Titulo | Fecha | Proveedor | Acceso | Cambio de titulo |
Asia Pacific- Research Journal of Area Study Centre Far East & South East Asia | 1995- | University of Sindh | . | . |
Asia research network | 2008- | Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies | . | . |
Asia review | 2011- | Seoul National University Asia Center | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Report | 2022- | United Nations | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Blood Types and Genes | 2017- | Hong Kong Libo Information Consulting Limited | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business | 2010- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship | 2006- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia | 2001- | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism | 2012- | Taylors University | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing | 2014- | Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing | 2014- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing | 2014- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology | 2012- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology | 2012-2023 | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology | 2014- | Khon Kaen University | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine Arthroscopy Rehabilitation and Technology | 2014- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine Arthroscopy Rehabilitation and Technology | 2015- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asia-Pacific journal of taxation | 1997-2009 | Hong Kong Journals Online | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Science Education | 2015-2019 | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Asia-Pacific Science Education | 2015- | Brill | . | . |
Asia-Pacific sustainable development journal APSDJ | 2018- | United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | . | . |
Asiadémica Revista universitaria de Estudios sobre Asia Oriental | 2012- | Asiadémica | . | . |
Asiadémica Revista universitaria de Estudios sobre Asia Oriental | 2012- | RACO | . | . |
Asiadémica Revista universitaria de Estudios sobre Asia Oriental | 2015- | Dialnet | . | . |
AsiaIntervention | 2018- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian & African Studies 13351257 | 1997- | Slovak Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Asian Academy of Management Journal | 2002- | Universiti Sains Malaysia | . | . |
Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance | 2005- | Universiti Sains Malaysia | . | . |
Asian affairs | 2002-2008 | University of Dacca | . | . |
Asian Agricultural Research | 2009- | University of Minnesota Libraries | . | . |
Asian American Literature Discourses & Pedagogies | 2010- | San Jose State University | . | . |
Asian and African Area Studies | 2001- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology | 2007-2013 | Global Science Books | . | . |
Asian Association of Open Universities Journal | 2005- | Emerald | . | . |
Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 1988- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2012-2020 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 1988- | Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies | . | . |
Asian Bioethics Review | 2018- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Biomedicine | 2010 | Sciendo | . | . |
Asian Biomedicine | 2020- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Biotechnology and Development Review | 2002- | Research and Information System for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (RIS) | . | . |
Asian Building & Construction | 1971-1980 | Hong Kong Journals Online | . | . |
Asian Business Research | 2016- | July Press | . | . |
Asian Communication Research | 2012- | Asian Communication Research | . | . |
Asian Culture & History | 2009- | Canadian Center of Science and Education | . | . |
Asian Development Outlook | 1998- | Asian Development Bank | . | . |
Asian Development Perspectives | 2010- | Yonsei University | . | . |
Asian Development Policy Review | 2011- | Asian Economic and Social Society | . | . |
Asian Development Review | 1995- | Asian Development Bank | . | . |
Asian Development Review | 2005- | World Scientific Publishing Company | . | . |
Asian Economic and Financial Review | 2011- | Asian Economic and Social Society | . | . |
Asian EFL Journal | 2002- | Asian EFL Journal | . | . |
Asian English Studies | 1999-2022 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian ESP Journal | 2005- | Time Taylor International Ltd | . | . |
Asian Ethnology | 2008- | Asian Folklore Studies | . | Cambio de: Asian Folklore Studies |
Asian Fisheries Science | 1987- | Asian Fisheries Society | . | . |
Asian folk culture studies | 2002-2020 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Folklore Studies | 1963-2007 | Asian Folklore Studies | . | Cambio a: Asian Ethnology |
Asian Herpetological Research | 2010- | Chinese Academy of Sciences | . | . |
Asian highlands perspectives AHP | 2009- | University of Toronto | . | . |
Asian International Journal of Social Sciences | 2014- | WordPress | . | . |
Asian Jewish life | 2009- | Asian Jewish Life Ltd. | . | . |
Asian Journal for Mathematics Education | 2022- | Sage Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research | 2013- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Accounting & Governance | 2010- | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | . | . |
Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives | 2008- | Universiti Malaya | . | . |
Asian Journal of Accounting Research | 2016- | Emerald | . | . |
Asian Journal of Advances in Basic and Applied Science | 2015- | FOPRAS | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agricultural Research | 2007- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 2009- | Maxwell Science Publication | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology | 2013- | Life Sciences Society of Pakistan | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development | 2004- | University of Minnesota Libraries | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development | 2004- | SEARCA | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development | 2004- | Repec | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development | 2011- | Asian Economic and Social Society | . | . |
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development | 2011- | University of Minnesota Libraries | selecciones disponibles | . |
Asian Journal of Algebra | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Andrology | 1999- | Shanghai Materia Medica | . | . |
Asian Journal of Andrology | 2009- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Journal of Andrology | 2014- | MedKnow | . | . |
Asian Journal of Anesthesiology | 2017-2017 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | Cambio de: Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica |
Asian Journal of Anesthesiology | 2016- | Asian Journal of Anesthesiology | . | Cambio de: Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica |
Asian Journal of Animal & Veterinary Advances | 2006- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Animal Science | 2006- | Research Journals India | . | . |
Asian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2007- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Applied Economics | 2023- | Center for Applied Economics Research | . | . |
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment AJAE | 2007-2018 | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment AJAE | 2018- | Springer | . | . |
Asian Journal of Behavioural Studies | 2016- | e-International Publishing House (e-IPH) Ltd., U.K. | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research | 2011- | Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biochemistry | 2006- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biodiversity | 2010- | Asian Scientific Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences | 2012- | Pbspublishing | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biological Sciences | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biology Education | 2002- | Asian Association for Biology Education | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biology Education | 2002- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2011- | Allied Academies | . | . |
Asian Journal of Biotechnology | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Business and Accounting | 2008- | Universiti Malaya | . | . |
Asian Journal of Business and Governance | 2011- | Asian Scientific Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences | 2011- | Society for Business Research Promotion | . | . |
Asian Journal of Business Environment | 2011- | Korea Distribution Science Association | . | . |
Asian Journal of Business Management | 2009- | Maxwell Science Publication | . | . |
Asian Journal of Business Management Studies | 2010- | IDOSI | . | . |
Asian Journal of Cell Biology | 2006- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology | 2011- | Innovative Journal | . | . |
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 2015- | The Research Publication | . | . |
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology | 2012- | Turtle Conservation & Research Programme | . | . |
Asian Journal of Counselling | 1992-2009 | Hong Kong Journals Online | . | . |
Asian Journal of Crop Science | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Current Engineering & Maths | 2012- | Innovative Journal | . | . |
Asian Journal of Dermatology | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Developmental Biology | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian journal of distance education | 2006- | Asian Society of Open and Distance Education | . | . |
Asian Journal of Earth Sciences | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Economics and Banking | 2020- | Emerald | . | . |
Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences | 2015- | The Research Publication | . | . |
Asian Journal of Empirical Research | 2011- | Asian Economic and Social Society | . | . |
Asian journal of empirical research AJER | 2001- | . | . | . |
Asian Journal of Engineering Sciences & Technology | 2011- | Iqra University | . | . |
Asian Journal of English Language Studies (AJELS) | 2013- | Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas | . | . |
Asian Journal of Epidemiology | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences | 2010- | Society of Applied Sciences | . | . |
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting | 2009- | Macrothink Institute | . | . |
Asian journal of gambling issues and public health | 2013-2017 | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Asian Journal of German and European Studies | 2015-2019 | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Asian Journal of Health | 2011- | Asian Scientific Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Home Science | 2008- | Research Journals India | . | . |
Asian Journal of Human Services | 2013- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Journal of Humanity Art and Literature | 2014- | Asian Business Consortium | . | . |
Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Information Management | 2007- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Information Technology | 2004-2022 | Internet Archive | . | . |
Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy | 2012- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Islamic Management | 2019- | P3EI-Center for Islamic Economics Studies and Development | . | . |
Asian Journal of Journalism and Media Studies | 2019-2019 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Journal of Latin American Studies | 1997- | Latin American Studies Association of Korea | . | . |
Asian Journal of Management Research | 2010- | Integrated Publishing Association | . | . |
Asian Journal of Management Research | 2010- | Integrated Publishing Association | . | . |
Asian Journal of Marketing | 2007- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Materials Science | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Mathematics | 2004- excepto últimos 60 meses | Project Euclid | . | . |
Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 2015- | BanglaJOL | . | . |
Asian Journal of Medical Humanities | 2022- | de Gruyter | . | . |
Asian Journal of Medical Research | 2012- | Sydus International Scientific Publishing | . | . |
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2010- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2009- | Maxwell Science Publication | . | . |
Asian Journal of Nematology | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Neuroscience | 2013-2016 | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | . | . |
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery | 2010- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery | 2011- | Thieme | . | . |
Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy | 2001- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Journal of Oncology | 2015- | Thieme | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pediatric Nephrology | 2018- | MedKnow | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies | 1998- | Asia Pacific Theological Seminary | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research | 2008- | Abhilasha Jain | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research | 2013- | Abhilasha Jain | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research | 2011- | Young Pharmaceutical and Biological Scientist Group | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences | 2011- | Pharmaceutical and Biological Society | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | 2012- | Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Health Care | 2012- | AJPRHC | . | Cambio de: Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Health Care | 2009- | MedKnow | . | Cambio de: Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2013- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2017- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2007- | BRNSS Publication Hub | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science | 2011- | Shri Balram Singh Education Society | . | . |
Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science | 2011- | Shri Balram Singh Education Society | . | . |
Asian Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Research | 2013- | Asian Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Research | . | . |
Asian Journal of Plant Pathology | 2007- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences | 2002- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Population Sciences | 2022- | Nepal Journals Online | . | . |
Asian Journal of Poultry Science | 2007- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Public Administration | 1983-2003 | Hong Kong Journals Online | . | Cambio de: Hong Kong Journal of Public Administration | Cambio a: Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration |
Asian journal of public affairs AJPA | 2007- | Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy | . | . |
Asian Journal of Quality of Life | 2016- | e-International Publishing House (e-IPH) Ltd., U.K. | . | . |
Asian Journal of Rural Development | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Scientific Research | 2008- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics | 2009- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior | 2021- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | Cambio de: Social Health and Behavior |
Asian Journal of Social Science Research | 2018- | UNITAR International University | . | . |
Asian Journal of Soil Science | 2014- | Research Journals India | . | . |
Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology | 2021- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine | 2010- | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | . | . |
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine | 2010-2016 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine | 2010-2015 | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | . | . |
Asian journal of surgery | 2002- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian journal of surgery | 2002- | Excerpta Medica Asia | . | . |
Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility | 2016-2020 | SpringerOpen | . | . |
Asian Journal of Technology Management | 2008- | Institut Teknologi Bandung | . | . |
Asian Journal of Textile | 2009- | Academic Journals | . | . |
Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | 2014- | NUS Teaching Academy | . | Cambio de: Journal of the NUS Teaching Academy |
Asian Journal of Transfusion Science | 2007- | MedKnow | . | . |
Asian Journal of Transfusion Science | 2007- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science | 1987-2012 | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian journal of university education AJUE | 2006- | Universi Tehnologi MARA | . | . |
Asian journal of university education AJUE | 2006- | Universi Tehnologi MARA | . | . |
Asian Journal of Urology | 2014- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Journal of Urology | 2014- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Journal on Quality | 2000-2009 | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian Literature and Translation | 2013- | Cardiff University | . | . |
Asian Myrmecology | 2008- | Universiti Malaya | . | . |
Asian Nursing Research | 2007- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Nursing Research | 2007- | Korean Society of Nursing Science | . | . |
Asian Nursing Research | 2010- | KoreaMed | . | . |
Asian Oncology Nursing | 2012- | Synapse | . | Cambio de: Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing |
Asian Oncology Nursing | 2001-2012 | Korea Science | . | Cambio de: Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing |
Asian Oncology Nursing | 2012- | KoreaMed | . | Cambio de: Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing |
Asian Pacific Island Nursing Journal | 2014- | University of Nevada | . | . |
Asian Pacific Island Nursing Journal | 2018- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology | 1983- | Allergy and Immunology Cociety of Thailand | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Biology | 2016- | West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Care | 2016- | West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2000- | Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2012- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2016- excepto últimos 2 meses | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management | 2007-2021 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Environment and Cancer | 2018- | West Asia Organization for Cancer Prevention | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 2012-2016 | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction | 2017- | MedKnow | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 2011-2017 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 2011-2014 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine | 2011- | MedKnow | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | 2013-2014 | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | 2011- | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease | 2011- | Ingenta plc | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 2010-2017 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 2018- | MedKnow | . | . |
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 2011- | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | . | . |
Asian Pacific Law & Policy Journal | 2000- | University of Hawaii | . | . |
Asian Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety | 1995- | Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the International Labour | . | . |
Asian paleoprimatology | 2000- | Kyoto University | . | . |
Asian Perspective | 1999- | Project Muse | . | . |
Asian Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities | 2011- | Ateneo de Manila University | . | . |
Asian Primates Journal | 2008- | Primate Specialist Group | . | . |
Asian Review of Political Economy | 2022- | Springer | . | . |
Asian review of World Histories | 2013- | Korea Science | . | . |
Asian social democracy journal | 2009-2012 | Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung | . | . |
Asian Social Science | 2008- | Canadian Center of Science and Education | . | . |
Asian Spine Journal | 2007- | Synapse | . | . |
Asian Spine Journal | 2007- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asian Spine Journal | 2007- | KoreaMed | . | . |
Asian studies | 2013- | University of Ljubljana | . | . |
Asian Studies | 1954- | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian studies | 1992-2010 | Hong Kong Journals Online | . | . |
Asian Studies Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia | 1999- | University of the Philippines Diliman | . | . |
Asian Studies Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia | 1963- | University of the Philippines Diliman | . | . |
Asian Studies WWW Monitor | 1994- | Australian National University, National Institute for Asia and | . | . |
Asian Transport Studies | 2010-2019 | J-STAGE, Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic | . | . |
Asian Transport Studies | 2020- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Asian Week | 1996- | Pan Asia Venture Capital Corporation | . | . |
Asian Women | 1995- | Sookmyung Women's University | . | . |
Asian-European Music Research Journal | 2018- | Logos Verlag Berlin | . | . |
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education | 2016- | SpringerOpen | . | . |
AsiaNetwork Exchange | 2008- | Open Library of Humanities | . | . |
AsiaOnline | 2010- | Flinders University | . | . |
AsiaPacific Issues | 2002- | East-West Center Program on Population | . | . |
Asiascape occasional papers | 2007- | Contemporary East Asian Media Centre (CEAMC) | . | . |
Asiatic herpetological research | 1990-2008 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Asiatic herpetological research | 1990- | Asiatic Herptological Research Society | . | . |
Asiatic IIUM Journal of English Language & Literature | 2007- | International Islamic University Malysia | . | . |
Asiatic researches, or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences and literature of Asia | 1792-1836 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Asiatische Studien Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft | 1947- | ETH-Bibliothek | . | Cambio de: Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft der Freunde Ostasiatischer Kultur |
AsiaView | 1999-2007 | Murdoch University (Australia), Asia Research Centre | . | . |
ASIEN The German Journal on Contemporary Asia | 2010- excepto últimos 6 meses | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde | . | . |
ASIL Insights American Society of International Law | 1996- | American Society of International Law | . | . |
Asinag | 2018- | Open Edition | . | . |
Asinus novus Antispecismo e filosofia | 2012- | Asinus novus | . | . |
Ask Research & methods | 2008- | Polska Akademia Nauk | . | . |
Áskesis | 2014- | Universidade Federal de São Carlos | . | . |
Asklepion Informação em Saúde Asklepion Health Information | 2021- | IBICT | . | . |
ASLO Bulletin | 1990-2001 | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio a: Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin |
ASLO Web Lectures | 2009-2011 | Wiley Online Library | . | Cambio a: Limnology and Oceanography e-Lectures |
ASM Science Journal | 2007- | Academy of Sciences Malaysia | . | . |
ASME Open Journal of Engineering | 2022- | ASME Digital Collection | . | . |
ASN NEURO | 2009- | Sage Journals | . | . |
ASN NEURO | 2009- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Asniut Journal of Sport Science and Arts | 2013- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Asociación Anticomunista Internacional Boletín de información de los meses | 1930 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Asociación Cultural para la Historia de Albelda revista anual | 2016- | Dialnet | . | . |
Asociación Española de Abogados Especializados en Responsabilidad Civil y Seguros | 2010- | Dialnet | . | . |
ASP La revue du GERAS | 1993- excepto últimos 36 meses | Open Edition | . | . |
Asparkía investigació feminista | 2008- | Dialnet | . | . |
Asparkía investigació feminista | 1992- | RACO | . | . |
Aspasia | 2019- | Berghahn Books | . | . |
Aspects of Molecular Medicine | 2023- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Aspects Revue d'études francophones sur l'Etat de droit et la democratie | 2007- | Agence universitaire de la Francophonie | . | . |
Aspeers | 2008- | American Studies Leipzig | . | . |
Aspekty - knižná edícia | 2007- | CEEOL | . | . |
Aspiracje Pismo Warszawskich Uczelni Artystycznych | 2006- | Akademia Teatralna im. Aleksandra Zelwerowicza | . | . |
Aspirare | 2014- | University of Delhi | . | . |
Aspirator Journal of Vector Borne Diseases Studies | 2009- | Ministry of Health of Indonesia | . | . |
ASR Chiang Mai University journal of social sciences and humanities | 2014- | Chiang Mai University | . | Cambio de: Chiang Mai University journal of social sciences and humanities |
ASRI Arte y Sociedad Revista de Investigación | 2011- | Dialnet | . | . |
ASRI Arte y Sociedad Revista de Investigación | 2011- | EUMED.NET | . | . |
ASRO Journal of Applied Mechanics | 2016- | Academic and Scientific Research Organization | . | . |
Assaig de teatre: revista de l'Associació d'Investigació i Experimentació Teatral | 1994- | RACO | . | . |
Assam Journal of Internal Medicine | 2011- | MedKnow | . | . |
ASSAPH Section A Studies in the arts Orbis musicae | 1972-1998 | Tel-Aviv University | . | . |
Assay and Drug Development Technologies | 2008- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Assemblage The Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology | 1996- | University of Sheffield | . | . |
Assembled papers on the North European rust fungi | 1975-1975 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Assembly | 1995- | Business News Publishing Company | . | . |
Assensus | 2016- | Universidad de Córdoba | . | . |
Asseria | 2003-2014 | Hrcak | . | . |
Assets: Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pendidikan | 2016- | Universitas PGRI Madiun | . | . |
Assimilation | 2020- | Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | . | . |
Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 2014- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal | 2013- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Assiut University Bulletin for Environmental Researchers | 1998- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Assiut University journal of chemistry | 2009- excepto últimos 12 meses | Assiut University | . | . |
Assiut University Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research | 2015- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal | 1974- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
ASSOBRAFIR Ciência | 2009- | Universidade Estadual de Londrina | . | . |
Associates The Electronic Library Support Staff Journal | 1994- | University of California, Riverside | . | . |
Association for Computing Machinery New Zealand Bulletin | 2005- | Association for Computing Machinery New Zealand | . | . |
Association for Environmental Archaeology Newsletter | 2000- | Association for Environmental Archaeology | . | . |
Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania newsletter | 1967- | Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania | . | . |
Association française des femmes médecins | 1933-1963 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Association Medical Journal | 1853-1856 | Pubmed Central | . | Cambio a: The British Medical Journal |
Association Meetings | 1996- | Primedia Business Magazines and Media | . | . |
Association of Concerned Africa Scholars bulletin | 1995- | Association of Concerned Africa Scholars | . | . |
Association of Mexican American Educators Journal | 2009- | Association of Mexican American Educators | . | . |
Association polytechnique Compte-rendu | 1832-1835 | Gallica. Bibliothèque Nationale Paris | . | . |
Association pour l'Encouragement des Études Grecques en France | 1867-1867 | JSTOR | . | . |
Assurance Magazine | 1851-1852 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Assurance Magazine, and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries |
Assurance Magazine and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries | 1853-1866 | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Assurance Magazine | Cambio a: Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1866-1867) |
Assurances et Gestion des Risques | 2003- excepto últimos 12 meses | Erudit | . | . |
Asta regia | 1880-1883 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Astarté | 2018- | Universidad de Cordoba | . | . |
Astérion | 2003- | Open Edition | . | . |
Astérisque | 1973- excepto últimos 120 meses | Numdam | . | . |
Asthma Allergy Immunology Astim Allerji Immunoloji | 2009- | Turkish National Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | . | . |
Asthma in General Practice | 1997-2000 | General Practice Airways Group | . | . |
Asthma Research and Practice | 2015-2023 | BioMed Central | . | . |
Asthma Research and Practice | 2015- | PubMed Central | . | . |
ASTRA Proceedings | 2014-2015 | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Astra Salvensis | 2013- | EBSCO | . | . |
Astragalo | 2016- | Editorial Universidad de Sevilla | . | . |
Astrobiology | 2010- excepto últimos 12 meses | PubMed Central | Artículos selectos | . |
Astrolabio americano | 1719, 1735 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Astrolabio Buenos Aires | 2010- | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | . | . |
Astrolabio Buenos Aires | 2006- | Dialnet | . | . |
Astrolabio Revista Internacional de Filosofía | 2005- | Universitat de Barcelona | . | . |
Astrolabio Revista Internacional de Filosofía | 2005- | Dialnet | . | . |
Astrolabio Revista Internacional de Filosofía | 2005- | RACO | . | . |
Astrolabio: Nueva Época | 2010- | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | . | . |
Astrolabio: Nueva Época | 2020- | SciELO (Argentina) | . | . |
Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions | 1998-1998 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomical and Meteorological Observations Made at the United States | 1862-1885 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomical Journal | 1849-1997 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomical Journal | 1998- excepto últimos 12 meses | IOP Publishing | . | . |
Astronomical Magnetic and Meteorological Observations made at the U S | 1890-1891 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomical Review | 2011- | Taylor & Francis | . | . |
Astronomical School's Report | 2009- | National Aviation University | . | . |
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series | 1988-1995 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series | 1988-1997 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomische Nachrichten | 1823-1998 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomy | 2022- | MDPI AG | . | . |
Astronomy & Astrophysics | 1969-1996 | Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomy & Astrophysics | 2001- | EDP Sciences | . | . |
Astronomy & Astrophysics | 1969-2000 | Springer | . | . |
Astronomy & Geophysics | 1996- excepto últimos 36 meses | Oxford Academic | . | . |
Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters | 1969-1996 | Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series | 1970-1996 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series | 1996-2000 | EDP Sciences | . | . |
Astronomy Education Review | 2001- | American Astronomical Society | . | . |
Astronomy Letters | 1992- | Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astronomy Now | 1998- | Pole Star Publications Ltd | . | . |
Astronomy Studies Development | 2011- | PAGEPress | . | . |
Astrophysica Norvegica | 1934-1968 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astrophysical Journal | 1895-1999 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astrophysical Journal | 1996- excepto últimos 12 meses | IOP Publishing | . | . |
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 1954-1996 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 1996- excepto últimos 12 meses | IOP Publishing | . | . |
Astrophysics & Space Physics Reviews | 1995-1996 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astrophysics & Space Science | 1968-1993 | NASA Astrophysics Data System | . | . |
Astrophysics & Space Sciences Transactions ASTRA | 2005- | Copernicus Publications | . | . |
Asturiensia Medievalia | 1972-1996 | Dialnet | . | . |
Aswan Heart Centre Science & Practice Series | 2011 | Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation | . | . |
Aswan Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences | 2021- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Aswan University Journal of Environmental Studies | 2020- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Aswan University Journal of Sciences and Technology | 2021- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Aswan University Medical Journal | 2021- | Egyptian Journals | . | . |
Asy-Syari'ah | 2014- | Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung | . | . |
Asylmagazin | 2002- | Informationsverbund Asyl/ZDWF e.V | . | . |
Asymmetric Catalysis | 2015-2016 | Portico | . | . |
Asynchronous Learning Networks Magazine | 1997- | Sloan and Babson Colleges, Sloan Center of OnLine Education | . | . |
AT Arquitectes de Tarragona | 2002- | RACO | . | . |
At the Edge | 2010- | Memorial University of Newfoundland | . | . |
At the foundation | 1984-1986 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
At-Ta'dib | 2008- | Universitas Darussalam Gontor | . | . |
At-Tahdzib | 2013- | Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At Tahdzib Jombang | . | . |
At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah | 2016- | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Muhammadiyah Pacitan | . | . |
At-Taradhi: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi | 2013- | Institut Agama Islam Negeri Antasari | . | . |
At-Tarbawi | 2016- | Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Surakarta | . | . |
At-turas: Jurnal Studi Keislaman | 2014- | Center for Publication, Research, and Social Empowerment (LP3M) Nurul Jadid University Paiton Probolinggo. | . | . |
At-Turats | 2014- | IAIN Pontianak | . | . |
Atala Xerces Society | 1973-1987 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Atalanta Revista de las letras barrocas | 2013- | Universidad de Sevilla | . | . |
Atalaya | 1998- | Open Edition | . | . |
Atalaya de La Mancha en Madrid | 1813-1815 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Atalaya de La Mancha en Madrid Reimp en Sevilla | 1814 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Atalaya Médica Turolense | 2012- | Dialnet | . | . |
Atalaya Médica Turolense | 2012- | Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Teruel | . | . |
Atalaya patriótico de Málaga | 1809 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Atalaya sociopolítica de Casa Ãrabe | 2008- | . | . | . |
Atas de Saúde Ambiental | 2013- | Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas | . | . |
Atas de Saúde Ambiental | 2013- | BVS-Vet | . | . |
Ataturk Universitesi Tip Dergisi | 1968-2006 | Atatürk Univ. School of Medicine | . | Cambio a: Eurasian Journal of Medicine |
Ataturk Universitesi Tip Dergisi | 1997-2003 | Dergipark | . | Cambio a: Eurasian Journal of Medicine |
Atatürk Ãœniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2010-2021 | Dergipark | . | Cambio a: Veterinary Sciences and Practices |
Ataúd periódico muerto destinado a hacer entrar en caja a todos los seres humanos | 1903 | Galiciana | . | . |
Atavisme | 2007- | Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur | . | . |
ATBU Journal of Environmental Technology | 2011- | AJOL | . | . |
Atek Na | 2012- | Universidad Nacional de Luján | . | . |
Ateliê de História UEPG | 2013- | Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa | . | . |
Atelie Geografico | 2007- | Universidade Federal de Goiás | . | . |
Atelier de traduction Revue semestrielle de théorie et analyse de la traduction | 2004- | Universitatea 'Stefan cel Mare' din Suceava | . | . |
Ateliers d'anthropologie | 2003- | Open Edition | . | . |
ATeM Archives of Text and Music Studies | 2017- | Archiv fr Textmusikforschung | . | . |
Atenas | 2012- | Universidad de Matanzas | . | . |
Atenas | 2012- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Atenas Revista Científica Técnica y Tecnológica | 2022- | Instituto Superior Tecnológico del Azuay | . | . |
Atención Familiar | 2009- | UNAM | . | . |
Atención Familiar | 2011- | Medigraphic | . | . |
Atención Familiar | 2013-2017 | Elsevier Science | transferred back to the society 2018 | . |
Atencion Primaria | 1996- | Elsevier España | . | . |
Atencion Primaria | 2000- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Atención Primaria Práctica | 2019- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Atenea | 2003- | SciELO (Chile) | . | . |
Atenea | 2003- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Atenea | 1924- | Universidad de Concepcion | . | . |
Atenea | 1981- | Universidad de Puerto Rico | . | . |
Atenea Madrid 1916 | 1916 | Biblioteca Nacional de España | . | . |
Ateneo | 2000- | BVS - Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (Cuba) | . | . |
Ateneo | 2000 | Imbiomed | Registro individual requerido | . |
Ateneo periódico de intereses materiales ciencias artes y literatura | 1859 | Galiciana | . | . |
Atfaluna | 2018- | IAIN Langsa | . | . |
Athar Alrafedain | 2012- | Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals | . | . |
Athena Intelligence Journal | 2006- | Athena Intelligence | . | . |
Athenea Digital Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social | 2001- | Red ALyC | . | . |
Athenea Digital Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social | 2001- | Dialnet | . | . |
Athenea Digital Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social | 2001- | RACO | . | . |
Athenea Digital Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social | 2001- | Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona | . | . |
Athens Journal of Architecture | 2015- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens Journal of Business & Economics | 2015- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens Journal of Education | 2014- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens Journal of History | 2015- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts | 2014- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications | 2015- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens Journal of Social Sciences | 2014- | Athens Institute for Education and Research | . | . |
Athens University Review Of Archaeology AURA | 2018- | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | . | . |
Atherosclerosis Plus | 2021- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Atherosclerosis Plus | 2021- | PubMed Central | . | . |
Atherosclerosis Today | 2011- | Universidad Central de Venezuela | . | . |
Atherosclerosis X | 2019- | Elsevier Science | . | . |
Athiest Notes | 1989- | Libertarian Alliance (UK) | . | . |
Athletic Insight The Online Journal of Sport Psychology | 1999- | Athletic Insight, Inc. | . | . |
Athletic Training Education Journal | 2006-2013 | National Athletic Trainers Association | . | . |
Athletic Training Education Journal | 2006- | Allen Press | . | . |
ATHLOS Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales de la Actividad Física el Juego y el Deporte | 2014- | Dialnet | . | . |
ATHLOS Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales de la Actividad Física el Juego y el Deporte | 2011- | Museo del Juego S.L. | . | . |
ATIKAN Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan | 2011- | ASPENSI | . | . |
Atiqot Publication of the Israel Antiquities Authority | 2010- | Israel Antiquities Authority | . | . |
Atiqot Publication of the Israel Antiquities Authority | 2004- | JSTOR | . | . |
Atividade Física Lazer & Qualidade de Vida revista de educação física | 2010- | Universidade do Estado do Amazonas | . | . |
Atlante Revue d'Etudes Romanes | 2020- | Open Edition | . | . |
Atlantic Geology | 1965- | University of New Brunswick | . | Cambio de: Maritime sediments and atlantic geology |
Atlantic Geology | 1965- excepto últimos 24 meses | Erudit | . | Cambio de: Maritime sediments and atlantic geology |
Atlantic Geoscience | 2022- excepto últimos 12 meses | Erudit | . | . |
Atlantic journal and friend of knowledge | 1832-1833 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Atlantic Law Journal | 2007- | Mid-Atlantic Academy for Legal Studies in Business, Inc | . | . |
Atlantic Monthly | 1857-1901 | Making of America | . | . |
Atlantic Monthly | 1910-1912 | Modernist Journals Project | . | . |
Atlantic Review of Economics | 2011- | Colegio de Economistas de La Coruña | . | . |
Atlantic Review of Economics | 2011- | Dialnet | . | . |
Atlantic Seabirds | 1999-2006 | The Seabird Group | . | Cambio de: Seabird | Cambio a: Seabird |
Atlantic Seabirds | 1999-2006 | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | . | Cambio de: Seabird | Cambio a: Seabird |
Atlantic slope naturalist | 1903-1904 | BioDiversity Heritage Library | . | . |
Atlántica revista de arte y pensamiento | 1990-2007 | Memoria Digital de Canarias | . | . |
Atlantica Rio Grande | 1976- | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande | . | . |
Atlantica Rio Grande | 2007- | Sumarios | . | . |
Atlánticas | 2016- | Universidade da Coruña | . | . |
Atlántida | 2009- | Universidad de la Laguna | . | . |
Atlantis | 1979- | AEDEAN (Asociación española de estudios anglo-norteamericanos) | . | . |
Atlantis | 1979- | Dialnet | . | . |
Atlantis | 1979- | Mount Saint Vincent University | . | . |
Atlantis | 2018- | Erudit | . | . |
Atlantís | 2015- | Universidade de Coimbra | . | . |
Atlantisch Nieuws | 1991 | JSTOR | . | Cambio a: Atlantisch Perspectief |
Atlantisch Perspectief | 1995- | JSTOR | . | Cambio de: Atlantisch Nieuws |
Atlas Journal of Biology | 2010- | Atlas Publishing, LP | . | . |
Atlas Journal of Materials Science | 2014- | Atlas Publishing, LP | . | . |
Atlas Journal of Plant Biology | 2011- | Atlas Publishing, LP | . | . |
Atlas Journal of Science Education | 2010- | Atlas Publishing, LP | . | . |
Atlas Sydney Weekly Journal of Politics Commerce and Literature | 1844-1848 | Australian Cooperative Digitisation Project | . | . |
Atlatl | 1980-1986 | University of Arizona | . | Cambio a: Arizona Anthropologist |