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TituloFechaProveedorAccesoCambio de titulo
African Disability Rights Yearbook2013-Pretoria University Law Press..
African East Astian affairs2012-Stellenbosch University..
African Economic Outlook2002- excepto últimos 12 mesesOECD..
African Entomology2022-Khulisa Journals..
African Entomology2022-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Evaluation Journal2013-AOSIS OpenJournals..
African Evaluation Journal2022-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Geopolitics2001-André Soussan..
African Health Monitor2012-World Health Organization..
African Health Sciences2001-PubMed Central..
African Health Sciences2001-Bioline..
African Health Sciences2001-AJOL..
African Herp News1983- excepto últimos 12 mesesHerpetological Association of Africa..
African Human Mobility Review2022-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Human Mobility Review2022-AJOL..
African Human Rights Law Journal2001-University of Pretoria..
African Human Rights Law Journal2008-SciELO (South Africa)..
African human rights law reports2000-African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights..
African Human Rights Yearbook2021-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Invertebrates2008-2015Bioone.Cambio de: Annals of the Natal Museum
African Invertebrates2016-Pensoft Publishers.Cambio de: Annals of the Natal Museum
African Journal for Infertility and Assisted Conception2016-MedKnow..
African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics2006-AAAE..
African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics2006-University of Minnesota Libraries..
African Journal of Agricultural Research2006-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse2023-AJOL..
African Journal of Alcohol and Drug Abuse2019-NACADA..
African Journal of Applied Research2022-AJOL..
African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology2004-2005AJOL..
African Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences2009-IDOSI..
African Journal of Biochemistry Research2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Biological Sciences2019-African Science Publications..
African Journal of Biological Sciences2017-Egyptian Journals..
African Journal of Biomedical Research1999-2018Bioline..
African Journal of Biomedical Research1999-AJOL..
African Journal of Biotechnology2002-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Biotechnology2002-AJOL..
African Journal of Business Ethics2014-SUNMeDIA..
African Journal of Business Management2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Career Development2019-AOSIS..
African Journal of Chemical Education2011-AJOL..
African Journal of Chemistry2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology2002-AJOL..
African Journal of Criminology & Justice Studies2005-African Criminology and Justice Association..
African Journal of Crop Science2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Diabetes Medicine2008-FSG Communications..
African Journal of Disability2012-AOSIS OpenJournals..
African Journal of Disability2012-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Disability2017-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies2008-AJOL..
African Journal of Economic Review2013-AJOL..
African Journal of Economics and Business Research2024-AJOL..
African Journal of Economics and Business Research2022-Hawassa Univerity..
African Journal of Education Science and Technology2023-AJOL..
African Journal of Education Science and Technology2013-University of Eldoret, Kenya..
African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences2001-AJOL..
African Journal of Emergency Medicine2011-Elsevier Science..
African Journal of Emergency Medicine2016-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Empirical Research2021-AJOL..
African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism2008-2009AJOL..
African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism2022-MedKnow..
African Journal of Environmental and Waste Management2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Environmental Economics and Management2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology2007-AJOL..
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Farm Child and Youth Development2002Sabinet..
African Journal of Fisheries Science2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition & Development2002-Bioline.Cambio de: African Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences
African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition & Development2001-Afjand.Cambio de: African Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences
African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition & Development2001-AJOL.Cambio de: African Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences
African Journal of Food and Nutritional Security2001Bioline..
African Journal of Food Science2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Food Science Research2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology2018-Egyptian Journals..
African Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology2022-AJOL..
African Journal of Gender and Religion2018-JSTOR.Cambio de: Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa
African Journal of Governance and Development2011-Sabinet..
African Journal of Health and Medical Sciences2021-Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology, Somalia.Cambio de: Somali Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
African Journal of Health Economics2011-AJOL..
African Journal of Health Professions Education2009-South African Association of Health Educationalists..
African Journal of Health Professions Education2009-AJOL..
African Journal of Health Professions Education2009-Sabinet..
African Journal of Health Professions Education2020-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Journal of Health Sciences2005-Bioline..
African Journal of Health Sciences2002-2010AJOL..
African Journal of History and Culture2009-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Leisure2011-African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure..
African Journal of Infectious Diseases2007-African Ethnomedicines Network..
African Journal of Infectious Diseases2010-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Infectious Diseases2007-AJOL..
African Journal of Information and Communication2009-University of the Witwatersrand.Cambio de: South(ern) African Journal of Information and Communication
African Journal of Information and Communication2009-Sabinet.Cambio de: South(ern) African Journal of Information and Communication
African Journal of Information and Communication2017-SciELO (South Africa).Cambio de: South(ern) African Journal of Information and Communication
African Journal of Information and Communication Technology2005-2013UTSePress..
African Journal of Information Systems2008-Baton Rouge, LA: Southern University, AICTRG..
African Journal of Inter-Multidisciplinary Studies2019-Research and Postgraduate Support Directorate..
African Journal of International Affairs2001-CODESRIA..
African Journal of International Affairs1998-AJOL..
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine2012-AOSIS OpenJournals..
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine2015-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine2012-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Legal Studies2004-2009Brill..
African Journal of Management Research2013-AJOL..
African Journal of Marketing Management2009-Academic Journals..
African journal of mathematical physics2004-2009Groupement National de Physique des Hautes Energies..
African journal of mathematics and computer science research2008-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Medical and Health Sciences2017-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Microbiology Research2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Nephrology2016-African Association of Nephrology..
African Journal of Neurological Sciences1995-2002Bioline..
African Journal of Neurological Sciences2001-AJOL..
African Journal of Neurological Sciences1995-African Journal of Neurological Sciences..
African Journal of Oral Health2004-2006AJOL..
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery2004-MedKnow..
African Journal of Paediatric Surgery2015-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Parasitology Mycology and Entomology2023-African Society for Parasitology..
African Journal of Pathology and Microbiology2012-Ashdin Publishing..
African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences2021-Svedberg Open..
African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences2009-AJOL..
African Journal of Pig Farming2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Plant Science2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology2007-2013Global Science Books..
African Journal of Political Economy1986-1990Michigan State University.Cambio a: African Journal of Political Science
African Journal of Political Science1997-2003Michigan State University.Cambio de: African Journal of Political Economy
African Journal of Political Science1999-AJOL.Cambio de: African Journal of Political Economy
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Poultry Farming2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine2009-AOSIS OpenJournals..
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine2014-SciELO (South Africa)..
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine2009-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Psychiatry2002-2013AJOL..
African Journal of Psychological Assessment2019-AOSIS..
African Journal of Public Affairs2017-Sabinet..
African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry2007-Academic Journals..
African Journal of Reproduction and Gynaecological Endoscopy 2016-MedKnow..
African Journal of Reproductive Health2001-Bioline..
African Journal of Reproductive Health1999-AJOL..
African Journal of Respiratory Medicine2009-FSG Communications..
African Journal of Science and Research2012-Research, Science and Technology publishers..
African Journal of Science and Technology AJST2001-AJOL..
African Journal of Science and Technology AJST2002-2013ANSTI – UNESCO ROSTA..
African Journal of Social Work2013-AJOL..
African Journal of Soil Science2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Teacher Education2010-University of Guelph..
African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine2018-Sabinet..
African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine2018-PubMed Central..
African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines2004-Bioline..
African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines2004-Simon Fraser University..
African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines2007-2017PubMed Central..
African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines2004-AJOL..
African Journal of Trauma2014-MedKnow..
African Journal of Tropical Agriculture2013-International Scholars Journals..
African Journal of Urology2008-SpringerOpen..
African Journal of Urology2012-2018Elsevier Science..
African Journal of Urology2001-2018AJOL..
African Journal of Wildlife Research2015- excepto últimos 24 mesesSabinet.Cambio de: South African Journal of Wildlife Research
African Journal on Conflict Resolution1999-ACCORD..
African Journal on Conflict Resolution1999-AJOL..
African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences2018-Institut Marocain de l'Information Scientifique et Technique..
African Markets Overview2000-2004Sabinet..
African Natural History2008-2016SciELO (South Africa)..
African Nebula2010-2014African Nebula..
African Physical Review2007-2011The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics.Cambio a: African Review of Physics, The
African Plant Protection2001-2016Sabinet..
African Population Studies1994-Bioline..
African Population Studies2013-Union for African Population Studies..
African Primates1995-IUCN..
African Research Journal of Biosciences2024-Bioscience Press..
African Research Journal of Medical Sciences2024-Bioscience Press..
African Research Review2007-AJOL..
African Review of Economics and Finance2010-AJOL..
African Review of Economics and Finance2009-Rhodes Univ..
African Review of Physics2011-The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics.Cambio de: African physical review
African Safety Promotion Journal2002-AJOL..
African Security Review1995-Institute for Security Studies, South Africa..
African Skies = Cieux Africains1997-2000NASA Astrophysics Data System..
African Skies = Cieux Africains1997-2007Working Group on Space Sciences in Africa..
African social science review2000-Kennesaw State University..
African Sociological Review1999-AJOL..
African Sociological Review1999-CODESRIA..
African Statistical Journal2005-African Development Bank..
African Studies Quarterly1997-University of Florida..
African Studies Quarterly1997-University of Florida..
African study monographs1981-Kyoto University..
African Technology Development Forum Journal2004-African Technology Development Forum..
African Union Handbook2014-National Library of New Zealand..
African Violet Magazine1926-2015BioDiversity Heritage Library..
African Vision and Eye Health2015-AOSIS OpenJournals.Cambio de: South African optometrist
African Vision and Eye Health2023-SciELO (South Africa).Cambio de: South African optometrist
African vision and eye health2015-AOSIS.Cambio de: South African optometrist, The
African yearbook of rhetoric2010-Sabinet..
African yearbook of rhetoric2010-University of Cape Town..
Africana libraries newsletter1997-Michigan State University..
Africana Linguistica1962-2007Persee..
Africana Linguistica2011-Peeters..
Africana Studia1999-Universidade do Porto..
Africanidades a revista do Mafro2020-Universidade Federal da Bahia..
Africanist News and Views1968-1973Digital Innovation South Africa..
Africanus Journal of Development Studies2013-2014University of South Africa..
Africultures A Monthly African Cultural Journal1997-Editions L'Harmattan..
Afrika Focus1985-Ghent University..
Afrika Focus1985-Gents Afrika Platform, Afrika Brug..
Afrika Statistika2005-AJOL..
Afrika Statistika2005- excepto últimos 60 mesesProject Euclid..
Afrika Zamani2001-CODESRIA..
Afrikanistik Online2004-University of Cologne..
Afrikanistik Online2004-University of Cologne..
Afrimedic Journal2010-AJOL..
Afrique & Histoire2003-2009CAIRN..
Afrique Archéologie & Arts2007-Open Edition..
Afrique contemporaine Afrique et développement2003- excepto últimos 48 mesesCAIRN..
Afrique Science Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie2005-ENS d'Abidjan..
Afrique Science Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie2005-AJOL..
Afriques Débats Méthodes et Terrains d'Histoire2010-Open Edition..
Afro Americans in New York Life & History2003-Afro-American Historical Association..
Afro Asian Journal of Social Sciences2010-onlineresearchjournals.com..
Afro-Asia1999-Red ALyC..
Afro-Asia1965-Universidade Federal da Bahia..
Afro-Asia2012-2014SciELO (Brasil)..
Afro-Egyptian Journal of Infectious and Endemic Diseases2011-Egyptian Journals..
Afrotherian conservation newsletter of the IUCN SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group 2002-BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Afrotherian Conservation Newsletter of the IUCN SSC Afrotheria Specialist Group2002-2012IUCN..
AFRREV IJAH An International Journal of Arts and Humanities2014-AJOL..
AFRREV LALIGENS An International Journal of Language Literature and Gender Studies2014-AJOL..
AFRREV STECH An International Journal of Science and Technology2014-AJOL..
Afryka2005-Polskie Towarzystwo Afrykanistyczne..
AFT Rivista de storia e fotografia1985-Archivio Fotografico Toscano..
Aftermarket Business2000-Advanstar Communications Ltd...
Afzettingen1979-Naturalis Biodiversity Center..
AG Salud2023-AG Editor..
Against the Grain1989- excepto últimos 36 mesesAgainst the Grain..
Agathón International Journal of Architecture Art and Design2017-Palermo University Press..
Agathos An international review of the huanities and social sciences2010-Alexandru Ioan Cuza University..
Agave : quarterly magazine of the Desert Botanical Garden1983-1990BioDiversity Heritage Library..
AgBioforum1998-University of Missouri..
AgBioTech Bulletin1997-National Library of Canada Electronic Collection - Ag-West Biotech.Cambio a: Bio-bulletin
Age2005- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed Central.Cambio de: Journal of the American Aging AssociationCambio a: GeroScience
Age and Ageing1996- excepto últimos 12 mesesOxford Academic..
Age and Ageing2006- excepto últimos 12 mesesPubMed CentralArtículos selectos.
Age Australia2003-The Age Company Ltd..
Age of Human Rights Journal2013-Universidad de Jaén..
Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases2021-OAE Publishers..
Ageing Research2010-2012PAGEPress..
Agenda A Journal of Policy Analysis & Reform1994-ANU E Press..
Agenda Cultural Alma Máter1995-Universidad de Antioquia..
Agenda Internacional1994-Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú..
Agenda Internacional1994-Dialnet..
Agenda Política2013-Universidade Federal de São Carlos..
Agenda política2013-Universidade Federal de São Carlos..
Agenda pública2002-Universidad de Chile..
Agenda San Francisco Calif. Recreation and Park Dept2002-2007BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agenda social2002-Employment and Social Affairs Directorate General, European Commission..
Ager Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural2001-Recyt..
Ager Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural2001-Red ALyC..
Ager Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural2001-2005Dialnet..
Ager Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblacion y Desarrollo Rural2001-Universidad de Zaragoza..
AgExporter1996-2008U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service.Cambio de: FAS Worldwide
Agfact Australia1997-New South Wales Agriculture (Australia)..
Aggregate2020-Wiley Online Library..
Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and Monetary Base1998-Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System..
Aging Advances2024-MedKnow..
Aging Albany NY2009-PubMed Central..
Aging Albany NY2009-Impact Journals..
Aging and Cancer2020-Wiley Online Library..
Aging and Disease2010-JKL international LLC..
Aging and Disease2010-PubMed Central..
Aging and Health Research2021-Elsevier Science..
Aging Brain2021-Elsevier Science..
Aging Brain2021-PubMed Central..
Aging Cell2002-Wiley Online Library..
Aging Cell2008-PubMed Central..
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research2024-Springer.Cambio de: Aging
Aging Male1998-Taylor & Francis..
Aging Medicine2018-Ovid Technologies, Inc...
Aging Medicine2018-Wiley Online Library..
Aging Medicine2018-PubMed Central..
Aging Medicine and Healthcare2021-Full Universe Integrated Marketing Limited..
Aging Research2023-Sciopen..
AGIT Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik2015-Wichmann, VDE..
Agitprop Revista Brasileira de Design2008-Anthea Comunicação..
Aglala2010-Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez..
AgLetter1996-Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.Cambio de: Agricultural Letter
AgLetter1995-University of Minnesota Libraries.Cambio de: Agricultural Letter
Agnote1999-New South Wales Agriculture (Australia)..
AGON International Journal of Sport Sciences2011-2015Dialnet..
Agon Revue des arts de la scène2012-Open Edition..
Agone1999-Agone Editeur..
Agora2011-University of Alberta..
Agora de Heterodoxias2015-Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado..
Agora débats jeunesses1995-2006Persee..
Agora débats jeunesses2007- excepto últimos 48 mesesCAIRN..
Agora digital2001-Dialnet..
Agora Estudos classicos em debate2005-Red ALyC..
Agora Estudos classicos em debate1999-Universidade de Aveiro..
Agora International Journal of Economical Sciences2016-Agora University Press..
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences2007-AGORA University Publishing House..
Agora Papeles de Filosofia1981-2012Universidade de Santiago de Compostela..
Agora Papeles de Filosofia2012-Universidade de Santiago de Compostela..
Agora para la Educación Física y el Deporte2001-Dialnet..
Agora para la Educación Física y el Deporte2001-Dialnet..
Agora para la Educación Física y el Deporte2017-Universidad de Valladolid..
Agora psycho pragmatica2009-Universitatii Aurel Vlaicu Arad..
Agora revista de história, geografia e gastronomia2007-Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul..
Agora revista de história, geografia e gastronomia2007-Sumarios..
Agora Trujillo1998-Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)..
Ágora: Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica2000-SciELO (Brasil)..
Ágora: Estudos em Teoria Psicanalítica2005-Red ALyC..
Agraarteadus1997-Estonian Academic Agricultural Society..
Agrarforschung Schweiz1994-Agroscope, Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft Schweiz..
Agraria Revista Científica Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias2011-Universidad Nacional de Jujuy..
Agrária São Paulo Online 2004-USP Portal del Revistas..
Agrarian2008-Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados..
Agrárinformatika Folyóirat2010-Hungarian Association of Agricultural Informatics..
Agrarni Nauki2009-Akademichno Izdatelstvo na Agrarniya Universitet..
Agrartechnik1973-1990VEB Verl. Technik..
Agrartechnische Forschung1995-2007Universität Hohenheim..
Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie2003-2005University of Minnesota Libraries..
Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie2003- excepto últimos 12 mesesSchweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie..
Agrekon1997-University of Minnesota Libraries..
Agri The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology2000-Agri..
Agri-Environmental Sciences2015-Universidade Estadual do Tocantins..
Agri-news1975-2003BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agribusiness and Information Management2009-Korea Science..
Agric2013-Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana..
Agricultura (Slovenia)2002-University of Maribor..
Agricultura Andina2005-Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)..
Agricultura de conservación AC2005-Dialnet..
Agricultura em Sao Paulo2000-Instituto de Economia Agricola..
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo2004-Colegio de Postgraduados..
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo2004-2019SciELO (Mexico)..
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo2013-Dialnet..
Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo2005-Red ALyC..
Agricultura Técnica2000-2007Bioline.Cambio a: Chilean journal of agricultural research
Agricultura Técnica2000-2007SciELO (Chile).Cambio a: Chilean journal of agricultural research
Agricultura Técnica2000-Dialnet.Cambio a: Chilean journal of agricultural research
Agricultura Técnica en México2006-2009SciELO (Mexico)..
Agricultura Técnica en México1999-2009INIFAP..
Agricultura Técnica en México2000-2009Red ALyC..
Agricultura Técnica en México2006-Dialnet..
Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica2012-Sciendo..
Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica2016-Mendel University in Brno..
Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica1989-2015Mendel University in Brno..
Agricultura y sociedad1976-Dialnet..
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus ACS1997-University of Zagreb..
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus ACS2000-Hrcak..
Agricultural & Environmental Letters2016-Wiley Online Library..
Agricultural & Resource Economics Review1993-University of Minnesota Libraries.Cambio de: Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Agricultural & Resource Economics Review2016-Cambridge University Press.Cambio de: Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Agricultural Administration Research and Extension Network Paper1999-Overseas Development Institute (England)..
Agricultural Advances2012-SJournals..
Agricultural and Biological Chemistry1961-1991J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic.Cambio a: Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
Agricultural and Biological Research2011-Young Environmentalist Association..
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering2000-2006Korea Science..
Agricultural and Food Economics2013-SpringerOpen..
Agricultural and Food Science2004-The Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland and MTT Agrifood Research Finland.Cambio de: Agricultural and food science in Finland
Agricultural and food science in Finland1945-2004The Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland and MTT Agrifood Research Finland..Cambio a: Agricultural and food science
Agricultural and Food Science Journal of Ghana2004-AJOL..
Agricultural and industrial progress in Canada1920-1922BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural and Resource Economics2015-Kharkiv P. Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture..
Agricultural bulletin of the Malay Peninsula1897-1900BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States New series1903-1912BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural Chemical Usage1991-U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics..
Agricultural Economics1986-2004University of Minnesota Libraries..
Agricultural Economics & Development2009-ISC..
Agricultural Economics (Zemedelska Ekonomika)2002-Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences..
Agricultural Economics Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics2009-College of Economics and Agricultural Development..
Agricultural Economics Research1949-1987University of Minnesota Libraries.Cambio a: Journal of agricultural economics research
Agricultural Economics Research Review2005-University of Minnesota Libraries..
Agricultural Economics Review2000-University of Minnesota Libraries..
Agricultural Economics Review2000-Greek Association of Agricultural Economics..
Agricultural Engineering2005-University of Belgrade..
Agricultural Engineering2016-Sciendo..
Agricultural Engineering1997-Polskie Towarzystwo Inżynierii Rolniczej..
Agricultural Engineering International1999-International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR)..
Agricultural Engineering International1999-International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering..
Agricultural Engineering International1999-International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering..
Agricultural Engineering International1999-International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering..
Agricultural Engineering Research Journal2011-IDOSI..
Agricultural gazette of New South Wales, The1890-1982BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural History1927-1965Cornell University Library.Cambio de: Agricultural History Society Papers
Agricultural History Review1953- excepto últimos 60 mesesBritish Agricultural History Society..
Agricultural index1916-1921BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural Information Research1992-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Agricultural Information Worldwide2008-Cornell University Press..
Agricultural Journal2006-Mak Hill Publications..
Agricultural Letter Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago1974-1994University of Minnesota Libraries.Cambio a: AgLetter: the agricultural newsletter from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Agricultural Libraries Information Notes1995-1997U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library..
Agricultural Machinery and Technologies2015-...
Agricultural Management Lucrari Stiintifice Seria I Management Agricol2008-Universitatea de ^tiince Agricole _i Medicin Veterinar a Banatului Timi_oara..
Agricultural Marketing Journal of Japan1992-J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic..
Agricultural museum designed to be a repository of valuable information to the farmer and manufacturer and the mean of a free communication of sentiment1810-1812BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural news Great Britain. Imperial Dept. of Agriculture for the West Indies1902-1919BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural Outlook Forum1998-University of Minnesota Libraries..
Agricultural Prices Monthly1995-U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library..
Agricultural Research1996-U.S. Department of Agriculture..
Agricultural Science2013-Science and Education Centre of North America..
Agricultural Science2017-LPPM Universitas Merdeka Surabaya..
Agricultural Science and Practice2014-National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine..
Agricultural Science and Technology2009-Trakia University. Faculty of Agriculture, Stara Zagora..
Agricultural Science Euro-North-East2016-Elpub.ru..
Agricultural Sciences2010-Scientific Research Publishing..
Agricultural societies newsletter1977-1990BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agricultural Water Management2023-Elsevier Science..
Agriculture2011-MDPI AG..
Agriculture2016-NB-Media Ltd..
Agriculture & Biology Journal of North America2010-Science Huβ..
Agriculture & Food Security2012-BioMed Central..
Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia2010-2016Elsevier Science..
Agriculture and Forestry1955-University of Montenegro..
Agriculture and Natural Resources2016-2018Elsevier Sciencetransferred back to the society 2019Cambio de: Kasetsart Journal Natural Science
Agriculture and Natural Resources2008-Kasetsart University.Cambio de: Kasetsart Journal Natural Science
Agriculture Communications2023-Elsevier Science..
Agriculture Development Journal2022-Nepal Journals Online..
Agriculture for Life Life for Agriculture2012-Universitatea de Științe Agronomice și Medicină Veterinară din București..
Agriculture in the European Union Statistical and Economic Information2000-European Commission..
Agriculture Newsletter1998-European Commission..
Agriculture of Maine : ... annual report of the Commissioner of Agriculture of the State of Maine1902-1916BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agriculture of Maine. ... annual report of the Secretary of the Maine Board of Agriculture1856-1888BioDiversity Heritage Library..
Agriculture Pol'nohospodárstvo2011-Sciendo..
Agriculture Pol'nohospodárstvo1954-Plant Production Research Center Piešťany..
AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review2004-Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek..
AGRICULTURE Scientific and Professional Review2004-Hrcak..
Agriculture Update2010-Research Journals India..
Agriculturists, The2007-BanglaJOL..
Agriculturists, The2010-Krishi Foundation..
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