Titulo | Fecha | Proveedor | Acceso | Cambio de titulo |
I A Investigación Acción | 2012- | Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata | . | . |
I Business | 2009- | Scientific Research Publishing | . | . |
I castelli di Yale online Quaderni di filosofia | 2013- | Università degli Studi di Ferrara | . | . |
I D en TIC | 2010- | Universidad Simon Bolivar | . | . |
i Diseno Revista internacional de investigacion innovacion y desarrollo | 2009- | Universidad de Málaga | . | . |
i Diseno Revista internacional de investigacion innovacion y desarrollo | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
i e Inquiry in education | 2010- | National Louis University | . | . |
I giardini : giornale d'orticoltura | 1855-1855 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
i Perception | 2010- | Sage Journals | . | . |
i Perception | 2010- | PubMed Central | . | . |
I quaderni del m ae s | 1998- | Università di Bologna | . | . |
I sick sack genom Hellervärlden | 2012- | Frank Heller-sällskapet | . | . |
Iğdır Universitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi | 2022- | Dergipark | . | . |
I+D Revista de Investigaciones | 2013- | Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo | . | . |
I-Economics: A Research Journal on Islamic Economics | 2016- | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam | . | . |
I-Finance | 2016- | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam | . | . |
IABLIS Jahrbuch für europäische Prozesse | 2002- | IABLIS | . | . |
IABSE bulletin | 1977-1990 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio a: IABSE structures = Constructions AIPC = IVBH Bauwerke |
IABSE congress report | 1932-1988 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio a: IABSE congress report = Rapport du congrès AIPC = IVBH Kongressbericht |
IABSE congress report Rapport du congrès AIPC IVBH Kongressbericht | 1992-1996 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: IABSE congress report = Rapport du congrès AIPC = IVBH Kongressbericht |
IABSE Journal | 1977-1990 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Journal AIPC | Cambio a: IABSE proceedings = Mémoires AIPC = IVBH Abhandlungen |
IABSE proceedings = Mémoires AIPC = IVBH Abhandlungen | 1977-1990 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Mémoires AIPC | Cambio a: IABSE surveys = Revue AIPC = IVBH Berichte |
IABSE publications | 1932-1976 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Mémoires AIPC |
IABSE reports | 1982-1999 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | . |
IABSE reports | 1976 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | . |
IABSE reports of the working commissions | 1965-1981 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | . |
IABSE Structures | 1977-1990 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: IABSE bulletin | Cambio a: IABSE journal |
IABSE Surveys | 1977-1990 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: IABSE proceedings |
IAC Express Immunization Action Coalition | 1996- | Immunization Action Coalition | . | . |
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | 2018- | Ruhr-Universität Bochum | . | . |
IAEA Bulletin | 1958- | International Atomic Energy Agency | . | . |
IAEE Newsletter International Association for Energy Economics | 1996- | International Association for Energy Economics | . | . |
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | 2006- | IAENG - International Association of Engineers | . | . |
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | 2012- | Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science | . | . |
IAES International Journal of Robotics and Automation | 2012- | Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities | 2012- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies | 2016- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Education | 2013- | International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Ethics, Religion & Philosophy | 2013- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Language Learning | 2014- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship | 2012- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Media, Communication & Film | 2013- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences | 2015- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAFOR Journal of the Social Sciences | 2013- | The International Academic Forum | . | . |
IAHS Newsletter International Association of Hydrological Sciences | 1956-1971 | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
IAI Quaderni | 2000-2010 | Istituto Affari Internazionali | . | . |
IAI Research Papers | 2011- | Istituto Affari Internazionali | . | . |
IALLT journal | 2007- | International Association for Language Learning Technology | . | . |
IALS Student Law Review | 2013- | University of London | . | . |
Ianua Revista Philologica Romanica | 2000- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ianua Revista Philologica Romanica | 2003- | RACO | . | . |
IAOS bulletin | 1989- | International Association for Obsidian Studies | . | . |
IAOS bulletin | 1989- | eScholarship | . | . |
IARTEM e journal | 2007- | . | . | . |
IASC bulletin | 2008- | International Arctic Science Committee | . | . |
IASLonline | 1998- | Institut für Deutsche Philologie | . | . |
IASPM Journal | 2010- | International Association for the Study of Popular Music | . | . |
IASSIST Quarterly | 2018- | International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology | . | . |
IASSIST Quarterly | 1993- | International association for social science information service and technology | . | . |
IAT Infobits Institute for Academic Technology | 1993-1998 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | . | . |
Iatreia | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Iatreia | 1988- | Universidad de Antioquia | . | . |
Iatreia | 2003- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Iatreia | 2000- | Imbiomed | registro individual requerido | . |
IATSS Research | 2000- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IATSS Review | 2018- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IATUL Annual Conference Proceedings | 1970- | IATUL | . | . |
IATUL News International Association of Technological University | 1994- | International Association of Technological University Libraries | . | . |
IAU Information Bulletin International Astronomical Union | 1995- | International Astronomical Union | . | . |
IAUD Istanbul Aydin Universitesi Dergisi | 2009- | Ä°stanbul Aydin University | . | . |
IBA Business Review | 2006- | Institute of Business Administration Karachi | . | . |
Ibaraki University Junior High School Research Proceedings | 2011-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IBC revista | 2000- | Istituto per i Beni Artistici | . | . |
IBDA': Jurnal Kebudayaan Islam | 2011- | LPPM IAIN Purwokerto | . | . |
Iberia An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
Iberia An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics | 2012- | Universidad de Sevilla | . | . |
Iberia Revista de la Antigüedad | 1998- | Universidad de la Rioja | . | . |
Iberia Revista de la Antigüedad | 1998- | Dialnet | . | . |
Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 2014- | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | . | . |
Iberian Revista de historia | 2011- | Grupo Cultural Arqueohistoria | . | . |
Iberic@l Revue d'études ibériques et ibéro américaines | 2012- | Université Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV | . | . |
Iberica | 1999- | AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos) | . | . |
Iberica | 1999- | Dialnet | . | . |
Iberica | 1999- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Ibero America Institute for Economic Research Discussion Papers | 2000- | Ibero-America Institute for Economic Research, University of Gottingen | . | . |
Ibero Americana Pragensia | 2017- | Karolinum Press | . | . |
Iberoamerica Global | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Iberoamérica Moscú | 2010- | Instituto de América Latina Academia de Ciencias de Rusia | . | . |
Iberoamerican Journal of Applied Computing | 2011- | Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa | . | . |
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine | 2019- | Emergency Department of Hospital San Pedro (Logroo, Spain) | . | . |
Iberoamerican Journal of Science Measurement and Communication | 2020- | ColNes Publishing | . | . |
Iberoamericana America Latina España Portugal | 2001- | Ibero-Amerikanischer Institut preussischer Kulturbesitz | . | . |
Iberoamericana de Engenharia Industrial | 2009- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
Iberoamericana Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | 2001- | Stockholm University | . | . |
Iberoamericana: Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | 2016- | Ubiquity Press | . | . |
Iberoforum | 2006- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Iberoforum | 2006-2012 | Universidad Iberoamericana | . | . |
Iberoforum | 2018- | Universidad Iberoamericana | . | . |
Iberografias Revista de estudos ibéricos | 2009- | Centro de Estudos Ibéricos, Guarda | . | . |
Iberus : revista de la Sociedad Española de Malacología | 1981-2014 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
IBIMA Business Review | 2009- | IBIMA Publishing | . | . |
Ibis | 1859-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
IBJ Clinical Pharmacology | 2017- | Iberoamerican Journals | . | . |
IBJ Plus | 2016- | IBJournals | . | . |
IBM Systems Journal | 1996- | IBM | . | . |
IBMRD's Journal of Management Research | 2012- | Informatics Publishing Ltd. | . | . |
IBMS BoneKEy | 2001-2017 | CLOCKSS | . | . |
Ibn Al-Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science | 2006- | Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals | . | . |
Ibn Al-Haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Science | 2006- | University of Baghdad | . | . |
Ibnosina Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences | 2009- | Thieme | . | . |
Ibom Medical Journal | 2006- | Nigerian Medical Association | . | . |
Ibrahim Cardiac Medical Journal | 2011- | BanglaJOL | . | . |
Ibrahim Medical College Journal | 2007-2015 | BanglaJOL | . | Cambio a: IMC Journal of Medical Science |
Ibrain | 2015- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Ibrain | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Ibriez: Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Islam Berbasis Sains | 2016- | STAIN Ponorogo | . | . |
IBRO Neuroscience Reports | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: IBRO Reports |
IBRO Neuroscience Reports | 2021- | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio de: IBRO Reports |
IBRO Reports | 2016-2020 | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio a: IBRO neuroscience reports |
IBRO Reports | 2016-2020 | PubMed Central | . | Cambio a: IBRO neuroscience reports |
IBS Journal of Science | 2006- | IBS Publishing Group | . | . |
IBSU scientific journal | 2006- | International Black Sea University | . | . |
Ibugana | 2003- | Universidad de Guadalajara | . | . |
IC Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación | 2003- | University of Seville | . | . |
Icade Revista de las Facultades de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales | 2004-2021 | Universidad Pontificia Comillas | . | . |
ICAME journal | 1987-2013 | ICAME | . | . |
ICAME journal | 2014- | Sciendo | . | . |
ICAN Infant Child & Adolescent Nutrition | 2009-2015 | Sage Journals | . | Cambio a: Childhood Obesity and Nutrition |
ICAO Journal International Civil Aviation Organization | 1996- | International Civil Aviation Organization | . | . |
iCascade | 2017- | Florida Online Journals | . | . |
ICCROM conservation series ICS | 2003- | . | . | . |
ICCROM newsletter | 2001- | ICCROM | . | . |
ICCT Research Papers | 2010- | ICCT | International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague | . | . |
ICCTE journal | 2006- | International Community of Christians in Teacher Education | . | . |
Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration | 2005- | University of Island | . | . |
ICES Journal of Marine Science Journal du Conseil | 1996- excepto últimos 12 meses | Oxford Academic | . | Cambio de: Journal du conseil |
ICES Journal of Marine Science Journal du Conseil | 2023- | Oxford Academic | . | Cambio de: Journal du conseil |
ICEV. Revista d'Estudis de la Violencia | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter | 1995- | CFA Beam Dynamics Panel | . | . |
ICFA instrumentation bulletin | 1996- | International Committee for Future Accelerators | . | . |
ICGST International Journal on Graphics Vision and Image Processing | 2005- | ICGST | . | . |
Ichan tecolotl | 2005- | CIESAS | . | . |
Ichthyoplankton and station data for California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations survey cruises in | 1987-1990 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Ichyobyo Kenkyukai Kaiho | 1899-1899 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
ICIDCA Sobre los Derivados de la Caa de Azcar | 2005-2017 | Red ALyC | . | . |
ICIDCA Sobre los Derivados de la Cana de Azucar | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
ICL online journal Vienna online journal on international constitutional law | 2007- | de Gruyter | . | . |
ICMR Bulletin | 2000-2019 | Indian Council of Medical Research | . | . |
ICO Iconographisk post | 2014- | Art History, bo Akademi University | . | . |
Icoana Credintei | 2015- | hostinger.ro | . | . |
ICOFOM Study Series Comité international pour la muséologie de l’ICOM | 2015- | Open Edition | . | . |
ICOM news Bulletin d'information du Conseil international des musées | 1948-1983 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Iconarp International Journal of Architecture and Planning | 2013- | Selcuk University | . | . |
Iconeye Icon magazine online | 2003- | Iconeye | . | . |
ICONICS International Studies of the Modern Image | 1987- | National Institute of Informatics Japan | . | . |
ICONICS International Studies of the Modern Image | 1987-2014 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Icono 14 | 2003- | Icono 14 | . | . |
Icono 14 | 2003- | Dialnet | . | . |
Icono 14 | 2003- | Red ALyC | . | . |
IconoFacto | 2005-2013 | Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana | . | . |
IconoFacto | 2005-2017 | Dialnet | . | . |
Iconos Revista de Ciencias Sociales | 2000- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Iconos Revista de Ciencias Sociales | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Iconos Revista de Ciencias Sociales | 1997- | FLACSO | . | . |
Iconos Revista de Ciencias Sociales | 2017- | Scielo (Ecuador) | . | . |
ICR Annual Reports | 1996- | Kyoto University | . | . |
ICS Cleaning Specialist | 2000- | Business News Publishing Company | . | . |
ICT Express | 2015- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology | 2010- | ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu | . | . |
ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing | 2010- | ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu | . | . |
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics | 2015- | ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu | . | . |
ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing | 2010- | ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu | . | . |
ICTUS | 1999- | Universidade Federal da Bahia | . | . |
Id online Revista de psicologia | 2007- | Projeto Persona | . | . |
id21 insights | 1997- | Institute of Development Studies | . | . |
IDA: International Design and Art Journal | 2019- | Nilay ZSAVA ULUAY | . | . |
Idaho yesterdays | 2009- | Idaho State University | . | . |
IDCases | 2014- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IDCases | 2014- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Ide | 2007- | PePSIC | . | . |
Ide@Sostenible | 2003- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ide@Sostenible | 2003- | RACO | . | . |
Idea 15231712 | 1996- | Krysia Hnatowicz Jacobs | . | . |
Idea arta + societate | 2003- | Idea de Cluj Napoca | . | . |
Idea moderna diario democrático en Lugo La | 1897-1919 | Galiciana | . | . |
IDEA The Intellectual Property Law Review | 2011- | University of New Hampshire | . | Cambio de: Idea The Journal of Law and Technology |
Ideação | 2003- | Universitade Estadual de Oeste do Paraná | . | . |
Ideal gallego El | 1917-1925 | Galiciana | . | . |
Ideas | 2013- | Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Jurusan Tarbiyah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Palopo | . | . |
IDEAS | 2006- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ideas in Ecology and Evolution | 2008- | Queen's University | . | . |
Ideas Revista de Filosofía Moderna y Contemporánea | 2015- | RAGIF | . | . |
Ideas Universidad del Salvador | 2003- | Universidad del Salvador | . | . |
Ideas y valores Revista Colombiana de Filosofía | 2005- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Ideas y valores Revista Colombiana de Filosofía | 2005- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ideas y valores Revista Colombiana de Filosofía | 2004- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Ideas y valores Revista Colombiana de Filosofía | 1951- | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | . | . |
IdeAs. Idées d'Amérique | 2011- | Open Edition | . | . |
IDEAZ | 2004- | University of the West Indies | . | . |
Idee | 1986- | Università del Salento | . | . |
Ideen-Magazin für Architecten, Künstler und Handwerker | 1835-1839 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Idées | 2008-2011 | CAIRN | . | Cambio a: Idées ećonomiques et sociales |
Idées e& 263 onomiques et sociales | 2011- excepto últimos 48 meses | CAIRN | . | Cambio de: Idées |
Ideguru | 2020- | Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga DIY | . | . |
Idei | 2013- | Humanus. Center for personal development. Bulgaria | . | . |
Ideias | 2010- | UNICAMP | . | . |
IDEN | 2012- | Industrial Design Educators Network | . | . |
Identidad bolivariana | 2017- | Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Tecnología | . | . |
Identidade! | 2010- | Faculdades EST/IECLB | . | . |
Identidades Revista del Instituto de Estudios Sociales y Políticos de la Patagonia | 2011- | Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco | . | . |
Identidades territorio cultura patrimonio | 2005- | Dialnet | . | . |
Identidades territorio cultura patrimonio | 2005- | RACO | . | . |
Identities | 2001- | Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities - Skopje | . | . |
Identity Culture and Politics | 2009- | CODESRIA | . | . |
Identity in the Information Society | 2008-2010 | Springer | . | . |
Ideology and Politics Journal | 2012- | Foundation for Good Politics | . | . |
Idesia (Arica) | 2006- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Ideya Journal of the Humanities | 2009- | De La Salle University | . | . |
Idil Sanat ve dil dergisi | 2012- | Nevşehir Üniversitesi | . | . |
Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology | 2007- | Idokan Poland Association in Rzeszów | . | . |
Idolatra de Galicia periódico sabatino de literatura ciencias y artes en general historia moral y costumbres prospecto | 1841 | Galiciana | . | . |
IDP news Newsletter of the International Dunhuang Project | 1993- | International Dunhuang Project | . | . |
IDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
IDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política | 2005- | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | . | . |
IDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política | 2005- | Dialnet | . | . |
IDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política | 2005- | RACO | . | . |
IDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política | 2005- | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | . | . |
IDS Bulletin | 2005- | Institute of Development Studies | . | . |
IDS Policy Briefings | 1994- | Institute of Development Studies | . | . |
IDS Working Papers | 2009- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IE Comunicaciones Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa | 2005- | Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Informática Educativa | . | Cambio de: Revista de enseñanza y tecnología |
IE Comunicaciones Revista Iberoamericana de Informática Educativa | 2008- | Dialnet | . | Cambio de: Revista de enseñanza y tecnología |
IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH | 2010- | Red ALyC | . | . |
IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH | 2016-2019 | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
IE Revista de investigación educativa de la REDIECH | 2011- | Red de Investigadores Educativos Chihuahua | . | . |
IEC e tech | 2000- | IEC | . | . |
IEEE Access | 2013- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Broadcast Technology Society Newsletter | 1999- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | . | . |
IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | 2021- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletter | 1996-2002 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | . | . |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Newsletter | 1997- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | . | . |
IEEE Journal of Microwaves | 2021- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society | 2013- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine | 2013- | PubMed Central | . | . |
IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits | 2015- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics | 2022- | IEEEXplore | . | . |
IEEE Life Sciences Letters | 2015-2017 | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters | 2023- | IEEExplore | . | Cambio de: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters |
IEEE Monitor Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 1998- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics | . | . |
IEEE Nanotechnology Express | 2015-2015 | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Newsletter Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 1998- | North Jersey Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics | . | . |
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Newsletter | 1998- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Oceanic Engineering | . | . |
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy | 2020- | IEEEXplore | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems | 2022-2023 | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology | 2020- | PubMed Central | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | 2020-2023 | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society | 2020- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control | 2021- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology | 2020- | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Photonics Journal | 2009- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Photonics Society News | 2009- | IEEE Photonics Society | . | . |
IEEE Power Electronics Society Newsletter | 1996- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | . | . |
IEEE Standards Bearer | 1995- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | . | . |
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine | 2015- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Transactions on Big Data | 2015- | IEEExplore | . | . |
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering | 2020-2023 | IEEE | . | . |
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society News | 1999- | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, | . | . |
IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications | 2012- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications | 1987- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | selecciones disponibles | . |
IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines | 1995- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | selecciones disponibles | . |
IEICE Communications Express | 2012- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE Communications Society Magazine | 2007- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE Electronics Express | 2004- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE ESS Fundamentals Review | 2007- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY JOURNAL | 2011- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE Transactions on Communications | 2008- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | selecciones disponibles | . |
IEICE Transactions on Electronics | 2008- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences | 2008- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems | 2008- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
IEKAS Information Exchange for Korean American Scholars | 2003- | Society of Korean-American Scholars | . | . |
IERI Procedia | 2012-2014 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IES newsletter | 1984-2006 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
IET Biometrics | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Biometrics | 2023- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Blockchain | 2021- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing | 2019- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Communications | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Computer Vision | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Computers & Digital Techniques | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Computers & Digital Techniques | 2024- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Control Theory & Applications | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications | 2016-2020 | IET Digital Library | . | . |
IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications | 2016- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Cyber-systems and Robotics | 2019- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Electric Power Applications | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation | 2003- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Energy Systems Integration | 2019- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Energy Systems Integration | 2019- | IET Digital Library | . | . |
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Image Processing | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Information Security | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Information Security | 2023- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Intelligent Transport Systems | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Nanobiotechnology | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Nanobiotechnology | 2016- | PubMed Central | . | . |
IET Nanobiotechnology | 2023- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Nanodielectrics | 2018-2020 | IET Digital Library | . | . |
IET Nanodielectrics | 2018- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Networks | 2013 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Optoelectronics | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Power Electronics | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Quantum Communication | 2020- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Renewable Power Generation | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Science, Measurement & Technology | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Signal Processing | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Signal Processing | 2024- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Smart Cities | 2019- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Smart Grid | 2018-2020 | IET Digital Library | . | . |
IET Smart Grid | 2018- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Software | 2013-2023 | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Systems Biology | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IET Systems Biology | 2013- | PubMed Central | . | . |
IET Wireless Sensor Systems | 2013- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IETE Journal of Education | 1997- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
IETF Journal | 2005- | Internet Engineering Task Force | . | . |
IETI Transactions on Business and Management Sciences | 2016- | International Engineering and Technology Institute | . | . |
IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety | 2017- | International Engineering and Technology Institute | . | . |
IeZ Ingurugiroa eta zuzenbidea Ambiente y derecho | 2003- | Dialnet | . | . |
IF-Sophia Revista Eletrônica de Investigação Filosófica Científica e Tecnológica | 2014- | Grupo de Pesquisa Filosofia, Ciência e Tecnologias | . | . |
IFAC-PapersOnLine | 2015- | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio de: IFAC Proceedings Volumes |
Ife Journal of Science | 2004- | AJOL | . | . |
IFEA Instituto Frances de Estudios Andinos | 2002- | Instituto Frances de Estudios Andinos (France) | . | . |
IFIP Newsletter Internation Federation for Information Processing | 1995- | Internation Federation for Information Processing | . | . |
IFLA Journal | 1993-2002 | International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | . | . |
IFLA newsletter | 1997- | International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions | . | . |
IFLA Section of Art Libraries newsletter | 2000- | IFLA Section of Art Libraries | . | . |
iForest Biogeosciences & Forestry | 2008- | Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology - SISEF | . | . |
IFRF Combustion Journal International Flame Research Foundation | 1999-2009 | International Flame Research Foundation | . | Cambio a: Industrial combustion |
Igaku Kyoiku Medical Education Japan | 1970- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Igaku Toshokan | 1954-2008 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Igarapé - Revista de Estudos de Literatura, Cultura e Alteridade | 2013- | Universidade Federal de Rondonia | . | . |
IGBP Science Series International Geosphere Biosphere Program | 1995- | Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and | . | . |
Igdir University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2011- | Igdir University | . | . |
iGIE | 2022- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Iglesia viva revista de pensamiento cristiano | 2003- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ignaziana Rivista di Ricerca Teologica | 2006- | Provincia italiana della Compagnia di Gesù | . | . |
Ignite UBC undergraduate journal for developing feminist thought | 2011- | Women's and Gender Studies, Vancouver | . | . |
Igra Ustvarjalnosti | 2013- | University of Ljubljana | . | . |
Igualitária Revista do Curso de História da Estácio BH | 2012- | Universidade Estácio de Sá | . | . |
Iguazú Revista artesanal de literatura y cultura | 2007- | Universidad del Pais Vasco | . | . |
Ihering | 2018- | Fundacin Universitaria Espaola | . | . |
Iheringia Série botânica | 2004- | Fundacao Zoo Botanica | . | . |
Iheringia Série Zoologia | 2000- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Iheringia Série Zoologia | 2001- | BVS-Vet | . | . |
Iheringia Série Zoologia | 1957-2000 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
IHiS (Indonesian Historical Studies) | 2017- | Master Program of History, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University | . | . |
IHJ Cardiovascular Case Reports (CVCR) | 2017- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IHJ Cardiovascular Reports | 2024- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IHS Antiguos Jesuitas en Iberoamérica | 2013- | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | . | . |
IHS Primary Care Provider Indian Health Service | 1994- | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service | . | . |
Ihtifaz | 2018- | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan | . | . |
IHU online | 2001- | Instituto Humanitas Unisonos | . | . |
II Journal | 2011- | Michigan Publishing | . | Cambio de: Journal of the International Institute |
IIAS Newsletter | 1996- | Leiden University | . | . |
IIASS Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences | 2008- | CEOs Ltd. | . | . |
IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering | 2011- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing | 2017-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | selecciones disponibles | . |
IIEP newsletter | 1996- | UNESCO | . | . |
III Vs Review | 1995-2006 | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio de: Euro III-Vs Review |
IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies | 2022- | Emerald | . | . |
IIMB Management Review Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | 2010- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IIMBG Journal of Sustainable Business and Innovation | 2023- | Emerald | . | . |
IIMS Journal of Management Science | 2010- | Indian Institute of Management | . | . |
IIOAB Journal | 2010- | IIOAB | . | . |
IIOAB Letters | 2011- | University of Pittsburgh | . | . |
IIS Technical Report | 1995- | Academia Sinica | . | . |
IIUC Studies | 2004- | BanglaJOL | . | . |
IIUM Law Journal | 2007- | IIUM | . | . |
IJ ELTS International journal of English language & translation studies | 2013- | University of Sebha | . | . |
IJ-ATL (International Journal of Arabic Teaching and Learning) | 2017- | Nurul Jadid University | . | . |
IJABER International Journal of Arts-Based Educational Research | 2021- | Universidade da Coruña | . | . |
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education | 2015- | Dergipark | . | . |
IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology) | 2017- | School of Applied Science, Telkom University | . | . |
IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences | 2015- | Dergipark | . | . |
Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning | 2018- | Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang | . | . |
IJC Heart & Vessels | 2013-2014 | Elsevier Science | . | Cambio a: IJC Heart & Vasculature |
IJC Heart & Vessels | 2013-2014 | PubMed Central | . | Cambio a: IJC Heart & Vasculature |
IJC Metabolic & Endocrine | 2013-2017 | Elsevier Science | dejó de publicarse | . |
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) | 2007- | Universitas Gadjah Mada | . | . |
IJCS: Indonesia Journal of Chemical Science | 2012- | Universitas Negeri Semarang | . | . |
IJD International Journal of Dentistry | 2010 | Rev@Odonto | . | . |
IJEAP International journal of education in Asia Pacific | 2009- | Burapha University | . | . |
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) | 2017- | LPPM of Narotama University Surabaya | . | . |
IJEBP (International Journal of Educational Best Practices) | 2017- | Universitas Riau | . | . |
IJEE Indonesian Journal of English Education | 2014- | Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | . | . |
IJEFL Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics | 2016- | Pusat Pelatihan | . | . |
IJEIS (Indonesian Journal of Electronics and Instrumentation Systems) | 2011- | Universitas Gadjah Mada | . | . |
Ijele Art eJournal of the African World | 2000- | Africa Resource Center, Inc. | . | . |
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics) | 2016- | IAIN Samarinda | . | . |
IJEMS (Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability) | 2017- | ARTS Publishing Corp. | . | . |
IJET (Indonesian Journal of English Teaching) | 2016- | Department of English Teacher Education | . | . |
IJFAC (Indonesian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Chemistry) | 2016- | Sriwijaya University | . | . |
IJHCM: International Journal of Human Capital Management | 2017- | Universitas Negeri Jakarta | . | . |
IJIBE (International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics) | 2016- | Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Sultan Agung | . | . |
IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development) | 2012- | State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga | . | . |
IJID One Health | 2023- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IJID Regions | 2021- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
IJID Regions | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | . |
IJIE (Indonesian Journal of Informatics Education) | 2017- | Universitas Sebelas Maret | . | . |
IJISCS (International Journal of Information System and Computer Science) | 2017- | STMIK Pringsewu | . | . |
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities) | 2018- | Universitas Ahmad Dahlan | . | . |
IJLRES (International Journal on Language Research and Education Studies) | 2017- | State Islamic University of North Sumatra | . | . |
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) | 2014- | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta | . | . |
IJoLE: International Journal of Language Education | 2017- | Universitas Negeri Makassar | . | . |
IJoSS International journal of social sciences | 2012- | University of Economics in Prag | . | . |
IJOTL-TL (Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics) | 2016- | Center of Language and Culture Studies, Surakarta, Indonesia | . | . |
IJPC journal Image of the journalists in popular culture journal | 2009- | University of Southern California | . | . |
IJQHC Communications | 2021- | Oxford Academic | . | . |
IJRETINA (International Journal of Retina) | 2017- | International Journal of Retina | . | . |
IJS Oncology | 2016- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Ijtihad: Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan | 2012- | Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Salatiga | . | . |
Ijtimaiyya | 2014- | Institut Agama Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung | . | . |
IjtimÄ'iyya | 2016- | Postgraduate State Institute on Islamic Studies Purwokerto | . | . |
IJTLD OPEN | 2024- | PubMed Central | . | . |
IJU Case Reports | 2018- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
IJU Case Reports | 2018- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Ikagaku Shinpojumu | 1968-1971 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Íkala Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura | 2008- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Íkala Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura | 2001- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Íkala Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura | 1996- | Universidad de Antioquia | . | . |
Ikaros Tidskrft om människan och vetenskapen | 2004- | . | . | . |
Ikastorratza e Revista de Didactica | 2007- | Ikastorratza | . | . |
Ikastorratza e Revista de Didactica | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
IKAT: The Indonesian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | 2017- | Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta | . | . |
Ikoner vision och traditon | 1998- | Bibliotekstjanst | . | . |
Ikonomika: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam | 2016- | Institut Agama Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung | . | . |
Ikonosfera Studia z socjologii i antropologii obrazu | 2006- | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika | . | . |
Iktisadi Idari ve Siyasal Arastırmalar Dergisi | 2016- | Dergipark | . | . |
Iktisat ve Ictimaiyat Enstitüsü Sosyal Siyaset Konferanslari | 2017- | Istanbul University Press | . | . |
ikuryo | 2020-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Ikwezi | 1975-1979 | Digital Innovation South Africa | . | . |
Il castello di Elsinore | 2012- | Edizioni di Pagina | . | . |
Il Colle di Galileo | 2012- | Firenze University Press | . | . |
Il Giappone Studi e Ricerche | 2020- | SHARE Press | . | . |
Il Giornale di AMD | 2009- | Idelson Gnocchi | . | . |
Il Giornale di Chirurgia | 2003- | CIC Edizioni Internazionali | . | . |
Il Giornale di Chirurgia | 2013-2018 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Il Naturalista siciliano : organo della Società siciliana di scienze naturali | 1881-1925 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Il Nuovo Cimento A | 1997-1999 | Societa Italiana di Fisica | . | Cambio a: European Physical Journal |
Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 10 | 1997- | Societa Italiana di Fisica | T | . |
Il Nuovo Cimento C | 1997- | Societa Italiana di Fisica | . | . |
Il Nuovo Cimento D | 1997-1999 | Societa Italiana di Fisica | . | Cambio a: European Physical Journal |
Il Nuovo Saggiatore | 1999- | Societa Italiana di Fisica | . | . |
Il Pensiero Storico | 2016- | WordPress | . | . |
Il Tolomeo | 2015- | Edizioni Ca’ Foscari | . | . |
ILA Reporter | 2004- | Illinois Library Association | . | . |
iLABMED | 2023- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
iLABMED | 2023- | Tsinghua University Press | . | . |
Ilahiyat tetkikleri dergisi | 2011- | Dergipark | . | . |
ILAR Journal | 1989-2020 | Oxford Academic | . | . |
ILAR Journal | 2011-2021 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
ILAR News Institute for Laboratory Animal Research | 1995- | National Academies of Sciences, National Research Council, Institute | . | . |
ILCEA Revue de l'Institut des langues et cultures d 'Europe et d 'Amérique | 2009- | Open Edition | . | . |
Ilef Dergisi | 2014- | Ankara University | . | . |
Ilgenfritz orchardist | 1941-1941 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
ILH Insight | 2013- | Universität Paderborn | . | . |
Ilha do Desterro | 1979- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
Ilha do Desterro | 2013- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Ilha do Desterro | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Ilha Revista de Antropologia | 1999- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
ILINX Revista do LUME | 1998- | Universidade Estadual de Campinas | . | . |
Iliria | 1971-2017 | Persee | . | . |
ILIRIA International Review | 2011- | Felix-Verlag | . | . |
iLiver | 2022- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
iLiver | 2022- | Tsinghua University Press | . | . |
Ilkogretim Online | 2002- | Dergipark | . | . |
Ilkom Jurnal Ilmiah | 2016- | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer UMI | . | . |
ILL news for reactor users | 1997- | Institut Laue-Langevin | . | . |
Illapa | 2004- | Universidad Ricardo Palma | . | . |
Illapa Revista latinoamericana de ciencias sociales | 2007- | Illapa | . | . |
Illes I imperis | 1998- | RACO | . | . |
Illiesia | 2005- | Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Mississippi College | . | . |
Illinois Agricultural Association record | 1923-1939 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Illinois biological monographs | 1914-1999 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Illinois biological monographs | 1923-1929 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Illinois farmer a monthly agricultural journal devoted to the interests of the farmer gardener fruit grower and stock raiser | 1856-1864 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Illinois history | 2002-2009 | Illinois Historic Preservation Agency | . | . |