Titulo | Fecha | Proveedor | Acceso | Cambio de titulo |
Passer Journal | 2019- | University of Garmian | . | . |
Past Imperfect | 1992- | University of Alberta | . | . |
Pastoral Liturgy | 2020- | University of Notre Dame Australia | . | . |
Pastoral Review, The | 1920-1921 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pastoralism | 2011-2023 | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Pastoralism | . | Frontiers Media S.A. | . | . |
Pastos | 1971- | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | . | . |
Pastos y Forrajes | 2007- | SciELO (Cuba) | . | . |
Pastos y Forrajes | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pastura Journal of Tropical Forage Science | 2011- | Himpunan Ilmuwan Tumbuhan Pakan Indonesia | . | . |
Pasturas Tropicales | 1979-2007 | Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical | . | . |
Pastures & Pastoralism | 2023- | Grassroots Institute | . | . |
Pata magazine | 2008-2010 | Pata Magazine | . | . |
Patan Pragya | 2019- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Patan Prospective Journal | 2022- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Patanjala: Jurnal Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya | 2009- | Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan | . | . |
Patent Office Record Canada | 1999- | Canadian Intellectual Property Office | . | . |
Patent special volume | 2021- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Pathobiology | 2009-2012 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Pathobiology of Aging & Age Related Diseases | 2011-2019 | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Pathobiology of Aging & Age Related Diseases | 2011-2019 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathogenesis | 2014-2016 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | . |
PathoGenetics | 2008-2010 | PubMed Central | . | . |
PathoGenetics | 2008-2010 | BioMed Central | . | . |
Pathogens | 2012- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Pathogens | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathogens and Disease | 2014- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology |
Pathogens and Global Health | 2012- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology |
Pathogens and Immunity | 2016- | Case Western Reserve University | . | . |
Pathogens and Immunity | 2016- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathologia veterinaria | 1964-1970 | Sage Journals | . | Cambio a: Veterinary pathology |
Pathologica | 2019- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International | 2009- | Dove Medical Press | . | . |
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International | 2009- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Pathology Oncology Research | 2021- | Frontiers Media S.A. | . | . |
Pathology Oncology Research | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathology Research International | 2010-2018 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | . | . |
Pathology Research International | 2010-2018 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathophysiology | 2020- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Pathophysiology | 2020- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pathophysiology | 1994- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis | 2009-2010 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Pathos Trimestrale di Algologia | 2014- | Società Italiana dei Clinici del Dolore | . | . |
Pathways The Ontario journal of outdoor education | 1989- | Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario | . | . |
Patient Experience Journal | 2014- | Beryl Institute | . | . |
Patient Intelligence | 2010-2016 | Dove Medical Press | . | . |
Patient preference and adherence | 2007- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Patient preference and adherence | 2007- | Dove Medical Press | . | . |
Patient preference and adherence | 2007- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Patient Related Outcome Measures | 2010- | Dove Medical Press | . | . |
Patient Related Outcome Measures | 2010- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Patient Related Outcome Measures | 2010- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Patient Safety | 2019- | Patient Safety Authority | . | . |
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Journal | 2014- | Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | . | . |
Patient Safety in Surgery | 2007- | BioMed Central | . | . |
Patient Safety in Surgery | 2007- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Patio de Letras | 2004-2006 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Patologìâ | 2012- | Zaporozhye State Medical University | . | . |
Patologia Revista Latinoamericana | 2008- | Medigraphic | . | . |
Patologia Revista Latinoamericana | 2010- | Imbiomed | . | . |
Patologiia krovoobrashcheniia i kardiokhirurgiia | 2012- | Federal Biomedical Research Center | . | . |
Patria Gallega boletín-revista órgano oficial de la Asociación Regionalista | 1891 | Galiciana | . | . |
Patria gallega Revista semanal ilustrada | 1906 | Galiciana | . | . |
Patria indipendente Periodico della resistenza e degli ex combattenti | 2002-2015 | Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia | . | . |
Patria Semanario católico tradicionalista órgano Oficial de la Comunión Legitimista de esta Provincia | 1915 | Galiciana | . | . |
Patrimoines du Sud | 2015- | Open Edition | . | . |
Patrimônio e Memória | 2005- | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | . | . |
Patrimonio Economía Cultural y Educación para la Paz | 2012- | UNAM | . | . |
Património Revista da Faculdade de Letras Ciências e Técnicas do Património | 2002- | Universidade do Porto | . | . |
Patriota compostelano El | 1809-1812 | Galiciana | . | . |
Patriote Francois, Le: Journal Libre Impartial et National | 1789-1793 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Patristica et Mediaevalia | 1975- | Universidad de Buenos Aires | . | . |
PatryTer - Revista Latinoamericana e Caribenha de Geografia e Humanidades | 2018- | Universidade de Brasília | . | . |
Pattern Recognition in Physics | 2013- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Patterns | 2020- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Patterns | 2020- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pattimura Law Journal | 2016- | Pattimura University | . | . |
Patua Te Otaota Weed Clippings Biological Control of Weeds Annual | 1997- | Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research | . | . |
Paubrasilia | 2018- | Jardim Botanico FLORAS | . | . |
Paul Claudel Papers | 2003-2009 | York University | . | . |
Paulo Freire Revista de pedagogía crítica | 2002- | Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano | . | . |
Pauta Geral - Estudos em Jornalismo | 2014- | Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa | . | . |
Paxton's magazine of botany, and register of flowering plants | 1834-1849 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Payavard Salamat | 2011- | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | . | . |
Payesh | 2008- | Iranian Institute for Health Sciences Research | . | . |
Paysages écrits Revue vraie | 2010- | Sanda Voïca & Samuel Dudouit | . | . |
PC FAB | 1997- | CMP Media | . | . |
PC Improvement News | 1998- | Graham Wing | . | . |
PC Magazine | 1995- | CNET Network Inc. | . | . |
PCD Online Journal | 2009-2019 | Universitas Gadjah Mada | . | . |
PCE International | 2019- | MPI Group | . | . |
PCI Journal | 1956- | Precast, Prestressed Concrete Institut | . | . |
PCMC Journal | 2010- | PhilJOL | . | . |
PCSP Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy | 2005- | National Register of Health Service Psychologists | . | . |
PDA Journal of GMP and Validation in Japan | 1999- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Peace and Conflict Studies | 2000- | Network of Peace and Conflict Studies | . | . |
Peace and Democracy in South Asia | 2005-2006 | Asiawide Network | . | . |
Peace Conflict and Development | 2002-2013 | University of Bradford | . | . |
Peace Country cattle newsletter | 1984-1991 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio de: Talking stock |
Peace Human Rights Governance | 2017- | Padova University Press | . | . |
Peace Magazine | 1994- | Canadian Disarmament Information Service | . | . |
Peace news for nonviolent revolution | 1994- | Peace News Ltd | . | . |
Peace Studies | 2007- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Peake Studies | 1998-2015 | JSTOR | . | . |
Peanut Grower | 1999- | Vance Publishing, Inc. | . | . |
Peanut Science | 1974- | Allen Press | . | . |
Pearl Oyster Information Bulletin | 1990- | Google Books | . | . |
PEB Exchange | 1998- | OECD iLibrary | . | . |
PEC Innovation | 2022- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
PEC Innovation | 2022- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pecia Complutense Boletín de la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 2004- | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | . | . |
Peckhamia Publication of the Peckham Society | 1977- | Peckham Society | . | . |
Pecunia revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Universidad de León | 2005- | Dialnet | . | . |
Pecunia revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Universidad de León | 2005- | Universidad de Leon | . | . |
PedActa | 2011- | Babes-Bolyai University | . | . |
Pedagogi | 2012- | Universitas Negeri Padang | . | . |
Pedagogía | 1953-2017 | Universidad de Puerto Rico | . | Cambio a: Revista de Educación de Puerto Rico |
Pedagogia em Ação | 2009- | Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Pedagogia i treball social Revista de ciències socials aplicades | 2011- | Universitat de Girona | . | . |
Pedagogia i treball social Revista de ciències socials aplicades | 2011- | RACO | . | . |
Pedagogia Oggi | 2017- | Pensa Multimedia | . | . |
Pedagogía social revista interuniversitaria | 2002- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pedagogía social revista interuniversitaria | 1986- excepto últimos 24 meses | Dialnet | . | . |
Pedagogía social revista interuniversitaria | 2007- | Recyt | . | . |
Pedagogía y Saberes | 2016- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Pedagogía y Saberes | 2009- | Universidad Pedagógica Nacional | . | . |
Pedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan | 2016- | Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo | . | . |
Pedagogica centra japona Annual report of the Kanto Educational Research Society | 2022-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Pedagogical Cluster-Journal of Pedagogical Developments | 2023- | Euro Asian Journals Publishing | . | . |
Pedagogical Discourse | 2016- | Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy | . | . |
Pedagogical Research | 2016- | Modestum | . | . |
Pedagogical Review | 2013- | Tomsk State Pedagogical University | . | . |
Pedagogicka orientace | 2007- | Czech Pedagogical Society | . | . |
Pedagogics Psychology Medical Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports | 2009-2020 | Kharkov Regional Branch of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine | . | Cambio a: Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports |
Pédagogie Médicale | 2000-2012 | EDP Sciences | . | . |
Pedagogiek | 2000- | Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services | . | . |
Pedagogik: Jurnal Pendidikan | 2017- | Nurul Jadid University, Islamic Faculty | . | . |
Pedagogika | 2016- | Univerzita Karlova v Praze | . | . |
Pedagogika Rodziny | 2011- | Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk | . | . |
Pedagogika Rodziny | 2011- | CEEOL | . | . |
Pedagogika sk | 2010- | Slovak Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Pedagogika Szko& 322 y Wy& 380 szej | 2011- | Pedagogika Szkoły Wyższej | . | . |
Pedagogika. Studia i Rozprawy | 2013- | Jan Dugosz University in Czstochowa | . | . |
Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport | 2015- | Nicolaus Copernicus University | . | . |
Pedagogy of Learning | 2015- | Pedagogy of Learning | . | . |
Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports | 2020- | H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University | . | Cambio de: Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports |
Pedagogy Studies Pedagogika | 2004- | CEEOL | . | . |
Pediatria | 2000- | Sociedad Paraguaya de Pediatría | . | . |
Pediatria | 2005- | Scielo (Paraguay) | . | . |
Pediatría | 1976 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Pediatria Atencion Primaria Revista Pediatria de Atencion Pediatria | 2009- | SciELO (España) | . | . |
Pediatria Atencion Primaria Revista Pediatria de Atencion Pediatria | 2000- | Daniel Sanchez Martinez (Spain) | . | . |
Pediatria Atencion Primaria Revista Pediatria de Atencion Pediatria | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pediatria Catalana | 1978- | Societat Catalana de Pediatria (Spain) | . | . |
Pediatría de México | 1998- | Medigraphic | . | . |
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna | 2008- | Medical Communications Sp. z o.o. | . | . |
Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica La | 2012- | PAGEPress | . | . |
Pediatria Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatria | 1998- | encolombia | . | . |
Pediatria Polska | 2017- | Termedia | . | . |
Pediatría Rural y Extrahospitalaria | 2004- | Imbiomed | Registro individual requerido | . |
Pediatria. Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatria | 2012-2016 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pediatric Allergy Immunology and Pulmonology | 2010- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | Cambio de: Pediatric asthma, allergy & immunology |
Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal | 2013- | Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal | . | . |
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery | 2012- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Pediatric Cardiology Today | 2003-2005 | Congenital Cardiology Today | . | Cambio a: Congenital Cardiology Today |
Pediatric Clinics of Amsterdam | 2002-2004 | DC/HG (Netherlands) | . | . |
Pediatric Companion | 2022- | MedKnow | . | . |
Pediatric Dental Journal | 2004-2012 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Pediatric Diabetes | 2023- | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | . | . |
Pediatric Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism | 1998- | Termedia | . | . |
Pediatric Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology & Nutrition | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Health Medicine and Therapeutics | 2010- | Dove Medical Press | . | . |
Pediatric Health Medicine and Therapeutics | 2015- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Health Medicine and Therapeutics | 2010- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal | 2016- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pediatric Infection and Vaccine | 2015- | Korea Science | . | Cambio de: Korean journal of pediatric infectious diseases |
Pediatric Infectious Disease | 1982-1986 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | Cambio a: Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, The |
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal | 1987- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | Cambio de: Pediatric infectious disease |
Pediatric Investigation | 2017- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Pediatric Investigation | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Medicine | 2018- | AME Publishing Company | . | . |
Pediatric Neurology Briefs | 2015-2021 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Neurology Briefs | 1987- | Pediatric Neurology Briefs Publishers | . | . |
Pediatric Neurosurgery | 2009-2011 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Pediatric oncology | 2004- | National Institute of Informatics Japan | . | . |
Pediatric Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 1991-2011 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Japan | 1980- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Pediatric Physical Therapy | 1989- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Pediatric Quality & Safety | 2016- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Pediatric Quality & Safety | 2016- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Reports | 2009- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Pediatric Reports | 2009- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Research | 1967- excepto últimos 12 meses | Nature Publishing Group | . | . |
Pediatric Respirology and Critical Care Medicine | 2017- | MedKnow | . | . |
Pediatric Rheumatology | 2007- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Rheumatology | 2007- | BioMed Central | . | . |
Pediatric Sciences Journal | 2021- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Pediatric Surgery Update | 1993- | Humberto Lugo-Vincente | . | . |
Pediatric Urology Case Reports | 2014- | Ped Urol Case Rep | . | . |
Pediatricheskaia farmakologiia | 2006- | . | . | . |
Pediatrics | 2011-2017 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Pediatrics & Neonatology | 2008- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Pediatrics in Review | 2011-2016 | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Pédiatrie organe de la réunion lyonnaise de pédiatrie | 1912-1936 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Pediomaternal Nursing Journal | 2019- | Universitas Airlangga | . | . |
Pedralbes: revista d'història moderna | 1981- | RACO | . | . |
Peer Community Journal | 2021- | Centre Mersenne | . | . |
PeerJ | 2013- | PeerJ | . | . |
PeerJ | 2013- | PubMed Central | . | . |
PeerJ Analytical Chemistry | 2019- | PeerJ Inc. | . | . |
PeerJ Computer Science | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
PeerJ Materials Science | 2019- | PeerJ Inc. | . | . |
PeerJ Physical Chemistry | 2019- | PeerJ Inc. | . | . |
PEG Magazine | 2010- | Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists | . | . |
Pegasus Onlinezeitschrift | 2000- | Pegasus | . | . |
Pegasus the journal of the University of Exeter Department of Classics and Ancient History | 1964- excepto últimos 60 meses | University of Exeter | . | . |
Peitho A journal of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition | 1996- | Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition | . | . |
Peitho Examina Antiqua | 2010- | Adam Mickiewicz University | . | . |
Pejvad Journal | 2012- | University of Tehran | . | . |
Pelangi | 2010- | STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat | . | . |
Pelataran Seni: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kajian Seni | 2016- | Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Performing Arts Education Study Program | . | . |
Pelitutkimuksen vuosikirja | 2009- | Suomen Pelitutkimuksen Seura ry | . | . |
Peloro | 2016- | University of Messina | . | . |
PEM psychology educology medicine | 2013- | RAE Editorial System | . | . |
Pembrokeshire Bird Report The | 2010- | The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, Welsh Wildlife Centre | . | . |
Pen Computing Magazine | 1998- | Pen Computing Magazine, Inc. | . | . |
Penal Issues | 2003- | Centre Recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions | . | . |
Penal Issues | 1989-2005 | Centre Recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions | . | . |
Penalmente Relevant | 2016- | Editura Solomon | . | . |
Pendas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar | 2016- | Universitas Pasundan | . | . |
Pendipa | 2017- | University of Bengkulu | . | . |
Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan | 1971- | Pusat Teknologi Terapan Kesehatan dan Epidemiologi Klinik | . | . |
Penélope revista de história e ciências sociais | 1988- | Dialnet | . | . |
Pengarah | 2019- | Sekolah Tinggi Alkitab Tiranus | . | . |
Peninsula A journal of relational politics | 2011- | University of Victoria | . | . |
Península Revista de Estudos Ibéricos | 2003-2009 | Universidade do Porto | . | . |
Península UNAM | 2005- | UNAM | . | . |
Península UNAM | 2005- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Península UNAM | 2013-2017 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | . |
Península UNAM | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Penn Bioethics Journal | 2005- | University of Pennsylvania | . | . |
Penn State journal of law & international affairs JLIA | 2012- | Penn State's School of Law and School of International Affairs | . | . |
Pennock-Meehan plant monthly : prices in effect, Monday, February 1st, 1915 / | 1915-1915 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pennock-Meehan plant monthly : prices in effect, Thursday, April 15th, 1915 / | 1915-1915 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pennsylvania Bulletin | 1996- | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | . | . |
Pennsylvania farm journal | 1851-1855 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pennsylvania farm journal | 1851-1855 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pennsylvania gardens | 1937-1937 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pennsylvania geology | 2002- | Bureau of Topographic and Geological Survey, Pennsylvania | . | . |
Pennsylvania history A journal of Mid Atlantic studies | 1934- | Penn Press | . | . |
Pennsylvania libraries Research & practice | 2013- | Pennsylvania Library Association | . | . |
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography The | 1877-1922 | JSTOR | . | . |
Pennsylvania State Horticultural Association news / published by the Association | 1937-1938 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pennsylvania vegetable growers' news | 1928-1945 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Pensa E-Jurnal: Pendidikan Sains | 2012- | Universitas Negeri Surabaya | . | . |
Pensamento plural | 2007- | Universidade Federal de Pelotas | . | . |
Pensamento plural | 2007- | Universidade Federal de Pelotas | . | . |
Pensamentos em Design | 2021- | Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Pensamiento & Gestión | 2004- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pensamiento & Gestión | 2008- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Pensamiento & Gestión | 2004- | Universidad del Norte | . | . |
Pensamiento Actual | 1995- | Universidad de Costa Rica | . | . |
Pensamiento al Margen | 2014- | Ateneo cantonal de estudios políticos | . | . |
Pensamiento católico | 1910-1911 | Galiciana | . | . |
Pensamiento Constitucional | 1994- | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú | . | . |
Pensamiento Critico | 2002- | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Pensamiento de Galicia diario católico-tradicionalista | 1900 | Galiciana | . | . |
Pensamiento educativo Revista de investigación educacional latinoamericana | 1994- | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | . | . |
Pensamiento educativo Revista de investigación educacional latinoamericana | 2020- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Pensamiento galaico El diario católico tradicionalista | 1888-1890 | Galiciana | . | . |
Pensamiento gallego diario católico-tradicionalista | 1896-1897 | Galiciana | . | . |
Pensamiento gallego El Revista semanal religioso-científica | 1888 | Galiciana | . | . |
Pensamiento Humanista | 1993-2012 | Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana | . | . |
Pensamiento iberoamericano | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
Pensamiento Jurídico | 1994- | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | . | . |
Pensamiento Matemático | 2011- | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | . | . |
Pensamiento palabra y obra | 2016- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Pensamiento palabra y obra | 2008- | Universidad Pedagógica Nacional | . | . |
Pensamiento Papeles de filosofía | 2016- | Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico | . | . |
Pensamiento Propio | 2012-2017 | P Radha Krishna Reddy | . | . |
Pensamiento Psicológico | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pensamiento Psicológico | 2011- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Pensamiento Psicológico | 2002- | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | . | . |
Pensamiento Universitario | 2007- | Universidad Nacional de San Luis | . | . |
Pensamiento y acción | 2014- | Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia | . | . |
Pensamiento y Acción Social | 2005- | Universidad Central de Venezuela | . | . |
Pensamiento y Cultura | 1998- | Universidad de La Sabana | . | . |
Pensamiento y Cultura | 1999- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pensamiento y Cultura | 2004- | Dialnet | . | . |
Pensando familias | 2013- | PePSIC | . | . |
Pensando Revista de Filosofia | 2010- | Universidade Federal do Piauí | . | . |
Pensar - Revista de Ciencias Juridicas | 1992- | Universidade de Fortaleza | . | . |
Pensar a Pratica | 1998- | Universidade Federal de Goiás | . | . |
Pensar Contábil | 2001- | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | . | . |
Pensar en Movimiento | 2017- | SciELO (Costa Rica) | . | . |
Pensar en Movimiento | 2001- | Universidad de Costa Rica | . | . |
Pensar en Movimiento | 2006- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Pensar Enfermagem | 2008- | Nursing School of Lisbon | . | . |
Pensar Historia | 2012- | Universidad de Antioquia | . | . |
Pensar Iberoamerica Revista de Cultura | 2002- | Organizacion de Estados Iberoamericanos Para la Educacion, la Ciencia, | . | . |
Pensar la Publicidad | 2007- | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | . | . |
Pensares em Revista | 2012- | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | . | . |
Pensartes | 2008- | Universidad de Nariño | . | . |
Pensata Revista dos alunos do Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UNIFESP | 2011- | Universidade Federal de São Paulo | . | . |
Pensée de Midi La | 2000-2010 | CAIRN | . | . |
Pensée La | 2017- excepto últimos 36 meses | CAIRN | . | . |
Pensée plurielle Parole pratiques et réflexions du social | 2001- excepto últimos 48 meses | CAIRN | . | . |
Penser l’éducation | 2020- | Open Edition | . | . |
PentecoStudies | 2002-2009 | Hollenweger Center | . | . |
Peonza Revista de Educacion Fisica para la paz | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Peonza Revista de literatura infantil y juvenil | 1986- | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | . | . |
People and Culture in Oceania | 2005- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
People and culture in Oceania | 2001- excepto últimos 6 meses | National Institute of Informatics Japan | . | . |
People and Nature | 2019- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
People Living with And Inspired by Diabetes | 2015- | Florida State University College of Medicine | . | . |
People Place and Policy Online | 2007- | Sheffield Hallam University | . | . |
People the Socialist Labor Party 's Monthly Journal | 1999- | Socialist Labor Party of America | . | . |
People's Journal of Scientific Research | 2008- | People's group | . | . |
Peptidomics | 2015-2017 | de Gruyter | . | . |
Pequeña patria La revista decenal de literatura ciencias y artes | 1890-1891 | Galiciana | . | . |
Per Abbat boletín filológico de actualización académica y didActica | 2006-2007 | Dialnet | . | . |
Per Linguam A Journal of Language Learning | 2011- | Stellenbosch University | . | . |
Per Musi - Scholarly Music Journal | 2008-2016 | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Per Musi - Scholarly Music Journal | 2000- | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Perak Museum notes | 1893-1898 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Percees | 2019- | Socit qubcoise d'tudes thtrales (SQET) | . | . |
Perception and Psychophysics | 1966-2008 | Springer | . | Cambio a: Attention Perception and Psychophysics |
Percheron review | 1916-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Percurso | 2011- | Centro Universitário Curitiba | . | . |
Percurso acadêmico Revista interdisciplinar da PUC Minas no Barreiro | 2011- | Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais | . | . |
PerCursos | 2001- | Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina | . | . |
PERcursos Linguísticos | 2011- | Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | . | . |
Peregrinations | 2002- | International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art | . | . |
Peregrinus Cracoviensis | 2013-2017 | Jagiellonian University | . | . |
Peregrinus Cracoviensis | 1995-2012 | Jagiellonian University | . | . |
Perfil de Coyuntura Económica | 2004- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perfil de Coyuntura Económica | 2008-2017 | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Perfil de Coyuntura Económica | 2003- | Universidad de Antioquia | . | . |
Perfiles | 2011- | Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo | . | . |
Perfiles de las Ciencias Sociales | 2013- | Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco | . | . |
Perfiles Educativos | 1993- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perfiles Educativos | 2007- | UNAM | . | . |
Perfiles Educativos | 2000- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Perfiles Educativos | 2013-2015 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | . |
Perfiles Gerenciales El ser humano detrás del empresario | 2016- | Universidad Libre de Colombia | . | . |
Perfiles Gerenciales Gestión Social y Solidaria | 2015- | Universidad Libre de Colombia | . | . |
Perfiles Latinoamericanos | 1993- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perfiles Latinoamericanos | 1992- | Dialnet | . | . |
Perfiles Latinoamericanos | 2004- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Perfiles Latinoamericanos | 1992- | FLACSO | . | . |
Performance | 2006- | Jenderal Soedirman University | . | . |
Performance and Spirituality | 2009- | Institute for the Study of Performance and Spirituality | . | . |
Performance paradigm A journal of performance & contemporary culture | 2005- | University of New South Wales | . | . |
Performance Philosophy | 2015- | Performance Philosophy | . | . |
Performance Practice Review | 1988- | Claremont Colleges Digital Library | . | . |
Performance Religion and Spirituality | 2017- | University of Toledo | . | Cambio de: Performance and Spirituality |
PERI | 2009- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
Perichoresis The Theological Journal of Emanuel University | 2012- | Sciendo | . | . |
Perichoresis The Theological Journal of Emanuel University | 2003- | Emanuel University of Oradea | . | . |
Periferia | 2009- | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | . | . |
Periferia revista de recerca i formacio en antropologia | 2004- | RACO | . | . |
Periferia revista de recerca i formacio en antropologia | 2005- | Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | . | . |
Periferias Publicación de la FISYP | 2002- | Fundación de Investigaciones Sociales y Politicas | . | . |
Periférica Revista para el analisis de la cultura y el territorio | 2000- | Universidad de Cádiz | . | . |
Perífrasis Revista de Literatura Teoría y Crítica | 2010- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Perífrasis Revista de Literatura Teoría y Crítica | 2010- | Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá) | . | . |
Perífrasis Revista de Literatura Teoría y Crítica | 2010- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perinatal Journal | 2005- | Perinatal Medicine Foundation | . | . |
Perinatologiâ i Pediatriâ | 2011- | Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine (processing) | . | . |
Perinatologia y Reproduccion Humana | 2000-2014 | Medigraphic | . | . |
Perinatologia y Reproduccion Humana | 2004- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Perinatologia y Reproduccion Humana | 1995-2009 | Imbiomed | . | . |
Perinatologia y Reproduccion Humana | 2015-2018 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2019 | . |
Perinatology | 2013- | Korean Society of Perinatology | . | . |
Periodica musica | 1983-2005 | International Musicological Society | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering | 1999- | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering | 1999- | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering | 1999- | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering | 1999- | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences | 1999- | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering | 1999- | Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) | . | . |
Periodica Polytechnica. Architecture | 1968- | Budapest University of Technology | . | . |
Periodical cicada | 1923-1923 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodical cicada in 1897, The | 1897 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodical cicada in 1902, The | 1902 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodical cicada in 1906, The | 1906 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodical cicada in 1907, The | 1907 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodical cicada in 1911, The | 1911 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences PEN | 2013- | International University of Sarajevo | . | . |
Periódico de poesía | 1987-- | UNAM | . | . |
Periodico di Mineralogia | 2011- | Sapienza Università di Roma | . | . |
Periodico di Mineralogia | 1999-2010 | Università degli Studi die Roma La Sapienza | . | . |
Periodico zoologico | 1878-1881 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Periodicum biologorum | 2006- | Hrcak | . | . |
Periodismo escolar páginas volantes del Boletín de información del Centro de Esnseñanza Media y Profesional de Mondoñedo | 1954-1955 | Galiciana | . | . |
Periodística Revista acadèmia | 1989- | RACO | . | . |
Periodontal Practice Today | 2004-2008 | Quintessence | . | . |
Periodyk Naukowy Akademii Polonijnej | 2008-2015 | Educator' Publishing House of Polonia University | . | . |
Perioperative Medicine | 2018- | Interdisciplinary Academy of Pain Medicine | . | . |
Perioperative Medicine | 2012- | BioMed Central | . | . |
Perioperative Medicine | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Peripeti Tidsskrift for dramaturgiske studier | 2011- | Aarhus University | . | . |
PERIPLOS : Revista de Pesquisa sobre Migracoes | 2015- | Universidade de Brasília | . | . |
Peristil | 2009 | Hrcak | . | . |
Peritoneal Dialysis International Journal of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis | 2012-2016 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Perl Journal | 1996-2000 | CMP Media | . | . |
Perla | 1974- | Landesmuseum | . | . |
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering | 2000- | Perm National Research Polytechnic University | . | . |
Perm University Herald Russian & Foreign Philology Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta Rossijskaa i Zarubeznaa Filolgia | 2016- | Perm State University | . | . |
Perm University Herald. Economy | 2010- | Perm State University | . | . |
Permanent revolution | 1984-1987 | Permanent revolution | . | . |
Permanente Journal | 2000- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Permanente Journal | 1997- | The Permanente Medical Groups and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan (KFHP) | . | . |
Permskii Gosudarstvennyi Natsional'nyi Issledovatel'skii Universitet Vestnik Yuridicheskie Nauki | 2008- | Permskii Gosudarstvennyi Natsional'nyi Issledovatel'skii Universitet | . | . |
Perner's Contacts | 2006- | University Pardubice | . | . |
Pero-grullo semanario satírico-humorístico | 1888 | Galiciana | . | . |
Persian Journal of Acarology | 2012- | Biotaxa | . | . |
Persian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2014- | Fadak Publications | . | . |
Persian Literary Studies Journal | 2012- | Shiraz University | . | . |
Person and the challenges | 2011- | Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II | . | . |
Persona | 2012- | Fakultas Psikologi Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya | . | . |
Persona & cultura | 2014- | Universidad Católica San Pablo | . | . |
Persona Lima | 2002- | Dialnet | . | . |
Persona Lima | 2001- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Persona movimiento de liberación femenina | 1974-1976 | CeDInCI | . | . |
Persona Studies | 2015- | Deakin University | . | . |
Persona y Bioética | 2000- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Persona y Bioética | 2004- | Dialnet | . | . |
Persona y Bioética | 2006- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Persona y Bioética | 1997- | Universidad de La Sabana | . | . |
Persona y Derecho | 1974- | Universidad de Navarra | . | . |
Persona y Derecho | 1974- excepto últimos 12 meses | Universidad de Navarra | . | . |
Personal Fitness Professional | 2002- | RB Publishing Inc. | . | . |
Personal Perspectives Libertarian Alliance | 1984- | Libertarian Alliance (UK) | . | . |
Personality Neuroscience | 2018- | Cambridge University Press | . | . |
Personality Neuroscience | 2018- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Personality Science | 2020- | PsychOpen | . | . |
Personnel Assessment and Decisions | 2015- | Bepress Digital Commons | . | . |
Persoonia Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi | 2006- | Ingenta plc | . | . |
Persoonia Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi | 2008- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Perspectiva | 2014- | Universidad Privada Antonio Guillermo Urrelo | . | . |
Perspectiva | 2012- | Universidad del Zulia | . | . |
Perspectiva austral | 2023- | Editorial Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología | . | . |
Perspectiva de Famila | 2016- | Universidad Católica San Pablo | . | . |
Perspectiva Económica | 1994 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Perspectiva Econômica | 2005- | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos | . | . |
Perspectiva Educacional Formación de Profesores | 2004- | Universidad Católica de Valparaiso | . | . |
Perspectiva Educacional Formación de Profesores | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perspectiva Educacional Formación de Profesores | 2018- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Perspectiva Filosofica | 1992- | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) | . | . |
Perspectiva Florianópolis | 1983- | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina | . | . |
Perspectiva Geográfica | 2015- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Perspectiva Geográfica | 2000- | Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia | . | . |
Perspectiva geográfica | 2005- | Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná | . | . |
Perspectiva interdisciplinaria de música | 2006-2010 | UNAM | . | . |
Perspectiva Latinoamericana | 2008- | Asociación Latinoamericana de Científicos Sociales | . | . |
Perspectiva Pictorum | 2022- | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Perspectiva Teologica | 1969- | Faculdade Jesuta de Filosofia e Teologia | . | . |
Perspectivas | 1998- | Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica | . | . |
Perspectivas | 2015- | Universidade Federal do Tocantins | . | . |
Perspectivas alimentarias | 1996- | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations | . | . |
Perspectivas Bioéticas | 2009- | FLACSO | . | . |
Perspectivas Colombo Canadienses | 2008- | Universidad del Rosario | . | . |
Perspectivas Contemporâneas | 2006- | University Integrado de Campo Mourão - PR | . | . |
Perspectivas da Ciência e Tecnologia | 2009- | Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) | . | . |
Perspectivas de la Ciencia y la Tecnología | 2018- | Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro | . | . |
Perspectivas de la comunicación | 2008- | Universidad de La Frontera | . | . |
Perspectivas de la comunicación | 2019- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Perspectivas de las Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas | 2011- | Universidad Nacional de La Pampa | . | . |
Perspectivas docentes | 1989- | Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco | . | . |
Perspectivas Educativas | 2008- | Universidad del Tolima | . | . |
Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento | 2010- | Núcleo Paradigma de Análise do Comportamento | . | . |
Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento | 2013- | PePSIC | . | . |
Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação | 2006- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação | 1996- | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Perspectivas em Diálogo: Revista de Educação e Sociedade | 2014- | Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul | . | . |
Perspectivas em gestão & conhecimento | 2011- | Universidade Federal da Paraíba | . | . |
Perspectivas em Medicina Legal e Percia Mdica | 2016- | Indexa Editora | . | . |
Perspectivas em Psicologia | 2012- | Universidade Federal de Uberlândia | . | . |
Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana | 2008- | SciELO (Colombia) | . | . |
Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana | 2007- | Universidad de Antioquia | . | . |
Perspectivas en primera infancia | 2012- | Universidad Nacional de Trujillo | . | . |
Perspectivas en Psicología Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines | 2010- | Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata | . | . |
Perspectivas en Psicología Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines | 2011- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perspectivas Internacionales | 2005- | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | . | . |
Perspectivas Lateinamerika | 2015- | Böll | . | . |
Perspectivas Médicas | 2000- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Perspectivas Metodológicas | 2001- | Universidad Nacional de Lanús | . | . |
Perspectivas Online Biologicas e Saude | 2011- | Institutos Superiores de Ensino do CENSA | . | . |
Perspectivas Online Exatas e Engenharias | 2011- | Institutos Superiores de Ensino do CENSA | . | . |
Perspectivas online Humanas e sociais aplicadas | 2007- | Perspectivas online | . | . |
Perspectivas Revista de Ciências Sociais | 1976- | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | . | . |
Perspectivas Revista de Ciencias Sociales | 2016- | Universidad Nacional de Rosario | . | . |
Perspectivas revista de trabajo social | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
Perspectivas Rurales | 1997- | Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica | . | . |
Perspectivas sociais | 2011- | Universidade Federal de Pelotas | . | . |
Perspectivas sociales | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
Perspectivas sociales | 2005- | Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León | . | . |
Perspectivas Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Maria Baralt | 2012- | Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Maria Baralt) | . | . |