Titulo | Fecha | Proveedor | Acceso | Cambio de titulo |
Algo Barcelona 1929 | 1929-1938 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Algologia | 2020- | N G KHOLODNY INST BOTANY | . | . |
Algologia | 2008- | N.G. Kholodny Ist Botany | . | . |
Algorithmic Operations Research | 2006-2012 | University of New Brunswick | . | . |
Algorithmic Operations Research | 2006-2012 | Erudit | . | . |
Algorithms | 2008- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Algorithms for Molecular Biology AMB | 2006- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Algorithms for Molecular Biology AMB | 2006- | BioMed Central | . | . |
Algorithms Research | 2012- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
Algoritmy Metody i Sistemy Obrabotki Dannyh | 2011- | Vladimir State University | . | . |
Alia revista de estudios transversales | 2012- | Dialnet | . | . |
Alia revista de estudios transversales | 2012- | Asociación de Apertura Crítica | . | . |
Alianzas y Tendencias BUAP | 2016- | Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla | . | . |
Aliens | 1995- | IUCN | . | . |
Alimentación y ciencia de los alimentos | 2012- | Universidad de Guadalajara | . | . |
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics | 1997- excepto últimos 18 meses | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Alimentos Ciencia e Ingeniería | 1992- | Universidad Tecnica de Ambato | . | . |
Alimentos e Nutrição | 1989- | Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) | . | . |
Alinteri Journal of Aqriculture Sciences | 2007- | Dergipark | . | . |
Alipato A journal of basic education | 2009- | University of the Philippines Diliman | . | . |
Aliso A Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany | 1948- | Claremont Colleges Library | . | . |
Aliss Quarterly | 2009- | Association of Librarians and Information Professionals in the Social Sciences | . | . |
Alizés Revue Angliciste de la Réunion | 1996- | Université de La Réunion | . | . |
Aljamía Anuario de Información Bibliográfica | 1989- | Dialnet | . | . |
Aljamía Anuario de Información Bibliográfica | 1989- | Universidad de Oviedo | . | . |
Aljaranda revista de estudios tarifeños | 1991- | Dialnet | . | . |
Aljaranda revista de estudios tarifeños | 1991- | Ayuntamiento de Tarifa | . | . |
Alkaline Paper Advocate | 1988- | Abbey Publications | . | . |
Alkaloidal clinic | 1896-1905 | Hathitrust | . | Cambio a: American journal of clinical medicine |
Alkan Society Bulletins | 1977- | Alkan Society | . | . |
Alkoholizm i Narkomania | 1988-2013 | Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii | . | Cambio a: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction |
All Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace | 2012- | Ihsan Doǧramaci Peace Foundation | . | . |
All Azimuth: A Journal of Foreign Policy and Peace | 2011- | Dergipark | . | . |
All Earth | 2021- | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio de: Geodinamica Acta: The European Journal of Geodynamics |
All Hands | 1997- | U.S. Navy | . | . |
All Life | 2020- | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio de: Frontiers in life science |
All Life Methods | 2023- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
All over Magazin für Kunst und Ästhetik | 2011- | All-over | . | . |
All Results Journals Biol | 2010- | Society for the Improvement of Science | . | . |
All Results Journals Chemistry | 2010- | Society for the Improvement of Science | . | . |
All Results Journals Nano | 2015- | Society for the Improvement of Science | . | . |
All Results Journals Phys | 2011- | Society for the Improvement of Science | . | . |
Allan Hancock Atlantic expedition / University of Southern California | 1939-1939 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allan Hancock Pacific expeditions. [Reports] | 1935-1966 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Állattani Közlemények | 2021- | Magyar Biologiai Tarsasag | . | . |
Allemania Jurnal bahasa dan satstra jerman | 2011- | FBS Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | . | . |
Alleo | 2000- | ICAAP | . | . |
Allergies | 2020- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Allergologia et Immunopathologia | 1996-2021 | Elsevier España | . | . |
Allergologia et Immunopathologia | 2017- | Codon Publications | . | . |
Allergologie Select | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Allergology International | 1996- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Allergology International | 1996- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Allergy | 1997- excepto últimos 24 meses | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Allergy | 1991-1995 | KoreaMed | . | Cambio a: Korean Journal of Allergy |
Allergy & Rhinology | 2011-2022 | PubMed Central | . | Cambio a: Therapeutic advances in allergy and rhinology |
Allergy & Rhinology | 2010-2022 | Sage Journals | . | Cambio a: Therapeutic advances in allergy and rhinology |
Allergy and Asthma Proceedings | 2012- | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research | 2009- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research | 2009- | Synapse | . | . |
Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research | 2009- | Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology | . | . |
Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease | 2013- | KoreaMed | . | . |
Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease | 2013- | Synapse | . | . |
Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology Official Journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | 2005- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology Official Journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | 2005- | BioMed Central | . | . |
Allergy Medicine | 2024- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
AllergyWatch | 1999- | American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology | . | . |
Allez savoir! Le magazine de l'Université de Lausanne | 2007 | Université de Lausanne | . | . |
Allgemeine Bibliothek für das Schul- und Erziehungswesen in Teutschland | 1774-1782 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine botanische Zeitschrift fur Systematik Floristik Pflanzengeographie etc | 1895-1918 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek | 1765-1794 | Universitaetsbibliothek Bielefeld | . | . |
Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek, Anh. | 1771-1791 | Universitaetsbibliothek Bielefeld | . | . |
Allgemeine deutsche Garten-Zeitung, hrsg. von der Praktischen Gartenbau-Gesellschaft in Bayern zu Frauendorf | 1824-1831 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allgemeine deutsche Lehrerzeitung | 1852-1914 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine deutsche Lehrerzeitung Feuilleton-Beilage | 1897-1907 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung | 1846-1855 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung | 1876-1908 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitung | 2000- excepto últimos 48 meses | Sauerländer | . | . |
Allgemeine Gartenzeitung | 1833-1853 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allgemeine Gartenzeitung | 1833-1853 | Botanicus | . | . |
Allgemeine kirchliche Zeitschrift | 1860-1872 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine Revision des gesammten Schul- und Erziehungswesens | 1785-1792 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine Schulzeitung | 1826-1833 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine Schulzeitung | 1825-1874 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine Schulzeitung für das gesamte Unterrichtswesen | 1875-1881 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift | 1948- excepto últimos 12 meses | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitung |
Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitung | 1855-1947 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift | Cambio a: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift : ASMZ |
Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Entomologie Organ der 'Allgemeinen Entomologischen Gesellschaft ' | 1901-1904 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Allgemeine Zeitung für Deutschlands Volksschullehrer | 1817-1823 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeines Repertorium für die theologische Litteratur und kirchliche Statistik | 1833-1860 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Allgemeines Teutsches Garten-Magazin oder gemeinnützige Beiträge für alle Theile des praktischen Gartenwesens | 1804-1824 | UrMEL | . | . |
Allgemeines teutsches Garten-Magazin, oder, Gemeinnutzige Beitrage fur alle Theile des praktischen Gartenwesens | 1811-1811 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Alliage A Three Dimensional Review | 1993- | Association Nicoise d'Animation et d'Information Scientifique | . | . |
Alliance for African Partnership Perspectives | 2021- | Project Muse | . | . |
Alloys | 2022- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Allpanchis | 2020- | Universidad Catolica San Pablo | . | . |
Alma española Madrid | 1903-1904 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Alma Mater | 1992-2001 | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Alma Mater Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies | 2024- | . | . | . |
Alma máter segunda época | 2014- | Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. | . | . |
Almacén de frutos literarios inéditos de nuestros mejores autores antiguos y modernos Reimp en Cádiz | 1813 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almacén patriótico o Colección de discursos | 1808 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanacco bibliografico | 2006- | Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore | . | . |
Almanach agricole de la Nièvre | 1851 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach annuaire des médecins pharmaciens pour Paris les départements l'Algérie et les Colonies | 1886-1891 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach astrologique Paris 1847 | 1857-1905 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach commercial et illustré de l'Exposition de Londres | 1852 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach contenant les adresses de MM les restaurateurs traiteurs pâtissiers etc pour l'année | 1820 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach de la bonne cuisine et de la maîtresse de maison | 1891, 1912 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach de la Champagne et de la Brie | 1853-1902 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach de la santé pour l'année | 1850-1851 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach de la tempérance pour Fédération française de la Croix-Blanche | 1901 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach de plus de 45 000 adresses du commerce de Paris | 1843 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach de Rouen et des départements de la Seine-Inférieure et de l'Eure | 1855-1874 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach des bergers pour l'année | 1793 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach des gourmands pour archives gastronomiques recettes menus de saison guide du dîneur conseiller des estomacs dialogues de table variétés apéritives poésies relevées etc | 1862 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach des laboureurs pour l'an de grâce | 1822 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach des marchands et Fabricans en cuir de la ville de Paris | 1813 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach des progrès de l'industrie et de l'agriculture | 1862-1863 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach du Crédit public pour Guide et conseiller des actionnaires | 1858 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach du progrès industriel | 1865 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach du trufficulteur | 1899 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach für die Schullehrer und Schulvorsteher der Königl Preuss Provinzen Rheinland-Westphalen | 1832-1833 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Almanach historique nommé le Messager boiteux | 1811 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach Historyczny | 2016- | Jan Kochanowski University Press | . | . |
Almanach Icarien Astronomique Scientifique Pratique Industriel Statistique Politique et Social | 1842-1851 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach Lacki | 2004- | Towarzystwo Mi?o?ników Ziemi ??ckiej | . | . |
Almanach muzealny | 1997- | Museum of Polish History | . | . |
Almanach royal éd abrégée | 1753 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach royal exactement supputé sur le meridien de Paris | 1700-1791 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach-Bottin du commerce de Paris, des départemens de la France et des principales villes du monde... | 1842-1856 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach-guide de l'assuré contre l'incendie et la grêle | 1865 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach-guide-tarif des dépêches avec les règles de la correspondance privée à l'intérieur et à l'étranger | 1869 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanach-manuel du joueur contenant les règles des jeux | 1860 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Almanack | 2011- | Universidade Federal de São Paulo | . | . |
Almanack | 2011- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Almanack Braziliense | 2005- | USP Portal del Revistas | . | . |
Almanah Casopis za Proucavanje Prezentaciju i Zastitu Kulturno Istorijske Bastine Bosnjaka | 2002- | Udruzenje | . | . |
Almanaque | 2013- | Dialnet | . | . |
Almanaque Bailly-Bailliere | 1895-1937 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque cómico sério epigramático científico musical satírico e ilustrado con grabados originales | 1867 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque cómico-profético de El Cascabel | 1864 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque cómico-profético-higiénico de El Cascabel | 1865 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque de Ciência Política | 2017- | Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo | . | . |
Almanaque de E Juliá | 1873-1874 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque de El Cascabel | 1867-1878 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque de El Mundo militar | 1861-1865 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque de Galicia para el año de | 1891 | Galiciana | . | . |
Almanaque de la Revista blanca | 1903-1904 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque de la risa | 1865-1881 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque de los chistes | 1869-1874 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque del Buñuelo | 1881 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque del espiritismo | 1873-1875 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque enciclopédico español | 1863-1866 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque etimológico y poético | 1875 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque festivo Madrid 1876 | 1877-1878 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque franciscano | 1895 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque gallego para | 1898-1927 | Galiciana | . | . |
Almanaque literario e ilustrado | 1873-1877 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque literario Madrid 1935 | 1935 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque musical Barcelona | 1868 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque musical Madrid | 1885 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque musical y de teatros | 1868 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque On-line Revista Eletrónica do IPSM-MG | 2007- | Instituto de Psicanálise e Saúde Mental de Minas Gerais | . | . |
Almanaque político y literario de El Cascabel | 1866 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque rosa | 1926-1934 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque sud-americano | 1898-1900 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almanaque universal de La Correspondencia de España o Guía general de Madrid y de las provincias | 1860 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Almatourism Journal of Tourism Culture and Territorial Development | 2009- | Università di Bologna | . | . |
Almenara revista extremeña de ciencias sociales | 2009- | Asociación Extremeña de Sociología (ACISE) | . | . |
Almenara revista extremeña de ciencias sociales | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
Almogaren | 1970-2020 | Memoria Digital de Canarias | . | . |
Almogaren revista del Centro Teológico de Las Palmas | 1988-2007 | Memoria Digital de Canarias | . | . |
Almoraima revista de estudios campogibraltareños | 2006- | Dialnet | . | . |
Almoraima revista de estudios campogibraltareños | 1988- | Instituto de Estudios Campogibraltareños | . | . |
AlMuntaqa | 2018- | JSTOR | . | . |
Alnteri sosyal bilimler dergisi | 2017- | Adem Yavuz Sonmez | . | . |
Aloma revista de psicologia ciències de l'educació i de l'esport Blanquerna | 1997- | RACO | . | . |
Aloma revista de psicologia ciències de l'educació i de l'esport Blanquerna | 1997- | Universitat Ramon Llull | . | . |
Alon Journal for Filipinx American and Diasporic Studies | 2021- | JSTOR | . | . |
Along the trail : bulletin of the Bear Mountain Trailside Museum | 1931-1932 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Alp Cuadernos Angers - La Plata | 1996-2001 | Universidad Nacional de la Plata | . | . |
Alpha psychiatry | 2021- | AVES in Turkey | . | Cambio de: Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry |
Alpha psychiatry | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry |
Alpha Revista de Artes Letras y Filosofía | 2004- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Alpha Revista de Artes Letras y Filosofía | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Alpha Revista de Artes Letras y Filosofía | 1985- | Universidad de Los Lagos | . | . |
Alphanumeric Journal The Journal of Operations Research Statistics Econometrics and Management Information Systems | 2013- | Bahadır Fatih Yıldırım | . | . |
Alphanumeric Journal The Journal of Operations Research Statistics Econometrics and Management Information Systems | 2013- | Dergipark | . | . |
Alphaville Journal of Film and Screen Media | 2011- | University College Cork | . | . |
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary | 1998- | AIQUA-Italian Association for Quaternary Research | . | . |
Alpine Entomology | 2017- | Pensoft Publishers | . | Cambio de: Journal of the Swiss Entomological Society |
ALQadissiya Magazine for the Sciences of physical Education | 2005- | College of Physical Education / University of Qadissiya | . | . |
Alqueria revista pecuaria | 2013- | MartÃn Morán | . | . |
Alquimia Sistema Nacional de Fototeca | 1997- | Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia | . | . |
alrafidain of law | 2005- | Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals | . | . |
Alrafidain of Law | 2005- | University of Mosul College of Law | . | . |
Alrededor del mundo Madrid | 1899-1930 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
ALSIC Apprentissage des Langues et Systèmes d'Information et de Communication | 1998- | Open Edition | . | . |
Alsinatuna | 2015- | IAIN Pekalongan | . | . |
Alsun Beni-suef international journal of linguistics translation and literature | 2021- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Alsuna | 2018- | Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Lembaga Bahasa Asing | . | . |
ALSUNIYAT | 2018- | Department of Arabic Education, Faculty of Language and Literature | . | . |
Alt Thüringen Jahresschrift des Museums für Ur und Frühgeschichte Thüringens | 1955- | Böhlau | . | . |
ALT-J Research in Learning Technology | 1993-2010 | Taylor & Francis | . | Cambio a: Research in Learning Technology |
ALT-J Research in Learning Technology | 1993-2010 | Association for Learning Technology | . | Cambio a: Research in Learning Technology |
Altepepaktli | 2005- | Imbiomed | Registro individual requerido | . |
ALTER - European Journal of Disability Research | 2022- | Open Edition | . | . |
Alter Revue de Phénoménologie | 2012- excepto últimos 12 meses | Open Edition | . | . |
Alter und neuer grosser Staats- Kriegs- und Friedens Appenzeller-Calender oder Der hinkende Bott | 1722-1837 | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio a: Appenzeller Kalender |
Alteridad Revista de educación | 2006- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Alteridad Revista de educación | 2006- | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador | . | . |
Alteridad Revista de educación | 2017- | Scielo (Ecuador) | . | . |
Alteridad Revista de educación | 2006- | Dialnet | . | . |
Alteridades | 1991- | Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana | . | . |
Alteridades | 1992- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Alteridades | 2007- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
Altérités Revue d'Anthropologie du Contemporain | 2002- | Altérités | . | . |
Alterjor Jornalismo Popular e Alternativo | 2009- | USP Portal del Revistas | . | . |
Alternate music press The multimedia journal of new music | 1997- | Alternate music press | . | . |
Alternate Routes | 1977- | Athabasca University | . | . |
Alternatif politika | 2009- | Rasim Özgür DÖNMEZ | . | . |
Alternatif politika | 2016- | CEEOL | . | . |
Alternation International Journal for the Study of Southern African | 1994- | Centre for the Study of South African Literature and Languages (South | . | . |
Alternativa Revista de Estudios Rurales | 2014- | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | . | . |
Alternativas cuadernos de trabajo social | 1992- | Dialnet | . | . |
Alternativas cuadernos de trabajo social | 1992- | Universidad de Alicante | . | . |
Alternativas en Psicología | 2009- | PePSIC | . | . |
Alternativas en Psicología | 2013- | Asociación Mexicana de Alternativas en Psicología A.C. | . | . |
Alternative Agriculture News | 1997- | Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture | . | . |
Alternative Francophone | 2008- | University of Alberta | . | . |
Alternative Francophone | 2021- | Erudit | . | . |
Alternative libertaire | 1998- | Alternative libertaire | . | . |
Alternative Medicine Review | 1996- | Thorne Research, Inc. | . | . |
Alternative Medicine Studies | 2010-2013 | PAGEPress | . | . |
Alternatives Journal | 1995- | University of Waterloo | . | . |
Alternatives Rurales | 2014- | UMR Dridura | . | . |
Alternatives sud | 1994- | Centre tricontinental | . | . |
Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation | 2005- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Alternatives Turkish Journal of International Relations | 2002- | Dergipark | . | . |
Alterstice revue internationale de la recherche interculturelle | 2015- | Erudit | . | . |
AlterTexto | 2003-2014 | Universidad Iberoamericana | . | . |
Altes und Neues aus der Heimat | 1909-1936 | Jena | . | . |
Altex alternatives to animal experimentation | 1984- | Spektrum Akademischer Verlag GmbH | . | . |
Althea Medical Journal | 2014- | Universitas Padjadjaran | . | . |
Altitude 1263 le plus fort des fortifiés | 1940 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Altitude An e journal of emerging humanities work | 2001- | University of Nottingham, Deakin University & University of New South Wales | . | . |
Altitude An e journal of emerging humanities work | 2001- | University of Nottingham, Deakin University & University of New South Wales | . | . |
Altralang Journal | 2019- | University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed | . | . |
Altre Modernita | 2009- | Università degli Studi di Milano | . | . |
Altre Modernita | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
Altreitalie | 1996- | Edizioni della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli | . | . |
Altreitalie | 2021- | Open Edition | . | . |
altrelettere | 2012- | University of Zurich | . | . |
Alue ja ymparisto | 2005- | . | . | . |
Alumni journal College of Pharmacy of the City of New York Alumni Association | 1894-1896 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Alumni journal College of Pharmacy of the City of New York Alumni Association | 1904-1913 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Alustath | 2008- | Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals | . | . |
Alvearium | 2008- | Università del Salento | . | . |
AlvíssmAl Forschungen zur mittelalterlichen Kultur Skandinaviens | 1992- | Freie Universitat Berlin, Fach Skandinavistik | . | . |
Alytes | 2012- | Biotaxa | . | . |
Alzaprima | 2011- | Universidad de Concepcion | . | . |
Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders | 2015- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Alzheimer Realidades e investigación en demencia | 2011- | Dialnet | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia | 2024- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia | 2024- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring | 2015-2019 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring | 2005- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis Assessment & Disease Monitoring | 2015- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia Translational Research & Clinical Interventions | 2015-2019 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia Translational Research & Clinical Interventions | 2015- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Alzheimer's & Dementia Translational Research & Clinical Interventions | 2015- | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | 2009- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | 2009- | BioMed Central | . | . |
AMAE International Journal on Manufacturing and Material Science | 2011- | AMAE | . | . |
AMAE International Journal on Production and Industrial Engineering | 2010- | ACEEE | . | . |
Amalee | 2020- | LP2M Insuri Ponorogo | . | . |
Amalgam - the magazine of sociology students | 2011- | Hrcak | . | . |
Amaltea Revista de Mitocrítica | 2008- | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | . | . |
Amaltea Revista de Mitocrítica | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Amaltea Rivista trimestrale di cultura | 2006- | Amaltea Edizioni | . | . |
Amalthea oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bildlichen Alterthumskunde | 1829-1825 | DIGI Zeitschriften | . | . |
Amandla-Matla | 1976 | Digital Innovation South Africa | . | . |
AMAR (Andalas Management Review) | 2019- | Universitas Andalas | . | . |
Amasya İlahiyat Dergisi | 2013- | Dergipark | . | . |
Amasya Ãœniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi | 2012- | Amasya Üniversitesi | . | . |
Amateur gardener : Vol. 1, No. 4, Autumn 1933 : hardy herbaceous and alpine plants, dwarf shrubs and bulbs | 1933-1933 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Amateur gardener. hardy herbaceous and alpine plants | 1934-1934 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Amateur gardener. hardy herbaceous and alpine plants | 1935-1935 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Amauta | 2009- | Universidad del Atlántico | . | . |
Amauta | 2015- | Dialnet | . | . |
Amazon's Research and Environmental Law | 2013- | Instituto de Ensino Superior de Rondônia - Faculdades Associadas de Ariquemes | . | . |
Amazonia investiga | 2012- | Universidad de la Amazonia | . | . |
Amazônia Revista de Educação em Ciências e Matemà ticas | 2005- | Universidade Federal do Pará | . | . |
Amazônia Revista de Educação em Ciências e Matemà ticas | 2005- | Dialnet | . | . |
Amazonian Journal of Plant Research | 2017- | Universidade Federal do Paraná | . | . |
Amazoniana Limnologia et Oecologia regionalis systemae fluminis Amazonas | 2003- | Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie. AG Tropenökologie | . | . |
Amazônica Revista de antropologia | 2009- | Universidad Federal do Pará | . | . |
AMAzônica Revista de Psicopedagogia Psicologia Escolar e Educaçao | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
AMB Express | 2011- | PubMed Central | . | . |
AMB Express | 2011- | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Amber Waves The Economics of Food Farming Natural Resources & Rural America | 2003- | U.S. Department of Agriculture | . | Cambio de: Agricutural Outlook. Food Review. Rural America |
Amber Waves The Economics of Food Farming Natural Resources & Rural America | 2003- | University of Minnesota Libraries | . | Cambio de: Agricutural Outlook. Food Review. Rural America |
Ambiances Environnement sensible architecture et espace urbain | 2013- | Open Edition | . | . |
Ambiência | 2005- | Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste | . | . |
AMBIENS Revista Iberoamericana Universitaria en Ambiente Sociedad y Sustentabilidad | 2015- | Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales | . | . |
Ambient Science | 2014- | National Cave Research and Protection Organization | . | . |
Ambienta La revista del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente | 2001- | Dialnet | . | . |
AmbientalMente sustentable Revista científica galego lusófona de educación ambiental | 2006- | Dialnet | . | . |
AmbientalMente sustentable Revista científica galego lusófona de educación ambiental | 2006- | Universidade da Coruña | . | . |
Ambiente | 2013- | Universidade Estadual de Roraima | . | . |
Ambiente | 2016- | Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú | . | . |
Ambiente & Sociedade | 1999- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Ambiente & Sociedade | 1999- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Ambiente Construído | 1997- | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | . | . |
Ambiente Construído | 2009- | SciELO (Brasil) | . | . |
Ambiente Construído | 1997- | Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído | . | . |
Ambiente e Educaçao Revista de Educaçao Ambiental | 2006- | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande | . | . |
Ambiente Juridico | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ambiente Juridico | 2014- | Universidad de Manizales | . | . |
Ambiente y Desarrollo | 2009- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ambiente y Desarrollo | 2009- | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana | . | . |
Ambiente y Sostenibilidad | 2011- | Universidad del Valle | . | . |
Ambientico | 1991- | Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica | . | . |
Ambigua | 2014- | Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla | . | . |
Ambio | 2010- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | . | . |
AmbioCiencias revista de divulgación | 2007- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ambitos Revista Andaluza de Comunicacion | 2000- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Ambitos Revista Andaluza de Comunicacion | 1998- | Universidad de la Laguna | . | . |
Ambitos Revista Andaluza de Comunicacion | 1998- | Dialnet | . | . |
Ambitos Revista de Estudios de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades | 1999- | Universidad de Cordoba | . | . |
Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació | 2014- | RACO | . | . |
Ambivalências Revista do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Processos Identitárias e Poder | 2013- | Universidade Federal de Sergipe | . | . |
Ambrose Bierce project journal | 2005- | Penn State University | . | . |
Ambulatory Anesthesia | 2014-2016 | Dove Medical Press | . | . |
Ambulatory Surgery | 1993- | International Association for Ambulatory Surgery | . | . |
AMC Journal | 2020- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
AME Case Reports | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
AME Case Reports | 2017- | AME Publishing Company | . | . |
AME Clinical Trials Review | 2023- | AME Publishing Company | . | . |
AME Medical Journal | 2016- | AME Publishing Company | . | . |
AME Surgical Journal | 2021- | AME Publishing Company | . | . |
Ameghiniana | 2005-2010 | SciELO (Argentina) | . | . |
Ameghiniana | 1990-1999 | Google Books | . | . |
Amemboa | 1996-1999 | Landesmuseum Joanneum, Abt. Botanik | . | . |
America | 1998- | America | . | . |
América Cahiers du CRICCAL | 1986-2013 | Persee | . | . |
América Cahiers du CRICCAL | 2011- | Open Edition | . | . |
América Crítica | 2017- | Università degli Studi di Cagliari | . | . |
América indígena | 2003- | Instituto Indigenista Interamericano | . | . |
America Latina en la historia economica | 2005- | SciELO (Mexico) | . | . |
America Latina en la historia economica | 1994- | Dialnet | . | . |
America Latina en la historia economica | 2005- | Red ALyC | . | . |
America Latina en la historia economica | 1994- | Instituto Mora | . | . |
America Latina en movimiento | 2002- | Quito | . | . |
América Latina Hoy | 1991- | Red ALyC | . | . |
América Latina Hoy | 1991- | Dialnet | . | . |
América Latina Hoy | 1991- | Universidad de Salamanca | . | . |
América libre | 1935-1935 | CeDInCI | . | . |
America patrimonio | 2011- | America patrimonio | . | . |
América sin nombre boletín de la Unidad de Investigación de la Universidad de Alicante Recuperaciones del mundo precolombino y colonial en el siglo XX hispanoamericano | 1999- | Dialnet | . | . |
América sin nombre boletín de la Unidad de Investigación de la Universidad de Alicante Recuperaciones del mundo precolombino y colonial en el siglo XX hispanoamericano | 1999- | Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes | . | . |
América sin nombre boletín de la Unidad de Investigación de la Universidad de Alicante Recuperaciones del mundo precolombino y colonial en el siglo XX hispanoamericano | 1999- | Universidad de Alicante | . | . |
America's children | 1997- | Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics | . | . |
America's Network | 1996- | Advanstar Communications Ltd. | . | . |
American Academic | 2009- | American Federation of Teachers | . | . |
American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal | 2011- | American Academic & Scholarly Research Center | . | . |
American Academy Notes | 1881 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Illustrated Art Notes upon the Annual Exhibition of the National Academy of Design |
American Academy of Orthapedic Surgeons Bulletin | 1995- | American Academy of Orthapedic Surgeons | . | . |
American Advocate of Peace 1834-1836 | 1834-1836 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Advocate of Peace (1837-1845) |
American Advocate of Peace 1892-1893 | 1892-1893 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: American Advocate of Peace and Arbitration | Cambio a: Advocate of Peace (1894-1920) |
American Advocate of Peace and Arbitration | 1889-1892 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Advocate of Peace (1847-1884) | Cambio a: American Advocate of Peace (1892-1893) |
American agriculturist | 1842-1964 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Agriculturist and the Rural New Yorker | 1965-1975 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Agriculturist designed to improve the planter the farmer the stock-breeder and the horticulturist | 1849-1850 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American agriculturist for the farm garden and household | 1863-1877 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American angler | 1895-1896 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Anthropologist | 1888-1977 | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio de: Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington |
American Anthropologist | 1882-1885 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio de: Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington |
American apiculturist a journal devoted to scientific and practical beekeeping | 1883-1895 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American architect and architecture | 1878-1922 | Internet Archive | . | . |
American Archivist | 1938- excepto últimos 36 meses | Allen Press | . | . |
American Art Illustrated | 1886 | JSTOR | . | . |
American Art Journal 1866-1867 | 1866-1867 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Watson's Art Journal |
American Art News | 1904-1922 | JSTOR | . | . |
American Art Review | 1879-1881 | JSTOR | . | . |
American Association of Neurological Surgeons Bulletin | 2010- | American Association of Neurological Surgeons | . | . |
American Association of Neurological Surgeons Bulletin | 1995-2009 | American Association of Neurological Surgeons | . | . |
American Association of Zoo Keepers bulletin | 1970-1972 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Astronomical Society Photo Bulletin | 1969-1986 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
American Bankruptcy Law Journal | 2023- | National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges | . | . |
American Bar Association Journal | 1915-1922 | JSTOR | . | . |
American bee journal | 1861-1900 | Cornell University Library | . | . |
American bee journal | 1866-1921 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American bee journal | 2009- excepto últimos 12 meses | Dadant | . | . |
American bee journal | 1892-1981 | Cornell University | . | . |
American bee keeper | 1891-1907 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Bible Society record | 2009- | American Bible Society | . | . |
American Birds | 1973-1994 | SORA | . | Cambio a: National Audubon Society Field Notes |
American botanist : a monthly journal for the plant lover | 1901-1924 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American breeders magazine / American Breeders Association | 1910-1913 | Cornell University Library | . | Cambio a: Journal of Heredity |
American breeders magazine / American Breeders Association | 1910-1913 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio a: Journal of Heredity |
American British and Canadian Studies Journal | 2012- | Sciendo | . | . |
American Business Review | 1998- | Pompea College of Business | . | . |
American Catholic Historical Researches | 1887-1912 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Catholic Historical Researches | Cambio a: Records of th American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia |
American City & County | 1995- | Primedia Business Magazines and Media | . | . |
American College Bulletin | 1917-1919 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Christian Education |
American Communication Journal | 1997- | American Communication Association | . | . |
American conchologist : quarterly bulletin of the Conchologists of America, Inc | 2010-2021 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American conchologist : quarterly bulletin of the Conchologists of America, Inc | 2010- | Conchologists of America | . | . |
American Council of Learned Societies Occasional Papers | 1987- | American Council of Learned Societies Occasional Paper | . | . |
American Devon herd book | 1863-1879 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Diplomacy | 1996- | American Diplomacy Publishers Chapel Hill NC | . | . |
American Educational Studies | 2018-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
American Educator | 1997- | American Federation of Teachers | . | . |
American entomologist | 1880-1880 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio de: Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America |
American entomologist | 1868-1869 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio de: Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America |
American entomologist and botanist | 1868-1870 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research | 2006- | IDOSI | . | . |
American Family Physician | 1998- excepto últimos 12 meses | American Academy of Family Physicians | . | . |
American farmer | 1819-1897 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Fern Journal | 1910-2007 | Botanicus | . | . |
American Fern Journal | 1910-1922 | JSTOR | . | . |
American Fern Journal | 1910-2014 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American florist : a weekly journal for the trade | 1886-1997 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American food journal | 1906-1928 | Cornell University Library | . | . |
American forestry | 1910-1919 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Forests | 2000- | American Forests | . | . |
American Forests | 1899-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American fruit and vegetable journal | 1900-1900 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American garden | 1881-1891 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American gardening | 1892-1892 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American gardening | 1893-1893 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Gas | 1997- | American Gas Association | . | . |
American Health & Drug Benefits | 2008- | Engage Healthcare Communications | . | . |
American Health & Drug Benefits | 2008-2022 | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Heart Journal Plus Cardiology Research and Practice | 2021- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
American Heart Journal Plus Cardiology Research and Practice | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Heritage | 1954- | Forbes, Inc. | . | . |
American Historical Magazine and Tennessee Historical Society Quarterly The | 1902 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: American Historical Magazine, The | Cambio a: Tennessee Historical Magazine |
American Historical Magazine The | 1896-1902 | JSTOR | . | . |
American homes and gardens | 1905-1914 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Housing Survey | 1993- | U.S. Census Bureau | . | . |
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research | 1987- | Colorado School of Public Health | . | . |
American Indian Culture & Research Journal | 1974- | UCLA American Indian Studies Center | . | . |
American Jewess | 1895-1899 | Making of America | . | . |
American Jewish Archives Journal | 1948- | Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives | . | . |
American Jewish Year Book The | 1899-1922 | JSTOR | . | . |
American jounal of play | 2008- | Strong National Museum of Play | . | . |
American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences | 2006- | . | . | . |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics | 1968-1999 | Cornell University Library | . | . |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics APPENDICES | 2006- | University of Minnesota Libraries | . | . |
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias | 1986-2020 | Ovid Technologies, Inc. | . | Cambio de: American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease |
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias | 2001- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease |
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry | 2010- | Scientific Research Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Anatomy | 1901-1922 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | Cambio a: Developmental Dynamics |
American Journal of Animal & Veterinary Sciences | 2006- | Science publications | . | . |
American Journal of Applied Sciences | 2004- | Science Publications | . | . |
American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts | 1885-1896 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: American Journal of Archaeology |
American Journal of Audiology | 2015- excepto últimos 6 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
American Journal of Biblical Theology | 2000- | American Journal of Biblical Theology | . | . |
American Journal of Biochemistry | 2011- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Biochemistry & Biotechnology | 2005- | Science Publications | . | . |
American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2011- | Academic Journals | . | . |
American Journal of Bioinformatics Research | 2011- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Biology and Life Sciences | 2013- | Open Science | . | . |
American Journal of Biomedical Engineering | 2011- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Biomedical Sciences | 2009- | New World Publishing International | . | . |
American Journal of Blood Research | 2011- | e-Century Publishing Corporation | . | . |
American Journal of Blood Research | 2011- | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Journal of Botany | 1997- excepto últimos 12 meses | Wiley Online Library | . | . |
American Journal of Botany | 1914-1923 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
American Journal of Botany | 1914-1923 | JSTOR | . | . |
American Journal of Business and Management | 2012- | World Scholars, USA | . | . |
American Journal of Business Economics and Management | 2013- | Open Science | . | . |
American Journal of Cancer Case Reports | 2013- | IvY Union Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention | 2013- | Ivy Union Publishing LLC | . | . |
American Journal of Cancer Research | 2011- | e-Century Publishing Corporation | . | . |
American Journal of Cancer Research | 2011- | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Journal of Cancer Science | 2012- | Ivy Union Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Cancer The | 1931-1940 | HighWire Press | . | Cambio de: Journal of Cancer Research , The | Cambio a: Cancer Research |
American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease | 2011- | e-Century Publishing Corporation | . | . |
American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease | 2011- | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Journal of Case Reports | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | Cambio de: Case reports & clinical practice review |
American Journal of Case Reports | 2008- | International Scientific Literature, Inc. | . | Cambio de: Case reports & clinical practice review |
American Journal of Chemistry | 2011- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Climate Change | 2012- | Scientific Research Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology | 2012- | e-Century Publishing Corporation | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology | 2012- | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology | 2013- | PubMed Central | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Urology | 2016- | e-Century Publishing Corporation | . | . |
American journal of clinical medicine | 1906-1922 | Hathitrust | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2003- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 1996- excepto últimos 12 meses | Oxford Academic | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 1997-2022 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
American Journal of Clinical Pathology | 2016- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
American Journal of Comparative Law | 1996- | Oxford Academic | . | . |
American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2011- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Computational Mathematics | 2011- | Scientific Research Publishing | . | . |
American Journal of Computer Architecture | 2012- | Scientific and Academic Publishing | . | . |