Titulo | Fecha | Proveedor | Acceso | Cambio de titulo |
Geodesy & Cartography | 2000-2021 | Polska Akademia Nauk | . | . |
Geodesy and Cartography | 2011- | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | . | Cambio de: Geodezija ir Kartografija |
Geodesy and Geodynamics | 2010- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Geodetski Glasnik | 2011- | . | . | . |
Geodetski list | 1919- | Hrcak | . | . |
Geodetski Vestnik | 2000- | Association of Surveyors of Slovenia | . | . |
Geodezija ir Kartografija | 2004-2010 | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | . | Cambio de: Geodezijos Darbai | Cambio a: Geodesy and Cartography |
Geodiálogos | 2016- | Portal Geoblog | . | . |
Geodinamica Acta | 1987-2020 | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio a: All Earth |
Geodinamika i Tektonofizika | 2010- | Institute of the Earth's crust, Siberian Branch of RAS | . | . |
Geodiversitas | 2004- | Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris | . | . |
Geodiversitas | 1997- | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geodynamics | 1998- | Lviv Polytechnic National University | . | . |
Geoenseñanza | 2000-2009 | Red ALyC | . | . |
Geoenseñanza | 1996- | Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela) | . | . |
Geoenvironmental Disasters | 2014- | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Geofísica Internacional | 1997- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Geofísica Internacional | 1961- | UNAM | . | . |
Geofísica Internacional | 2005- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Geofísica Internacional | 2004- | Dialnet | . | . |
Geofísica Internacional | 2013-2015 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2016 | . |
Geofizika | 1986- | University of Zagreb | . | . |
Geofizika | 1984- | Hrcak | . | . |
Geofluids | 2017- | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | . | . |
GeoFocus | 2001- | Grupo de Métodos Cuantitativos, SIG y Teledetección, A.G.E | . | . |
GeoFocus | 2001- | Dialnet | . | . |
Geoforum Perspektiv | 2002- | Aarhus University | . | . |
Geogaceta | 1986- | Sociedad Geológica de España | . | . |
GeoGebra The New Language for the Third Millennium | 2011- | Zigotto Printing & Publishing House, Galati | . | . |
Geografares | 2000- | Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | . | . |
Geografares | 2018- | Open Edition | . | . |
Geografia | 1976- | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | . | . |
Geografia em Atos | 2006- | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | . | . |
Geografia em Questão | 2009- | Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros | . | . |
Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa | 1987- | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria | . | . |
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria | 2021- | Comitato Glaciologico Italiano | . | Cambio de: Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano |
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria | 1978- | Comitato Glaciologico Italiano | . | Cambio de: Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano |
Geografia Londrina | 1983- | Universidade Estadual de Londrina | . | . |
Geografia Malaysian Journal of Society and Space | 2005- | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | . | . |
Geografia Publicações Avulsas | 2019- | Universidade Federal do Paiu | . | . |
Geografia y sistemas de informacion geografica | 2009- | Universidad Nacional de Luján | . | . |
Geografias | 2005- | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Geografica digital | 2004- | Universidad Nacional del Nordeste | . | . |
Geograficando | 2005- | Universidad Nacional de la Plata | . | . |
Geograficidade | 2011- | Universidade Federal Fluminense | . | . |
Geografická revue | 2016- | Matej Bel University, Department of Geography and Geology | . | . |
Geograficky casopis | 1952- | Slovak Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Geografie Sborník Ceske Geograficke Spolecnosti | 2010- | Ceska Geograficka Spolecnost | . | . |
Geografija | 2011- | Academia Scientiarum Lithuaniae | . | . |
Geografija ir Edukacija | 2013- | CEEOL | . | . |
Geografisk tidsskrift | 1877-2001 | Royal Danish Geographical Society | . | . |
Geographia Cassoviensis | 2007- | UPJS Kosice | . | . |
Geographia Napocensis | 2007- | Romanian Academy, Cluj Subsidiary Geography Section | . | . |
Geographia Polonica | 1964- | Polish Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Geographia Polonica | 1964- | Polish Academy of Sciences | . | . |
GEOgraphia Revista do Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal Fluminense | 1999- | Universidade Federal Fluminense | . | . |
Geographia Technica | 2006- | Cluj University Press | . | . |
Geographic Base | 2019- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Geographic Information Sciences A Journal of the Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Systems | 1997-2008 | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio a: Annals of GIS |
Geographica Helvetica | 1946- | Copernicus Publications | . | Cambio de: Mitteilungen der Geographisch-Ethnographischen Gesellschaft Zürich |
Geographica Helvetica | 1946- | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Mitteilungen der Geographisch-Ethnographischen Gesellschaft Zürich |
Geographica Pannonica | 1997- | University of Novi Sad | . | . |
Geographica Slovenica | 1971-2002 | Slovak Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Geographical Analysis | 1969-2004 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Geographical Campion Interactive Publishing | 2000- | Royal Geographical Society | . | . |
Geographical Journal of Nepal | 2009- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Geographical paper | 1991-2013 | University of Reading | . | . |
Geographical Research Quarterly | 1969- | University of Tehran | . | . |
Geographical Review of Japan | 1925-1983 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographical Review of Japan | 2002-2008 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographical review of Japan series A | 2009-2021 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographical review of Japan series B | 2009- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographical review of Japan Series B | 1984-2001 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES | 1961- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographical Space | 2008- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographical Studies | 2007- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geographicalia | 1977- | Dialnet | . | . |
Geographicalia | 2006- | Universidad de Zaragoza | . | . |
Géographie économie société | 2004- excepto últimos 48 meses | CAIRN | . | . |
Géographie et cultures | 2007- excepto últimos 6 meses | Open Edition | . | . |
Geographie Physique et Quaternaire | 1977-2007 | Erudit | . | . |
Geographies | 2021- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Geographische Revue Zeitschrift für Literatur und Diskussion | 1999- | Verein Geographische Revue e.V. | . | . |
GeoGraphos Revista Digital para Estudiantes de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales | 2010- | Universidad de Alicante | . | . |
GEOGRAPHY | 1938-1942 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geography and environmental planning | 2009- | University of Isfahan | . | . |
Geography and Sustainability | 2020- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Geography Journal | 2013-2016 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | . | . |
Geography Notebooks | 2018- | LED Edizioni Universitarie | . | . |
Geography, Environment, Sustainability | 2010- | elpub.ru | . | . |
GeoHazards | 2020- | MDPI AG | . | . |
GeoHealth | 2016- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
GeoHealth | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Geoid | 2012- | IPTEK Journals | . | . |
Geoinformatica Polonica | 2014-2015 | Portico | . | . |
Geoinformatica Polonica | 1999-2016 | Polska Akademia Umiejętności | . | . |
Geoinformatica Polonica | 2021- | CEEOL | . | . |
Geoinformatica Polonica | 2015- | Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences | . | . |
Geoinformatics | 1990- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geoinformatics FCE CTU | 2006- | Praha | . | . |
Geoinga Revista do Programa de Pos Graduaçao em Geografia | 2009- | Universidade Estadual de Maringá | . | . |
Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria | 2016- | Politecnico di Torino | . | . |
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites | 2008- | Oradea University Press | . | . |
Geolines | 1994- | Institute of Geology | . | . |
Geolinguistique | 2013- | Open Edition | . | . |
Geolog | 2002- | Geological Association of Canada | . | . |
Geologi Nyt fra GEUS | 1996- | Geological Survey of Denmanrk and Greenland | . | . |
Geologia Ciência - Técnica | 1971- | PPEGEO | . | . |
Geología Colombiana | 1962- | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | . | . |
Geologia Croatica | 1992- | Institute of Geology Zagreb | . | . |
Geologia Croatica | 1992- | Hrcak | . | . |
Geologia kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej Im Stanislawa Staszica | 2005-2011 | AGH University of Science and Technology Press, | . | Cambio a: Geology, Geophysics & Environment |
Geologia Sudetica | 1964-2014 | Polska Akademia Nauk | . | . |
Geologia Sudetica | 1964- | Polska Akademia Nauk | . | . |
Geologia USP Publicação Especial | 2002- | USP Portal del Revistas | . | . |
Geologia USP Publicação Especial | 2002- | PPEGEO | . | . |
Geologia USP Série Científica | 2001- | USP Portal del Revistas | . | Cambio de: Boletim IG-USP: Série Científica |
Geologia USP Série Científica | 2001- | PPEGEO | . | Cambio de: Boletim IG-USP: Série Científica |
Geologia USP Série Didática | 2002-2005 | USP Portal del Revistas | . | . |
Geologia USP Série Didática | 2002- | PPEGEO | . | Cambio de: Boletim IG-USP. Série didática |
Geologica Acta | 2003- | University of Barcelona, Spanish Research Council (CSIC) | . | Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica |
Geologica Acta | 2003- | Dialnet | . | Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica |
Geologica Acta | 2003- | Red ALyC | . | Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica |
Geologica Acta | 2003- | RACO | . | Cambio de: Acta Geologica Hispanica |
Geologica Balcanica | 1934- | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Geologica Belgica | 1998- | Popups | . | . |
Geologica Carpathica | 1950- | Slovak Academic Press | . | . |
Geologica Macedonica | 2008- | University 'Goce Delčev'-Štip | . | . |
Geologica Saxonica Journal of Central European Geology | 2007- | Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden | . | . |
Geological Behavior | 2017- | Zibeline International | . | . |
Geological curator | 1974- excepto últimos 24 meses | Geological Curators' Group, Geological Society of London | . | . |
Geological data processing | 1975-1989 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | Cambio a: Geoinformatics |
Geological fieldwork A summary of field activities and current research | 1974- | British Columbia | . | . |
Geological literature, list of authors and titles, added to the Geological Society's Library | 1920-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geological Magazine | 1864-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geological Materials Research | 1998-2002 | Mineralogical Society of America | . | . |
Geological Quarterly | 2000- | Pañstwowy Instytut Geologiczny | . | Cambio de: Kwartalnik geologiczny |
Geological record ... A list of publications on geology, mineralogy, and palaeontology | 1874-1876 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geological Survey of Denmark & Greenland Bulletin | 2003- | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland | . | . |
Geological Survey Professional Paper | 1997- | U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey | . | . |
Geological Survey Water Supply Paper | 1987- | U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey | . | . |
Geologick prce. Sprvy | 2018- | State Geological Institute of Dionz tr | . | . |
Géologie Alpine GA | 1890-2001 | Numdam | . | . |
Géologie de la France | 1992- | Editions BRGM | . | . |
Géologie Méditerranéenne | 1974-2001 | Persee | . | . |
Geologija | 2001- | Academia Scientiarum Lithuaniae | . | . |
Geologija | 1998- | Geoloski Zavod LR Slovenije | . | . |
Geologische Rundschau : Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Geologie. | 1910-1917 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio a: International Journal of Earth Sciences |
Geologische und palæontologische Abhandlungen | 1882-1915 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geologisk tidsskrift | 1995- | Dansk Geologisk Forening | . | . |
GeologiskNyt | 2004- | Aarhus University | . | . |
Geologist, The: a popular monthly magazine of geology | 1858-1864 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geologos | 2008- | Sciendo | . | . |
Geology Ecology and Landscapes | 2017- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Geology geophysics et environment | 2012- | Wydawnictwa AGH | . | Cambio de: Geologia, kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanislawa Staszica w Krakowie |
Geology, Geophysics & Environment | 2012- | AGH University of Science and Technology Press | . | . |
Geoloski Anali Balkanskog Poluostrva | 2002- | doiSerbia | . | . |
Geomaterials | 2011- | Scientific Research Publishing | . | . |
Geomatica | 2018-2021 | NRC Research Press | . | . |
Geomatica | 2024- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Geomatics | 2021- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering | 2017- | AGH University of Science and Technology Press | . | . |
Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk | 2010- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape | 2013- | University of Agriculture in Krakow | . | . |
Geomatik | 2016- | Dergipark | . | . |
Geomatika | 2009- | Badan Informasi Geospasial | . | . |
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources | 2023- | Springer | . | . |
GEOmedia | 2011- | mediaGEO soc. coop. | . | . |
Geometric And Functional Analysis | 1991-1996 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Geometric And Functional Analysis | 1991-1996 | Gottinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum | . | . |
Geometric Flows | 2015-2020 | de Gruyter | . | . |
Geometry | 2013-2015 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | . | . |
Geometry & Topology | 2023- | Mathematical Sciences Publishers | . | . |
Geometry & topology monographs | 1998- | University of Warwick | . | . |
Geometry and Topology Monographs | 1998-2006 | EMIS | . | . |
Geomimet | 2017- | Asociación de Ingenieros de Minas, Metalurgistas y Geologos de México | . | . |
Geominas | 1998- | Universidad de Oriente | . | . |
Géomorphologie Relief Processus Environnement | 1995-2004 | Persee | . | . |
Géomorphologie Relief Processus Environnement | 2005- excepto últimos 24 meses | Open Edition | . | . |
Geonauka - Journal Quality Management | 2014-2015 | SCINDEKS | . | . |
Geonomos | 1993- | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | . | . |
GeoPatterns | 2016- | CABI | . | . |
Geopauta | 2017- | Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia | . | . |
Geopauta | 2022- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Geopersia | 2011- | University of Tehran | . | . |
Geophysica | 1935- | Geophysical Society of Finland | . | . |
Geophysical Journal | 1999- | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | . | . |
Geophysical Journal International | 1958- excepto últimos 36 meses | Oxford Academic | . | . |
Geophysical Research Letters | 1997- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Geophysical Supplements to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 1922-1957 | Oxford Academic | . | . |
Geophysics and geophysical exploration | 1998- | Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists | . | . |
Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning | 2014- | Diponegoro University | . | . |
Geopolítica s Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder | 2010- | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | . | . |
Geopolitical Social Security and Freedom Journal | 2018- | Sciendo | . | . |
Geopolitics under Globalization | 2017- | LLC 'CPC 'Business Perspectives' | . | . |
Geoprofil | 2005- | Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie | . | . |
GeoPuc | 2009- | Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro | . | . |
Géorama | 2003- | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières | . | . |
Georesursy | 2000- | Georesursy Ltd. | . | . |
GEOREVIEW Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava Geography Series | 2010- | „Ștefan cel Mare” University Press | . | . |
George Ernest Morrison lecture in ethnology | 1997- | Australian National University | . | . |
George Wright Forum | 2020- | eScholarship Publishing, University of California | . | . |
Georgia Educational Researcher | 2003- | bepress Digital Commons | . | . |
Georgia Historical Quarterly | 1917-1922 | JSTOR | . | . |
Georgia history today | 2007- | Georgia Historical Society | . | . |
Georgia Journal of College Student Affairs | 2013- | Georgia Southern University | . | . |
Georgian Mathematical Journal | 1994-2006 | EMIS | . | . |
Georgick papers for... consisting of letters and extracts, communicated to the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture | 1809-1809 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Geos | 2002- | Universidad Central de Venezuela | . | . |
Geos Boletín informativo de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana | 2000- | Unión Geofísica Mexicana | . | . |
Geosaberes | 2010- | Universidade Federal do Ceara | . | . |
Geosaberes | 2010- | Red ALyC | . | . |
GeoScape alternative approaches to Middle-European geography. | 2006- | Sciendo | . | . |
Geoscience Canada | 1974-2008 | Geological Association of Canada | . | . |
Geoscience Canada | 1974- | University of New Brunswick | . | . |
Geoscience Communication | 2018- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geoscience Data Journal | 2014- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
GeoScience Engineering | 2013- | VSB-Technical University of Ostrava | . | . |
Geoscience Frontiers | 2010- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Geoscience in South West England | 1958- | Ussher Society | . | . |
Geoscience Letters | 2014- | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Geoscience Records an Interdisciplinary Journal of Earth Sciences | 2015- | Sciendo | . | . |
Geoscience reports of Shizuoka University | 2008- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geoscience Society of New Zealand Newsletter | 2004- | Geoscience Society of New Zealand | . | . |
Geoscience Wisconsin | 1997- | Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Review | . | . |
Geosciences | 2005- | BRGM | . | . |
Geosciences | 2011- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Geosciences | 2011- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
Geoscientific instrumentation methods and data systems | 2012- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems Discussions | 2011- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geoscientific Model Development | 2008- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geoscientific Model Development | 2008- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions | 2008- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geoscientist | 2007- | Geological Society of London | . | . |
Geosfera Indonesia | 2018- | Department of Geography Education, University of Jember | . | . |
Geospatial Health | 2006- | PAGEPress | . | . |
Geospatial Solutions | 2000- | Advanstar Communications Ltd. | . | . |
Geospatial world The geospatial industry magazine | 1997- | Geospatial Media and Communications Pvt Ltd. | . | . |
Geosphere | 2005- | Geological Society of America | . | . |
GeoSport for Society | 2014- | Editura Universităţii din Oradea | . | . |
GeoStudies | 2024- | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Geosul | 2008- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
Geosul | 1986- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
Geosynthetic Technical Information | 1995-2008 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geosynthetics | 2004- | Industrial Fabrics Association International | . | . |
Geosynthetics Engineering Journal | 1998- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | selecciones disponibles | . |
Geosystems and Geoenvironment | 2022- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Geotechnical engineering journal of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society & Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia SEAGS-AGSSEA | 1970-2013 | Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia | . | . |
Geotechnical Research | 2014- | ICE Virtual Library | . | . |
Geotechnics | 2021- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Geotecnia | 1971- | Universidade de Coimbra | . | . |
Geotecnia Ciudad de México | 2014- | Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Geotécnica A.C. | . | . |
Geotema | 2009- | Pàtron Editore | . | . |
Geotermia | 2004- | Comision federal de electricidad, Asociacion geotermica Mexicana | . | . |
Geotextile Technical Information | 1992-1995 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geotextos Revista da Pós Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal da Bahia | 2005- | Universidade Federal da Bahia | . | . |
Geothermal Energy | 2013- | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Geothermal Energy Science | 2013- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Geotimes | 1996- | American Geological Institute | . | . |
GeoTropico | 2003- | GeoLat Group. | . | . |
GeoTropico | 2003- | Dialnet | . | . |
GEOUSP espaco e tempo | 2004- | USP Portal del Revistas | . | . |
GEOUSP espaco e tempo | 2021- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Gephyra | 2010- | Dergipark | . | . |
GEPROS. Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas | 2006- | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | . | Cambio de: GEPROS. Gestão da Produção e Sistemas |
Gerais Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia | 2008- | Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora | . | . |
Gerais Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia | 2008- | PePSIC | . | . |
Gerbertus International academic publication on history of medieval science | 2010- | Gerbertus | . | . |
Gerencia Libre | 2015-2017 | Universidad Libre de Colombia | . | . |
Gerencia Tecnológica Informática | 2002- | Universidad Industrial de Santander | . | . |
Geriatric Care | 2015- | PAGEPress | . | . |
Geriatric Neurosurgery | 2009-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation | 2010- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Geriatric Pharmacology | 2024- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Geriatrics | 2016- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Geriatrics | 2016- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Geriatrics, Gerontology and Aging | 2007- | Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology | . | . |
Gériatrie et Psychologie Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement | 2011- excepto últimos 12 meses | John Libbey Eurotext | . | . |
Gerión Revista de historia antiqua | 1983- | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | . | . |
Gerión Revista de historia antiqua | 1983- | Dialnet | . | . |
Germ | 1997- | PRB Organization | . | . |
German as a foreign language | 2000- | GFL | . | . |
German Journal for Young Researchers Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschafter | 2009-2011 | Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschaftler | . | . |
German Journal of Agricultural Economics | 2001- | University of Minnesota Libraries | . | . |
German Journal of Microbiology | 2021- | German Multidisciplinary Publishing Center | . | . |
German Journal of Psychiatry | 1998- | University of Goettingen | . | . |
German Journal of Urban Studies | 2001-2009 | German Institute of Urban Affairs | . | . |
German Journal of Veterinary Research | 2021- | German Multidisciplinary Publishing Center | . | . |
German Law Journal | 2000- | German Law Journal, Inc. | . | . |
German Law Journal | 2000- | Cambridge University Press | . | . |
German Life | 1995- | Zeitgeist Publishing, Inc. | . | . |
German Research | 2003- | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | . | . |
German Risk & Insurance Review | 2005-2010 | Prof. Dr. Heinrich R. Schradin, University of Cologne, Germany | . | . |
German times A monthly newspaper for Europe | 2007- | B J Verlag GmbH | . | . |
Germania Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts | 1918-1933 | Universitatsbibliothek Heidelberg | . | . |
Germanica | 1987- excepto últimos 24 meses | Open Edition | . | . |
Germanistische Beiträge | 2019- | Sciendo | . | . |
Germanistische Beiträge | 2002- | Lucian-Blaga-Universität | . | . |
Germinal Marxismo e educação em debate | 2009- | Universidade Federal da Bahia | . | . |
Germinal revista de estudios libertarios | 2006- | Dialnet | . | . |
Germs | 2011- | European HIV/AIDS and Infectious Diseases Academy | . | . |
Germs | 2011- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Geroinfo | 2012- | Medigraphic | . | . |
Gerokomos | 2006- | SciELO (España) | . | . |
Gerontologia | 2021- | Kasvun ja vanhenemisen tutkijat ry | . | . |
Gerontologist | 2008- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Gerontology | 2009-2016 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine | 2015- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine | 2015- | Sage Journals | . | . |
GeroScience | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: Age |
Gerundium | 2010- | Debrecen University Press | . | . |
GESAMP Reports and Studies Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of | 1997- | United Nations, Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of | . | . |
Geschichte und Informatik | 1990-2009 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | . |
Gesetze Dekrete und Verordnungen des Kantons Bern | 1805-1993 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio a: Bernische amtliche Gesetzessammlung |
Gesnerus Swizz journal of the history of medicine and sciences | 1943-2002 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | . |
Gesprachforschung Online Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interatkion | 2000- | . | . | . |
Gest Library Journal | 1986-1993 | Princeton University | . | Cambio a: East Asian Library Journal, The |
Gestalt | 2002- excepto últimos 48 meses | CAIRN | . | . |
Gestalt theory An international multidisciplinary journal | 2009-2016 | Society for Gestalt Theory and Applications | . | . |
Gestalt theory An international multidisciplinary journal | 1979-2008 | Society for Gestalt Theory and Applications | . | . |
Gestalt Theory An International Multidisciplinary Journal | 2017- | Sciendo | . | . |
Gestaltkritik Die Zeitschrift für Gestalttherapie | 2002- | Gestalt-Institut Koln, GIK Bildungswerkstatt | . | . |
Gestão & Cuidado em Saúde | 2023- | Universidade Estadual do Ceará | . | . |
Gestão & Produção | 1994- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Gestão & Regionalidade | 2005- | Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul | . | . |
Gestão & Regionalidade | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos | 2006- | USP Portal del Revistas | . | . |
Gestão e Desenvolvimento | 1992- | Universidade Católica Portuguesa | . | . |
Gestão e Desenvolvimento em Revista | 2015- | Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste do Paraná | . | . |
Gestão e Planejamento | 1999- | Universidade Salvador (UNIFACS) | . | . |
Gestão e Sociedade | 2007- | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | . | . |
GESTÃO.Org - Revista Eletrônica de Gestão Organizacional | 2003- | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | . | . |
Gestio et productio | 2020- | Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia | . | . |
Gestión & Desarrollo | 2011- | Universidad de San Buenaventura | . | . |
Gestion & Finances Publiques | 2009-2012 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología | 2008- | Universidad de Santiago de Chile | . | . |
Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología | 2008- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Gestión de las Personas y Tecnología | 2021- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Gestión en el Tercer Milenio | 1998-2007 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Gestión en el Tercer Milenio | 1998- | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Gestion et Management Public | 2012- | CAIRN | . | . |
Gestión I D | 2016- | Universidad Central de Venezuela | . | . |
Gestión Joven | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Gestión Joven | 2008- | Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas | . | . |
Gestión turística | 2006- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Gestión turística | 1997- | Dialnet | . | . |
Gestión turística | 2006- | Minga | . | . |
Gestión y ambiente | 1998- | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | . | . |
Gestión y ambiente | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas | 2009- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas | 1994- | Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública | . | . |
Gestión y Desarrollo Libre | 2016- | Universidad Libre de Colombia | . | . |
Gestión y Política Pública | 2008- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Gestión y Política Pública | 1992- | Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas (Mexico) | . | . |
Gestión y Política Pública | 2000- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Gestión y Política Pública | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
Gestion y sociedad | 2008-2014 | Universidad La Salle | . | . |
GESTO-Debate | 2017- | Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul | . | . |
Gesundheits und Sozialpolitik Zeitschrift für das gesamte Gesundheitswesen | 2006- | Nomos | . | . |
Gettysburg Magazine | 2015-2018 | Project Muse | . | . |
GETUP | 2017- | Universidade do Porto | . | . |
GEUS Bulletin | 2020- | Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland | . | . |
Gewina | 1992-2007 | Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services | . | Cambio de: Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde, Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Techniek | Cambio a: Studium Tijdschrift voor Wetenschaps en Universiteits Geschiedenis |
Gezira Journal Of Agricultural Science | 2007- | University of Gezira | . | . |
Gezira Journal of Economic and Social Sciences | 2005- | University of Gezira | . | . |
Gezira Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 2007- | University of Gezira | . | . |
Gezira journal of health sciences | 2003- | University of Gezira | . | . |
GFSR Market Update | 2003-2012 | International Monetary Fund | . | Cambio de: Financial Market Update |
Ghana Journal of Development Studies | 2004- | AJOL | . | . |
Ghana Journal of Geography | 2013- | AJOL | . | . |
Ghana Journal of Linguistics | 2012- | AJOL | . | . |
Ghana Medical Journal | 2004- | AJOL | . | . |
Ghana Medical Journal | 1962- | Ghana Medical Journal | . | . |
Ghana Medical Journal | 2005- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Ghana Mining Journal | 2007- | AJOL | . | . |
Ghana Social Science Journal | 2008- | University of Ghana | . | . |
Ghidza | 2018- | Universitas Tadulako | . | . |
GHM Open | 2021- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
GHMJ (Global Health Management Journal) | 2017- | Yayasan Aliansi Cendekiawan Indonesia Thailand | . | . |
GI Motility online | . | Nature Publishing Group | . | . |
Giant | 2020- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Gibbon Journal | 2005- | Universität Zürich, Anthropologisches Institut | . | . |
GIDA The Journal of FOOD | 1976- | Dergipark | . | . |
GIGA focus Afrika | 2006- | Institut für Afrika-Kunde Hamburg | . | . |
GIGA focus Asien | 2006- | Institut für Asien-Kunde Hamburg | . | . |
GIGA focus Global | 2006- | German Institute of Global and Area Studies Hamburg | . | . |
GIGA focus Lateinamerika / German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Leibniz-Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde | 2006- | Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde | . | . |
GIGA focus Nahost | 2006- | Deutsches Orient-Institut Hamburg | . | . |
GigaByte | 2020- | GigaScience Press | . | . |
GigaByte | 2020- | PubMed Central | . | . |
GIGAPP Estudios Working Papers | 2010- | GIGAPP. Grupo de Investigación en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas | . | . |
GigaScience | 2012-2016 | BioMed Central | . | . |
GigaScience | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
GigaScience | 2012- | Oxford Academic | . | . |
GilgameÅ¡ | 2016- | Università degli Studi di Milano | . | . |
GIM International the Global Magazine for Geomatics | 2013- | Geomares Publishing | . | . |
Gimbernat: revista catalana d'història de la medicina i de la ciència | 1984- | RACO | . | . |
Ginecologia ro | 2015- | MedicHub Media | . | . |
Ginecología y Obstetricia | 1991-2004 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | Cambio a: Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia |
Ginecología y Obstetricia Clínica | 2005-2006 | Dialnet | . | . |
Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico | 2005- | Medigraphic | . | . |
Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico | 1998-2015 | Imbiomed | Registro individual requerido | . |
Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico | 2015- | Nieto Editores | . | . |
Ginecologia y Obstetricia de Mexico | 2017-2018 | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Ginekologia Polska | 2007- | Via Medica | . | . |
Giornale di Clinica Nefrologica e Dialisi | 2014- | AboutScience | . | . |
Giornale di Psicologia | 2007- | Psicotecnica srl | . | . |
Giornale di scienze naturali ed economiche | 1866-1921 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Giornale di Storia | 2009- | Associazione Giornale di Storia Aps | . | . |
Giornale italiano di educazione alla salute, sport e didattica inclusiva | 2019- | Edizioni Universitarie Romane | . | . |
Giornale italiano di endodonzia | 2011-2018 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2019 | . |
Giornale italiano di endodonzia | 1987- | Società Italiana di Endodonzia | . | . |
Giornale Italiano di Medicina del Lavoro ed Ergonomia | 1997- | Aracne editrice | . | . |
Giornale italiano di nefrologia | 2013- | Società Italiana di Nefrologia | . | . |
Giornale Italiano di Ortopedia e Traumatologia | 2022- | Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia | . | . |
Giornale Italiano di Ortopedia e Traumatologia | 2000-2021 | Società Italiana di Ortopedia e Traumatologia | . | . |
Giornale Italiano di Psicopatologia | 1999- | Societa Italiana di Psicopatologia (Italy) | . | . |
Giornale Wolf | 2008- | . | . | . |
Gipan | 2017- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Giramundo | 2014-2019 | REDIB | . | . |
Giramundo | 2014- | Colégio Pedro II | . | . |
Girasol Digital | 1998- | Universidad de Costa Rica | . | . |
GIS - Gesto, Imagem e Som - Revista de Antropologia | 2016- | Universidade de São Paulo | . | . |
GISAP:Technical Sciences Construction and Architecture | 2013- | International Academy of Science and Higher Education | . | . |
GIScience & Remote Sensing | 2004- | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio de: Mapping Sciences and Remote Sensing |
Gist Revista Colombiana de Educación Bilingüe | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
Gist Revista Colombiana de Educación Bilingüe | 2007- | Unica | . | . |
Gitanos Pensamiento y Cultura | 2006- | Fundación Secretariado Gitano | . | . |
GIZAEKOA Revista Vasca de Economía Social | 2004- | Universidad del País Vasco | . | . |
Gizi Indonesia | 2004- | Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (PERSAGI) | . | . |
GI_FORUM - Journal for Geographic Information Science | 2013- | Custom Integrated Solution | . | . |
Glacier mass balance bulletin | 1994- | University of Zurich | . | . |
Glaciological data | 1977-2013 | World Data Center for Glaciology | . | . |
Glad Revue sur le langage le genre les sexualites | 2016- | Open Edition | . | . |
Gladiolus Los Angeles : Bulletin | 1926-1926 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Gladius | 1961- | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | . | . |
Gladius estudios sobre armas antiguas armamento arte militar y vida cultural en Oriente y Occidente | 1969- | Dialnet | . | . |
Gladius et Scientia Revista de Seguridad del CESEG | 2019- | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | . | . |
Gland Surgery | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Gland Surgery | 2012- | AME Publishing Company | . | . |
Glareana | 1951- | Gesellschaft der Freunde Alter Musikinstrumente | . | . |
Glasgow Mathematical Journal | 1967-1998 | Cambridge University Press | . | Cambio de: Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association |
Glasgow Medical Journal | 1828-1955 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Glasgow naturalist | 1909- | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine | 2011- | Bar Association of Vojvodina, Novi Sad | . | . |
Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije | 2008- | SCINDEKS | . | Cambio de: Glasnik Antropološkog društva Jugoslavije |
Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU | 2002- | doiSerbia | . | . |
Glasnik Etnografskog muzeja u Beogradu | 2004- | Etnografskog muzej u Beogradu | . | . |
Glasnik Hrvatskog Botanikog Drutva | 2014- | Croatian Botanical Society | . | . |
Glasnik Hrvatskoga naravoslovnoga drustva | 1886-1908 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Glasnik Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnoga drustva | 1909-1921 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Glasnik Matematicki | 1998- | Hrcak | . | . |
Glasnik narodne biblioteke Srbije | 1999-2008 | Narodne biblioteka Srbije | . | . |
Glasnik Slovenskega etnoloskega drustva | 2001- | Slovensko etnolosko drustvo | . | . |
Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Drustva | 2002- | doiSerbia | . | . |
Gláuks Online | 2010- | Universidade Federal de Viçosa | . | . |
Gleanings in bee culture | 1873-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Gleanings in science | 1831 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Glendon Journal of International Studies | 2000- | York University, Canada | . | . |
Glendora Books Supplement | 1997-2001 | Michigan State University | . | . |
Glendora Review African Quarterly on the Arts | 1995-2004 | Michigan State University | . | . |
Gli Spazi della Musica | 2012- | Università di Torino | . | . |
Glifos | 2014- | Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia | . | . |
Glioma | 2018- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Glioma | 2018- | MedKnow | . | . |
Global & Local Economic Review Fondazione Pescarabruzzo | 1999- | Fondazione Pescarabruzzo | . | . |
Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment | 2014- | AboutScience | . | . |
Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment | 2014-2019 | Sage Journals | . | . |
Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment | 2020- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Global Advances in Business Communication | 2012- | Eastern Michigan University and University of Antwerp | . | . |
Global Advances in Health and Medicine | 2012-2022 | PubMed Central | . | Cambio a: Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health |
Global Advances in Health and Medicine | 2012-2022 | Sage Journals | . | Cambio a: Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health |
Global Advances in Integrative Medicine and Health | 2023- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: Global advances in health and medicine |
Global Asia | 2006- | East Asia Foundation | . | . |
Global Bioethics | 2007- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Global Bioethics | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Global Bioethics Enquiry | 2017- | UNESCO | . | . |
Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 1997- excepto últimos 24 meses | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Global Biosecurity | 2019- | Ubiquity Press | . | . |
Global Built Environment Review | 2001- | Open House Press | . | . |
Global Business & Management Research | 2009- | Universal Publishers | . | . |
Global Business and Finance Review | 1996- | People & Global Business Association (P&GBA) | . | . |
Global Business Journal | 2015- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Global Business Languages | 1996- | George Washington University | . | . |
Global Cardiology Science & Practice | 2011-2015 | Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation | . | . |
Global Cardiology Science & Practice | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Global Cardiology Science & Practice | 2011- | Magdi Yacoub Institute | . | . |
Global Challenges | 2015- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Global Challenges | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Global Concern | 2019- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Global Constitutionalism | 2024- | Cambridge University Press | . | . |
Global Corruption Report | 2001-2016 | Transparency International | . | . |
Global Credit Review | 2012- | World Scientific Publishing Company | . | . |
Global Development Finance | 2002-2012 | World Bank | . | Cambio a: International Debt Statistics |
global e a Global Studies Journal | 2007- | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | . | . |
Global Ecology and Conservation | 2014- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Global Economic Observer | 2013- | Nicolae Titulescu University | . | . |
Global Economic Prospects | 2005- | World Bank | . | Cambio de: Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries |
Global education review | 2014- | Mercy College | . | . |