECOSS2011-International Burch University..
Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences2007-Sabinet..
Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences2015-University of South Africa..
Journal of Economic and Social Development2014-Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency..
Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development2009-SESRTCIC.Cambio de: Journal of Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries
Journal of Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries1998-2008SESRTCIC.Cambio a: Journal of Economic Cooperation & Development
Journal of Economic Criminology2023-Elsevier Science..
Journal of Economic Development1976-Economic Research Institute, Chung-Ang University..
Journal of Economic Development1997-University of Economics Hochiminh City..
Journal of Economic Development2010-VietnamJOL..
Journal of Economic Development Environment and People2012-Editura Fundatiei Romania de Maine..
Journal of Economic Development Policy2013-Alzahra University..
Journal of Economic Education2010-2022J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Economic Education2012-Universitas Negeri Semarang..
Journal of Economic Entomology1915BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Journal of Economic Entomology2013- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Journal of Economic Entomology1908-1924BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Journal of Economic Geology2009-ISC..
Journal of Economic Perspectives2017-JSTOR..
Journal of Economic Policy and Management Issues2022-University of South Africa..
Journal of Economic Policy Studies2020-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Economic Sciences JES2022-Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology..
Journal of Economic Structures2012-SpringerOpen..
Journal of Economic Studies The University of Tokyo2018-2019J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Economics2013-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Economics2010-Kamla-Raj Enterprises..
Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences Afyon Kocatepe Ãœniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi2015-Afyon Kocatepe University..
Journal of Economics & Behavioral Studies2010-International Foundation for Research and Development (IFRD)..
Journal of Economics & Management2004-University of Economics in Katowice..
Journal of Economics & Management2019-Sciendo..
Journal of Economics And Administrative Sciences2007-Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals..
Journal of Economics and Business Research2009-Aurel Vlaicu University Editing House..
Journal of Economics and Development2011-VietnamJOL..
Journal of Economics and Development2011-National Economics University..
Journal of Economics and Development2019-Emerald..
Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis2017-Tripal Publishing House..
Journal of Economics and International Finance2009-Academic Journals..
Journal of Economics and Public Finance2015-Scholink..
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development2010-International Institute for Science, Technology and Education..
Journal of Economics and Technologies Knowledge2015-Free Mind Publ...
Journal of Economics Business and Management2013-IACSIT Press..
Journal of Economics Education and Entrepreneurship2020-Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin..
Journal of Economics Finance & Administrative Science2012-2016Elsevier Science..
Journal of Economics Finance & Administrative Science2010-SciELO (Peru)..
Journal of Economics Finance & Administrative Science2005-Red ALyC..
Journal of Economics Finance & Administrative Science1999-Universidad ESAN..
Journal of Economics Finance & Administrative Science2017-Emerald..
Journal of Economics Management and Agricultural Development2015-University of the Philippines Los Baños..
Journal of Economics Teaching2021-Journal of Economics Teaching..
Journal of Economics Theory2007-2020Internet Archive..
Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy2010-Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (PPPM STIE)..
Journal of Economy and its Applications2015-Sciendo..
Journal of Economy and Technology2023-Elsevier Science..
Journal of Economy Culture and Society1960-Dergipark..
Journal of Ecosystems2013-2015Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Journal of Ecotechnology2005-2008National Taipei University of Technology..
Journal of Ecotechnology Research2003-2021J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Edge Computing2022-Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences..
Journal of Education and Community Health2014-Yektaweb..
Journal of Education and Culture Studies2017-Scholink..
Journal of Education and Educational Development2014-Institute of Business Management..
Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry2011-Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow..
Journal of Education and Ethics in Nursing2013-Jahrom University of Medical Sciences..
Journal of Education and Health Promotion2012-PubMed Central..
Journal of Education and Health Promotion2012-MedKnow..
Journal of Education and Health Science2004-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronicselecciones disponibles.
Journal of Education and Learning2012-Universitas Ahmad Dahlan..
Journal of Education and Practice2010-International Institute for Science, Technology and Education..
Journal of Education and Research2010-Nepal Journals Online..
Journal of Education and Research in Nursing2004-AVES..
Journal of Education and Research of Massage and Acupuncture2014-2022J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of education and science2005-Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals..
Journal of Education and Teaching2020-Fakultas keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari..
Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine2016-eScholarship..
Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine2020-PubMed Central..
Journal of Education and Training Studies2013-Redfame Publishing..
Journal of education and vocational research2011-International Foundation for Research and Development (IFRD)..
Journal of Education Culture and Society2010-CEEOL..
Journal of Education Faculty2002-Erzincan Üniversitesi..
Journal of Education for International Development2005-Educational Quality Improvement Program..
Journal of Education for Sustainability and Diversity2022-Angstrom Centre of Education..
Journal of Education Health and Sport2011-RSW..
Journal of Education IBSU2014-International Black Sea University..
Journal of Education in New Century2013-New Century Science Press LLC..
Journal of Education in Perioperative Medicine JEPM1999-PubMed Central..
Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health2015-Seyit Ahmet Kıray..
Journal of Education Research and Evaluation2017-Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha..
Journal of Education Studies2007-Thai Journals Online..
Journal of Education Technology2017-Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha..
Journal of Education University of KwaZulu-Natal 2017-SciELO (South Africa)..
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)2018-Mahesa Research Institute..
Journal of Education, Mahasarakham University2007-TCI..
Journal of Education, Society & Multiculturalism2020-Valahia University Press..
Journal Of Education, Teaching and Learning2016-Institute for Research and Scientific Publications STKIP Singkawang..
Journal of Educational Administration and Finance2017-JSciMed Central..
Journal of Educational Administration and Finance1970-2022J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Educational Administration Burapha University2007-Thai Journals Online..
Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology2011-Canadian Center of Science and Education..
Journal Of Educational and Psychological Researches2006-Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals..
Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences2000-University of Bahrain..
Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies2007-Sultan Qaboos University..
Journal of Educational and Social Research2013-MCSER Publishing..
Journal of Educational Chemistry2019-Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang..
Journal of educational chronicle2010-Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior..
Journal of educational controversy2006-Western Washington University..
Journal of educational data mining JEDM2009-International Working Group on Educational Data Mining..
Journal of Educational Enquiry2000-2016University of South Australia..
Journal of educational environment research2011-Korean Institute of Educational Environment..
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions2006-National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board of the Republic of Korea..
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions2006-PubMed Central..
Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions2004-Synapse..
Journal of Educational Foundations2019-Caddo Cap Press..
Journal of educational health and community psychology2012-Universitas Ahmad Dahlan..
Journal of Educational Leadership in Action2013-Lindenwood..
Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice2018-Exeley Inc...
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences2003-Tamkang University Press..
Journal of Educational Media Memory and Society2023-Berghahn Journals..
Journal of Educational Practice and Research2007-Proquest..
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH1967-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Educational Research2005-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Educational Research 1027 97762006-Islamia University of Bahawalpur..
Journal of Educational Sciences2013-King Saud University..
Journal of Educational Sciences2017-FKIP - University of Riau..
Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology2011-Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti..
Journal of Educational Sciences Research2011-...
Journal of Educational Sociology1951-2021J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Educational Technology & Society1998-IEEE Computer Society..
Journal of Educators Online2004-Journal of Educators Online..
Journal of Edugeography2012-Universitas Negeri Semarang..
Journal of Effective Teaching in Higher Education2018-University of North Carolina Wilmington..
Journal of effective teaching JET1996-University of North Carolina Wilmington..
Journal of Ekonomi2019-Cem Ik..
Journal of Elder Policy2020-2022Policy Studies Organization..
Journal of Elder Policy2020-Wiley Online Library..
Journal of Electric Propulsion2021-Springer..
Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering2010-Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering2008-Editura Universitcii din Oradea.Cambio de: Analele Universitatii din Oradea - Fascicula Electrotehnica - sectiunea Electronica
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Innovations2013-Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University..
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research2009-Academic Journals..
Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance2018-PubMed Central..
Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance2010-Sciendo..
Journal of Electrical Engineering2009-BanglaJOL..
Journal of Electrical Engineering2010-Sciendo..
Journal of Electrical Engineering2005-Politehnica Publ. House..
Journal of electrical engineering & technology2006-2018Korea Science..
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer2020-LP3M Universitas Nurul Jadid..
Journal of Electrical Engineering Electronics Control and Computer Science2015-University of Pitesti..
Journal of Electrical Systems2005-ESRGroups..
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology2014-2018Elsevier ScienceSpringer Nature 2019.
Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology2019-SpringerOpen..
Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Informatics2017-Universitas Udayana..
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering2011-International Association of Physical Chemists..
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology2010-Korea Science..
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology2010-Korean Electrochemical Society..
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications2009-Scientific Research Publishing..
Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science2001-Korea Science..
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science2013-The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science..
Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics2022-Emerald..
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations2022-IGI Global..
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research2000-California State University..
Journal of Electronic Packaging2013-2016PubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Journal of Electronic Publishing1995-University of Michigan Libraries..
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology2010-University of Electronic Science and Technology.Cambio de: Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology2019-Elsevier Science.Cambio de: Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Journal of Electronics & Information Technology1979-China Open Access Journals (COAJ)..
Journal of Electronics and Information Science2016-Clausius Scientific Press Inc...
Journal of Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering Research2012-Transglobal Journal Publications and Research Consultancy..
Journal of Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control2011-Scientific Research Publishing..
Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics2019-Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya..
Journal of Electrophoresis2005-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Elementary Education2008-University of the Punjab..
Journal of Elementology2006-Olsztynie..
Journal of eLiteracy2004-University of Glasgow..
Journal of ELT Research2016-UHAMKA Press..
Journal of Embedded Systems2013-Science and Education Publishing..
Journal of Embodied Research2018-Open Library of Humanities..
Journal of Embryo Transfer1986-2018Korean Society of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology..
Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology1953-1986HighWire Press.Cambio a: Development
Journal of EMDR Practice & Research2007-2018Ingenta plc..
Journal of Emergencies Trauma and Shock2008-PubMed Central..
Journal of Emergencies Trauma and Shock2008-MedKnow..
Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine2017-AME Publishing Company..
Journal of Emergency Medicine Trauma and Acute Care2012-Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation.Cambio de: Middle East Journal of Emergency Medicine
Journal of Emergency Practice and Trauma2015-afranet..
Journal of emerging dance scholarship2013-World Dance Alliance..
Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets2009-India, China & America Institute..
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence2009-Academy Publisher..
Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences2010-CIS Press..
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics & Management Sciences2010-Scholarlink Resource Centre..
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research & Policy Studies2010-Scholarlink Resource Centre..
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences2010-Scholarlink Resource Centre Journal..
Journal of Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management2016-The Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House..
Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science1996-University of South Australia..
Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting2011-Alzahra University..
Journal of Enam Medical College2011-BanglaJOL..
Journal of Encapsulation and Adsorption Sciences2011-Scientific Research Publishing..
Journal of Endocrinology1997- excepto últimos 12 mesesBioscientifica..
Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism2011-Elmer Press..
Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism & Diabetes of South Africa2004-Ituta e-Solutions..
Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism & Diabetes of South Africa2005-AJOL..
Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism & Diabetes of South Africa2004-Taylor & Francis..
Journal of Endocrinology Metabolism & Diabetes of South Africa2004-Sabinet..
Journal of Endoluminal Endourology2018-Dougmar Publishing Group Inc..
Journal of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders2023-Elsevier Science..
Journal of Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgery in Newborn Children and Adolescent2013-CLUEB Ed..
Journal of Endourology2008- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Journal of Endourology Case Reports2015-2020PubMed Central..
Journal of Endourology Case Reports2015-Mary Ann Liebert, Inc...
Journal of Endovascular Resuscitation and Trauma Management2017-Orebro University,..
Journal of Endovascular Surgery1990-1999Sage Journals.Cambio a: Journal of endovascular therapy
Journal of Endovascular Therapy2008-PubMed CentralArtículos selectosCambio de: Journal of endovascular surgery
Journal of Endovascular Therapy2000-Sage Journals.Cambio de: Journal of endovascular surgery
Journal of Energy2004-Hrcak..
Journal of Energy2013-Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Journal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics2014-North Sea Conference & Journal..
Journal of Energy Engineering1992-Korea Science..
Journal of energy in Southern Africa2018-Sabinet..
Journal of energy in Southern Africa2005-Plumstead..
Journal of energy in Southern Africa2008-SciELO (South Africa)..
Journal of Energy Management and Technology2017-Iran Energy Association (IEA)..
Journal of Energy Resources Technology2013-2020PubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy2011-International Institute for Science, Technology and Education..
Journal of Engaged Pedagogy2014-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Engineered Fabrics & Fibers JEFF2006-Sage Journals.Cambio de: International nonwovens journal
Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics1999-2005Sage Journals.Cambio a: International nonwovens journal
Journal of Engineering2013-Hindawi Publishing Corporation..
Journal of Engineering2013-2020Institution of Engineering and Technology..
Journal of Engineering2013-Wiley Online Library..
Journal of Engineering1989-Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia..
Journal of Engineering & Processing Management2009-University of East Sarajevo..
Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences2003-Inst. for Research and Community Services..
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science2021-SpringerOpen..
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science1999-2020Cairo University..
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN)..
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences2006-2022Internet Archive..
Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskisehir Osmangazi University1996-Dergipark..
Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations2010-Academic Journals..
Journal of Engineering and Economic Development2014-Global Strategic Management Incorporated..
Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System2013-University of Brawijaya..
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development2013-Mustansiriyah University/College of Engineering..
Journal of Engineering and Technology2010-Penerbit Universiti, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka..
Journal of Engineering and Technology Research2009-Academic Journals..
Journal of Engineering Bagdad University2005-Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals..
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power2013-2020PubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Journal of engineering geology1991-Korea Society of Engineering Geololgy..
Journal of Engineering Issues and Solutions2021-Nepal Journals Online..
Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness2011-University of Novi Sad..
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology2013-2013PubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics and Machinery2016-Clausius Scientific Press Inc...
Journal of Engineering Project and Production Management2011-Association of Engineering, Project, and Production Management..
Journal of Engineering Research2013-Kuwait University..
Journal of Engineering Research2014-2016Springer..
Journal of Engineering Research2023-Elsevier Science..
Journal of Engineering Research2004-Sultan Qaboos University..
Journal of Engineering Research and Technology2014-Islamic University of Gaza..
Journal of Engineering Science2005-Universiti Sains Malaysia..
Journal of Engineering Science2020-Khulna University of Engineering and Technology..
Journal of Engineering Science2010-Khulna University of Engineering and Technology..
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review2008-Education Institute of Kavala..
Journal of Engineering Science (Chişinău)2018-Technical University of Moldova..
Journal of Engineering Science and Military Technologies2017-Egyptian Journals..
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology2006-Taylor's College..
Journal of Engineering Sciences2014-ResearchBib..
Journal of Engineering Sciences and Innovation2017-AGIR Publishing House..
Journal of Engineering Sector of Engineering Colleges - Al-Azhar University2016-Egyptian Journals..
Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Physics2019-MMU Press..
Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences2016-Dergipark..
Journal of Engineering Technology and Planning2019-Nepal Journals Online..
Journal of English as a Foreign Language Teaching and Research2021-Research Synergy Foundation..
Journal of English Education and Teaching2018-UNIB Press..
Journal of English Language and Education2015-Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta..
Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice2008-Islamic Azad University..
Journal of English language Studies2016-Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa..
Journal of English language teaching and literary studies2012-Aditanar College of Arts & Science..
Journal of English Studies1999-Universidad de la Rioja..
Journal of English Studies1999-Dialnet..
Journal of English Studies2003-Thai Journals Online..
Journal of English studies and comparative literature1997-University of the Philippines Diliman..
Journal of English Studies at NBU2015-CEEOL..
Journal of English Teaching through Movies and Media2021-The Society for Teaching English through Media..
Journal of Enteric Pathogens2013-Alborz University of Medical Sciences..
Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research2010-PAGEPress..
Journal of Entomology2004-Academic Journals..
Journal of Entomology and Nematology2009-Academic Journals..
Journal of Entomology and Zoology1913-1923BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies2013-AkiNik Publications..
Journal of entomology descriptive and geographical1862-1866BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity2023-PT Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia..
Journal of Entrepreneurship Business and Economics2013-Scientificia..
Journal of Entrepreneurship Management and Innovation2009-Nowy Sacz Business School National-Louis University..
Journal of Environment and Earth Science2011-International Institute for Science, Technology and Education..
Journal of Environment and Engineering2006-2013J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environment and Safety2010-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress2016-Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco..
Journal of Environmental and Public Health2009-2023Wiley Online Library..
Journal of Environmental and Public Health2009-PubMed Central..
Journal of environmental and tourism analysis2013-Bucharest University..
Journal of Environmental Biology2006-Triveni Enterprises..
Journal of Environmental Biotechnology2021-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Chemistry1991-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology2009-Academic Journals..
Journal of Environmental Conservation Engineering1972-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Engineering & Landscape Management2004-Vilnius Gediminas Technical University..
Journal of Environmental Engineering Transactions of AIJ2003-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment2021-OAE Publishers..
Journal of Environmental Geography2008-University of Szeged.Cambio de: Acta Geografica
Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development2016-Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences..
Journal of Environmental Health Engineering2013-Alborz University of Medical Sciences..
Journal of Environmental Health Research2002-Journal of Environmental Health Research..
Journal of Environmental Health Research2002-Chartered Institute of Environmental Health..
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2013- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central.Cambio de: Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering2012-Springer.Cambio de: Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering
Journal of Environmental Hydrology1995-International Association for Environmental Hydrology..
Journal of Environmental Information Science2016-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Issues and Agriculture in Developing Countries2009-International Centre for Integrated Development Research..
Journal of Environmental Law and Policy2022-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism2010-Repec..
Journal of Environmental Monitoring1999- excepto últimos 36 mesesRoyal Society of Chemistry.Cambio a: Environmental science processes & impacts
Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka2012-SLJOL..
Journal of Environmental Protection2010-Scientific Research Publishing..
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology2006-Scibulcom Ltd...
Journal of Environmental Science2016-Egyptian Journals..
Journal of Environmental Science & Technology2008-Asian Network for Scientific Information..
Journal of Environmental Science and Management2013-University of the Philippines Los Baños..
Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources2011-BanglaJOL..
Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources2012-Wudpecker Journals..
Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society2007-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Science International1992-Korea Science..
Journal of Environmental Sciences Computer Science and Engineering & Technology2012-Scientific and Academic Publication..
Journal of Environmental Sociology1995-2020J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Environmental Statistics2010-UCLA Statistics..
Journal of Environmental Studies1974-University of Tehran..
Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches2017-Egyptian Journals..
Journal of Environmental Systems1971-2011CLOCKSS..
Journal of Environmental Toxicology2002-2010Korean Society of Environmental Health and Toxicology.Cambio de: Korean Journal of Environmental ToxicologyCambio a: Environmental Health and Toxicology
Journal of Environmentally Friendly Processes2013-Petrotex Publication Group..
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition & Medicinal Chemistry2007-Taylor & Francis..
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition & Medicinal Chemistry2017-PubMed Central..
Journal of Epidemiology1991-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Epidemiology2002-PubMed Central..
Journal of Epidemiology2017-2017Elsevier Sciencetransferred back to the society 2018.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1979-2007BMJ Publishing Group.Cambio de: Epidemiology and Community Health
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1978-1978PubMed Central.Cambio de: Epidemiology and Community Health
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health1978-2007PubMed Central.Cambio de: Epidemiology and Community Health
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health2011-2018Elsevier ScienceAtlantis Press 2019.
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health2011-2021Atlantis Press..
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health2011-PubMed Central..
Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health2021-Springer..
Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health2016-Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret..
Journal of Epigenetics2019-University of Sistan and Baluchestan..
Journal of epigraphy and rock drawings2007-Department of Antiquities of Jordan, Amman..
Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology2004-2012SciELO (Brasil)..
Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology2013-Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia..
Journal of Epilepsy Research2011-PubMed Central..
Journal of Epileptology2013-Exeley..
Journal of Epistemology and Mind Sciences2017-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Epithelial Biology & Pharmacology2008-2013Bentham open..
Journal of Equine Rehabilitation2023-Elsevier Science..
Journal of Equine Science1994-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of Equine Science2008-PubMed Central..
Journal of Erciyes Communication2010-Dergipark..
Journal of escience librarianship JESLIB2012-University of Massachusetts Medical School..
Journal of Esoteric Buddhism1947-2008J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Journal of EST (Educational Science And Technology)2015-Universitas Negeri Makassar..
Journal of ETA Maritime Science2013-UCTEA The Chamber of Marine Engineers..
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy2005-University of Southern California..
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy2005-University of Southern California..
Journal of Ethics and Legal Technologies2019-Padova University Press..
Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity2019-Johannes Gutenberg-Universität..
Journal of Ethics in Entrepreneurship and Technology2020-Emerald..
Journal of Ethnic Foods2014-2018Elsevier ScienceSpringer 2019-.
Journal of Ethnic Foods2019-BioMed Central..
Journal of Ethnobiology1981-2004BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine2005-BioMed Central..
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine2005-PubMed Central..
Journal of Ethnology & Folkloristics2007-CEEOL..
Journal of Ethnology & Folkloristics2007-University of Tartu, Estonian National Museum, Estonian Literary Museum..
Journal of Ethnomusicology2009-National Folklore Support Centre..
Journal of ethnophilosophical questions and global ethics2017-CEEOL..
Journal of EuCornea2018-2020Elsevier Science..
Journal of EuCornea2018-EuCornea..
Journal of Eurasian Studies2010-2018Elsevier ScienceSage 2019-.
Journal of Eurasian studies2009-Foundation Mikes International..
Journal of European CME2012-2022Taylor & Francis.Cambio a: Journal of CME
Journal of European CME2016-2022PubMed Central.Cambio a: Journal of CME
Journal of European Economic History The1972-Associazione Bancaria Italiana, ABI..
Journal of European Economy2017-West Ukrainian National University..
Journal of European education JEE2011-Erciyes University, Turkey..
Journal of European Periodical Studies2016-Ghent University..
Journal of European Psychology Students2009-Ubiquity Press..
Journal of Evidence Based Care2012-Mashhad University of Medical Sciences..
Journal of Evidence Based Health Policy, Management & Economics2017-Yektaweb..
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare2014-Level Up Business Center..
Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine2010-2017Sage Journals.Cambio de: Complementary Health Practice ReviewCambio a: Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine
Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine2017-2017PubMed Central.Cambio de: Complementary Health Practice ReviewCambio a: Journal of evidence-based integrative medicine
Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare2019-Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública..
Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine2018-Sage Journals.Cambio de: Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine
Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine2018-PubMed Central.Cambio de: Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine
Journal of Evolution & Technology1998-World Transhumanist Association..
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences2012-Akshantala Enterprises..
Journal of Evolutionary Biology1988- excepto últimos 24 mesesWiley Online Library..
Journal of Evolutionary Biology Research2009-Academic Journals..
Journal of Evolutionary Medicine2012-Ashdin Publishing..
Journal of Evolutionary Psychology2007-2014Akadémiai Kiadó.Cambio a: Evolution, Mind and Behaviour
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business2016-Universitat de Barcelona..
Journal of Exact Sciences1999-Universidade de Taubaté..
Journal of Excipients & Food Chemicals2010-International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council..
Journal of Exercise & Organ Cross Talk2021-JEOCT publisher..
Journal of Exercise and Sport Sciences2005-Universidade Federal do Paraná..
Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry2013-2019PubMed Central..
Journal of exercise physiology1986-1994J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic.Cambio a: Rigakuryoho kagaku
Journal of Exercise Physiology Online1998-American Society of Exercise Physiologists..
Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation2013-PubMed Central..
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